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Posts posted by FA

  1. Hi Alastair,

    My ...\addon scenery\scenery folder contains only 15 (fifteen!) AFCADs. My addon scenery folder, on the other hand, is substantial. Most of these sceneries will probably have compatibility issues with FSX and will have to go. In that sense, the future looks bright.


  2. Hi Simon,

    No, I was not aware of your contribution. My attempts to find postings related to my problem were unsuccessful which led me to start a new thread.

    I still think I met with a new and inexplicable problem: You see, it was not the number, size, complexity or type of addon-sceneries but a mysterious obstacle within the "scenery" folder of "addon sceneries". Now this is a folder containing a limited number of mostly AFCADS. Why FSNav stumbled over it is beyond me because:

    1. There were no new entries to that folder since my last successful compilation (I know this because I never allow sceneries to install themselves)

    2. Once this subfolder was disabled, the huge number of addon sceneries containing lots of meshs, landscapes and AI-files compiled fast and completely. Adding the folder in thereafter again worked as it should.

    I believe FSNav as such is in need of an overhaul. With FSX around the corner, the incentive is admittedly minimal.


  3. This is madness. I disabled my "addon scenery" folder (that's where FSNav got stuck each time) and -hoorray -FSNav compiled as usual. I then split all entries in this folder in two and added one half, re-enabled and compiled - successfully. I then split the remaining entries in half, added one half and so on, and so on.

    Now I have re-added ALL entries that were there at the beginning and FSNav ist still recompiling perfectly.

    Beats me.


  4. Hi,

    In the past there were occasions when FSNav failed to recompile its database. Deleting the two data files and running FSNavDBC again always cured the problem.

    Now I'm stuck: FSNav 4.7 never gets further than its first entry (addon scenery, in my case) when the files are there and never gets beyond "wait" when I delete the data files first.

    The Windows Task Manager displays the program as running in both cases. When I abort the process after many minutes, Task Manager displays ".. program not responding".

    Fortunately, I've kept a backup of the data files and within FS9 there is no problem with the functions of FSNav. I just can't update FSNav's database anymore.

    I have disabled/deleted recent additions to my addon sceneries in the hope that one of them is the culprit. Unfortunately, this does not cure the problem.

    Any advice out there? Please?


  5. Hi,

    Meine Erfahrung nach vielen Stunden rumprobieren, Prioritäten verschieben, blanke Nervenenden versorgen:

    TVL19: Standard-meshs, add-ons und höherwertige meshs werden korrekt abgebildet, bei letzteren ist der "Verlust" minimal

    TVL21: Standard-meshs und höherwertige meshs werden korrekt abgebildet, letztere minimal besser, manche add-ons liefern katastrophale Artifakte

    Daher bleibe ich bei TVL19


  6. Ja, seit kurzem tritt bei mir nach 10-20 Minuten das gleiche Problem auf, meistens beim Wechsel von Innen- auf Aussenansicht: Plötzlich kracht, kratzt und rauscht es. Manchmal hilft Sichtwechsel, manchmal nicht. Es passiert sowohl mit manchen aufwändigen Flugzeugen/Cockpit/Sound-Varianten als auch mit manchen addon-Fliegern mit referenziertem default-sound. Irgendwas stimmt mit dem memory-management meines PC/Flusi nicht, es tritt auch gelegentlich das Flackern der Cockpit-Anzeige beim Bewegen der Maus auf.

    Mein Verdacht richtet sich nicht auf die Soundkarte (Soundblaster Live, jahrelang klaglos, Herabsetzen der hardware-Beschleunigung ohne Effekt) oder Flugzeuge, sondern auf die Szenerien und mögliche "memory leaks". Da ist das Suchen aber schon sehr mühsam ...


  7. Hi Chris,

    Soviel ich weiss, soll man den Gleitpfad "von unten" anschneiden - d.h. in ausreichender Entfernung schon etwas tiefer sein als der Pfad. Wenn Du Dir das mal aufzeichnest, siehst Du sofort, dass Du den Gleitpfad auch im Horizontalflug und in einem viel günstigeren Winkel erwischst als von oben. Ist auch weniger gefährlich, da Du in die "sichere" Richtung (=nach oben) suchst. Kann es das sein?


  8. Hi,

    I have been enjoying Emma Field for some time now. When using the aircraft tow with a glider, the sound of the towing aircraft occurs only intermittently in short bursts. All other sounds (field, nature, passing aircraft, own aircraft, radio) are perfectly ok. Any suggestions?

    I can't say anything about the glider winch sounds (if there are any) because the winch is always out of order.


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