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Everything posted by dazzan

  1. I have a problem with assigning functions to a button. When I asign a function on button press and on button release, the button release function only works when cycling the button. Depressing alone does not activate the function defined on button release. I want to define a switch for gear up and gear down. With the toggle function in FSUIPC it is the same, just depressing makes no function, I have to cycle again to get the depress function. I use a keyboard encoder card on a remote pc sending via wideclient the keyboard commands to fsuipc on server computer. I noticed that with all FSUIPC versions I could test so far. Thanks Gilles
  2. Hi Pete, I have defined and calibrated the flaps in FSUIPC 3.847 with FS2004. But I need to run another driver for the throttle that tries also to set the flaps. So the problem is the flaps setting from FSUIPC 3.847 is overruled by that driver trying to keep flaps 0. In Fsuipc 4 with FSX there is a command axisintercepts=yes, with that setting everything works, Fsuipc is not overruled. I tried that setting with FSUIPC 3.847 and FS2004 but it seems not to know that command. Or is there another possibility for FSUIPC to be the only considered source for an axis? Many thanks for helping Gilles
  3. Hi Pete, How it is possible to run the projectmagenta CDU program and the Thomas Richter electronic checklist on one hardware CDU. Are there offsets to switch between the programs? Many thanks Gilles
  4. Hi I was looking for the offsetes in FSUIPC 407 SDK. But I am sorry I did not remember that the second columns were bytes. You understood my initial question perfectly, thanks. Thanks Gilles
  5. Hi Pete Does for example 0318 4 mean offset 0318 bit 4. Another question I have is with gfdisplay. I went through the documentation, but did not find how to display 0318 bit 4 for example. I use gfdisplay already for a long time but never had to define an offset with a bit setting. Perhaps you have a hint for me. Many thanks Gilles
  6. Hi Pete I tried out FSUIPC 4.07 today and found more stutters as before (4.067) on my remote pc. I use FSX on main computer with Projectmagenta on remote computers. Were there any changes to the wideserver module? Many thanks Gilles
  7. I am using the 737-800
  8. Hi I would like to use a Goflight GF45 module together with FSUIPC and gfdisplay to display the cabin altitude and climb rate. I also would like to use the knobs on the Goflight module to set the final cabin altitude and landing altitude. Many thanks Gilles
  9. Hi Pete I am looking for an offset for the cabin altitude (and its format) in FSX. I was looking through the documentation, but could not find any information about a cabin altitude offset. Many thanks for helping Gilles
  10. You mean by deleting the inside of the panel.cfg? Thanks Gilles
  11. Thanks Pete for helping me I use the cirrus console from PFC. In the throttle quadrant tab I have no axis assigned. The only thing which is assigned in the PFC driver is the rudder, because I have a better throttle for a 737 I do not need anything else. I have to keep the console because my rudderpedal PFC hardware is not a usb version and I can connect it only through the console. If using (i know it is rather a PM question) Project magenta software which panel would you use? Perhaps the FSx overheadpanel functions are interfering with PMsystems? Many thanks Gilles
  12. Hi Pete I have a big problem. Very often after about half an hour of flight with FSX and PMDG 737700, both engines shut down. I use FSUIPC4, PMsystems, PMBoeing, Cpflight hardware. I always thought the problem would come from PMsystems, but yesterday I shut down Pmsystems and the problem appeared as well. I checked if there were no axis wrongly assigned. I also use the pfc driver with pfc console but only for the rudder, the other axis are not assigned. A throttle is connected through fsbus. It seemed that after disconnecting the pfc hardawre console the problem had disppeared. But I will have to recheck. Are there any other such problems known?? Because I start to get desesperated.. Many thanks Gilles
  13. First of all Merry Christmas !!!!! Many thanks for all the help during this year. I have one question concerning CPflight MCP and FSUIPC. With FSUIPC 4 and FSX, is there still an option for unchecking the box "Enable V/S correction". Or is this not needed anymore? Where do I find it? Many thanks Gilles
  14. Thanks Pete I will try 4.063
  15. Hi Pete I use FSUIPC 4.062 with FSX. I have assigned aileron an elevator axis in FSUIPC to send values directly to FSUIPC calibration. The problem is that the elevator and aileron axis move too easily and too sensitive even when using slope 15 for both and assigning a large space for neutral position. I also added to FS.cfg "Stick_Sensitivity_Mode=0" under controls. I tried in FSX axis assignment to delete elevator and aileron axis assignment, but then there are no values alo in FSUIPC calibration. So I have to keep the axis assignment in FSX to get FSUIPC calibration to work. I use in FSX calibration full sensitivity (100%) but no neutral zone. Many thanks for helping Gilles
  16. I just noticed there was a space missing...oups D1.1=x0BC2 S16 *20 /32768 D02
  17. Thanks, you helped me a lot with that. I think it should be then: D1.1=x0BC2 S16 *20/32768 D02 I never know where to find the information whether it is a U8, S8, U16, S16,..... Where do I find that? There is no need for adding anything, I did not correctly understand what was meant in an earlier post Many thanks Gilles
  18. Hi Pete I would like to use offset 0BC2 for displaying the elevator trim. I read already some posts about it. My question is how do I write this correctly. (FSTRIM+16384)*20/32768 For example: D1.1=0BC2 U16 (+16384)*20/32768 ///?????? Do I have a U16 here? Is the syntax here correct for adding and multiplying? Many thanks Gilles
  19. Hi Pete I have send the corrected report also to Microsoft Thanks Gilles
  20. I am sorry. Yes, I try to run Ivap on a multi PC setup. And you are right, I have called the file simconnect.xml. Iam sorry for the wrong information I gave you tonight. Was a little bit late tonight Thanks Gilles
  21. Hi Pete I thought I should report this. I also experienced the problem that the addon menu disappeared. It was working fine until I was setting up IVAP to connect through simconnect. I disabled the loading of IVAP in the dll.xml file. I created a new file named "simconnect.dll" in the folder: C:\Documents and Settings\gilles\Application Data\Microsoft\FSX with the following content: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?> SimConnect SimConnect.xml False False IPv4 global 6810 After having created and saved that file, I started FSX, the addon menu had disappeared. When I close FSX and I delete that file simconnect.dll and start FSX again, the addon menu is there again. I found no solution for that problem. Many thanks Gilles
  22. Pete you are the best!! Many thanks Gilles
  23. Hi Pete I think this is a complicated issue, but I do not find an explanation for what is happening, I tried already so muchon my own. Under FS2004 I had a driver to connect my throttle (hardware). Everything worked fine. I used offset 0X88C,2 (ENG1) and offset 0X924,2 (ENG2) to write to. For the spoilers I used offset 0xBD0, 4. Now in FSX, if I move the throttle levers (they still use the same offsets), the spoilers are deployed too. That means the throttle works correctly but it also moves the spoilers. I tried with an old PFC console (with PFC driver), there everything was working correctly. Which offset does the PFC throttle use for the throttle? Perhaps you have another idea what to check. Many thanks Gilles
  24. Hi Pete Is it possible to find somewhere a list already with the FSX offsets? Many thanks Gilles
  25. Hi Pete Many thanks for your help. In fact for Fs9 I used only one Gfdisplay 45 module for ADF1 and ADF2. I changed the display with a key, exactly as in your documentation. But now I understand, I did not realize that I did not need the conditions, if I had a GFmodule for each radio. Thanks a lot (you really do a great job!) Gilles
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