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Raymond van Laake

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About Raymond van Laake

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Hi Pete, I want to control the wind the aircraft "feels". Should I write to offsets 3470, 3478, 3480, 3488, 3490 (X, Y, Z, velocity, direction), or offsets 2DC8, 2DD0, 2DD8, 2DE0, 2DE8 (X, Y, Z, direction, speed) ? I'm not familiar with the term "ambient wind". My purpose is that all pilots have the same wind conditions, regardless of what (external) weather (program) they use. So every second or so I want to write thru FSUIPC what wind the aircraft "feels". Thanks! Ray
  2. Please tell me this didn't happen..... :oops: Regards, Mr. BlindIdiot (it works now :P )
  3. Hmmm... writing directly thru fsuipc doesn't seem to work! My code is: Public Function SpoilerFull_SET() As Boolean varLong = 16383 If FSUIPC_Read(&HBD0, 4, VarPtr(varLong), dwResult) Then If FSUIPC_Process(dwResult) Then SpoilerFull_SET = True Else SpoilerFull_SET = False End If LastError = ResultText(dwResult) End Function The spoiler stays where it is...... someone any ideas?
  4. as usual.... .... a BIG thanks Ray
  5. Thanks for your swift-as-usual reply! Indeed the freeware key is built into the program. My software is The Battle of the Airlines race, and the pilots will get 8 weekly updates. Should there be an FSUIPC update during those weeks, I will include it. Thx Raymond
  6. Hi there, I have a sailplane that has airbrakes, they can be applied with the "/" key. I used the Visual Basic command SendKeys("/") to apply them. Now I learned that a Finnish pilot, with the default keyboard layout, but using a Finnish keyboard, has no "/" key! Instead he must use Shift-F7. Question: can the airbrakes be applied with a direct write thru FSUIPC? Thanks!
  7. Hi Pete, I am on the verge of distributing my software that uses FSUIPC with a freeware key you were generous to give. I have pilots asking: I am running a registered version of FSUIPC as it is. Will this be affected? I will answer them with this: Your FSUIPC registration will not be effected in any way. The file FSUIPC.DLL will be replaced with the latest version (currently 3.30). Your registration is written to the file FSUIPC.KEY; this file will not be replaced or altered, and your registration is valid for the new version of FSUIPC.DLL. For more information about FSUIPC please visit its forum at http://forums.simflight.com/viewforum.php?f=54 Could you please confirm this explanation? Thanks, Raymond van Laake
  8. Well, that's what you get when you don't update the manual as soon as possible..... I was still using the ver 1.42 guide that didn't have offset 31E4.... thanks for putting me straight again! Ray
  9. I have the feeling I am overlooking something very simple.... where can I read how high I am flying above the ground? (Meaning: the distance between the ground and my aircraft) I want to use this to check that pilots doing a low-level training flight (over a hilly terrain) indeed stay low. Thx, Ray
  10. Talking about 2 monitors on one computer: that's what I intend to do. I would like to have the upper 3/4 of the screens used as a cockpit-window, the lower 1/4 as panel with instruments. I've never seen such a panel, probably because it's not realistic.... has anybody else maybe seen such a panel? Thx, Ray
  11. I'd also like to add one comment.... if Pete would spend his time explaining FSUIPC to people like 'EagleWarrior' who apparently are too lazy to do any serious research themselves he wouldn't have any time left for further development.... Well done Pete!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. You could try FSBus (http://www.fsbus.de), which is afaik one of the cheaper ways to build your own cockpit. It does require fsuipc, but possibly it is included in the price. Nevertheless, cockpitbuilding IS expensive. If paying 20 euro / us dollars for fsuipc (the most important piece of software, at a bargain price!) is too much, I advise not to start with it. Tip: make a list of all the stuff you need to build your cockpit, like how many monitors, what pc and videocards you'd need, flightyoke, and not to forget stuff like cables, connectors, wood, screws etc. I bet you'll be surprised how much this all would cost..... 20 bucks for fsuipc would be easy to overlook on that list!
  13. Hi Pete, Just saw the specs for fsuipc 3.30... looks great! Since my race isn't due until September 20th, and reading 3.30 will arrive soon, I'll wait for that version. Great job, as usual! Thanks, Ray
  14. Hi Pete, others, I'm writing adventure software in Visual Basic and I want to make sure that the pilots don't change any weather settings, for example set a convenient tailwind. I imagine that I setup a situation in FS9, and then read all the weather settings, and store these in the VB-code. Then when a pilot flies, every minute or so the weather settings are read, and compared to the values stored in the VB-code. Last year I made this, but unfortunately the weather settings that were read during the flight usually differed from those stored in the VB-code; as if they changed during the flight by themselves. Does any VB programmer have such a routine that does work well? Thanks, Ray
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