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Everything posted by drni

  1. After doing all my programming projects in VB so far, I now switched to VB.NET Is there any good sample application project available where I can study how offsets are read or written correctly in VB.NET ? Thanks in advance
  2. Hi Pete, I am playing around with some offsets of the elelctrical system. 1) I found that the batter y voltage stays always at 24 (Volts ?)- it doesn't matter how long the engines or generators are switched off. 2) The batter y load seems to be -7 after seconds of switching the generators off and increases very fast to -2.xxxxE-100 or something about -0 within seconds after generators are on. 3) What is the difference between battery voltage, main bus voltage, battery bus voltage and hot battery bus voltage Can you help me ? Greetings Nicolas
  3. May be the problems come from Unicode. The OS is Win2000 SP4 i tried to convert the msg-string with the StrConv-function But the parameters "vbfromUnicode" and "vbUnicode" didn't change anything. Only the garbage looked different.
  4. Msg = Left(Msg, 127) Msg = Msg + Chr$(0) If Argumente.Sim = False Then Exit Sub result = FSUIPC_Write(&H3380, Len(Msg), VarPtr(Msg), dwResult) result = FSUIPC_Write(&H32FA, 2, VarPtr(mode), dwResult) result = FSUIPC_Process(dwResult) The code above should show a text in the FS2004 window but it does not - only 4 garbage characters are shown. Can anybody help me ?
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