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Posts posted by kanoasurf

  1. [LIGHTS]
    light.0 = 3,  -12.4,  -31.90,  2.52, fx_navred ,
    light.1 = 3,  -12.4,   31.90,  2.52, fx_navgre ,
    light.2 = 2,  -12.6,  -31.95,  2.53, fx_strobe ,
    light.3 = 2,  -12.6,   31.95,  2.53, fx_strobe ,
    light.4 = 1,  -6.12,   0,     -1.60, fx_beacon ,
    light.5 = 1,   1.21,   0,      8.76, fx_beacon ,
    light.6 = 10,  32.50,  0,      7.25, fx_vclight ,


    Please let me know if this works

    Thank you


    • Upvote 1
  2. Got the same problem, but I just fixed it

    Don't know the erj version, just bought it last week though.


    Aircraft.cfg states that the lights used are not the default ones:

    light.0 = 3,  -12.4,  -31.90,  2.52, fx_navred_E1X5 ,
    light.1 = 3,  -12.4,   31.90,  2.52, fx_navgre_E1X5 ,
    light.2 = 2,  -12.6,  -31.95,  2.53, fx_strobe_E1X5 ,
    light.3 = 2,  -12.6,   31.95,  2.53, fx_strobe_E1X5 ,
    light.4 = 1,  -6.12,   0,     -1.60, fx_beacon_E1X5 ,
    light.5 = 1,   1.21,   0,      8.76, fx_beacon_E1X5 ,
    light.6 = 10,  32.50,  0,      7.25, fx_vclight ,

    I just deleted the _E1X5 (left the space before the , though) and all working now. As I said, I bought the product last week so there must be a little bug in the aircraft.cfg embedded in the installer.



  3. They weren't.

    The second point, the "FLP contains invalid wpt" error happened right after I bought the ERJ145 the other day, with no new database or anything. Only then I tried the navigrapgh update, which didn't resolved the issue and in addition, shows the right dates but in red, now for no apparent good reason.

    So before going to them, I would like to know why I got the "FLP contains invalid wpt" in first place right out of the box

    Thank you



  4. Hi

    I have the database navigraph updated but the FMS does two things wrong:

    1. Although the valid dates for the database show that it is up-to-date, it shows up in red instead of green... ?
    2. No matter how I save the flightplan within the aircraft, I mean only using the FMS, I can't re-call it; always comes up with "FLP contains invalid wpt"

    Any advice

    Thank you


    (I use P3Dv4.3)

  5. Fantastic as any of Sim Wings work.

    I'm not going to say what the is most Spanish airport needed amongst the ones remaining, but I think LEST could be a very startegic airport at the north west. It is growing, and it is one of the three Galician airports. there is a good LEVX and LECO freewere sceneries, but no LEST whatsoever. If someone is interested on to do it, I have some pics and I may be able to get some more from the air.

    Thank you to all the SimWings team.


  6. Hi smokedawg65;

    I'm glad to hear that I have been of service for you :D

    But let me clarified something, just to avoid any missunderstanding: this guys really desing brilliant sceneries, but I'm not one of them :oops: . I really would like to have enough skills to be usefull, but unfortunatly, I don't :oops: . So, just to clarified that I'm exactly like you, a flight simmer anxious to enjoy these superb sceneries :wink: . I wouldn't like to be given a merit that is not mine, even by mistake. :oops:

    Thank you very much anyway and be sure that these guys will released a fix very soon :D

  7. Thanks very much Thorsten, that really cheers me up. My system is not that powerful, although is a PIV 2.66, 1 GHz RAM and ATI 9800 256 Mb. But I'm far from your performance. I have had I busy post in flightsim regarding this issue, and I was starting to be really down. Your coments really cheers me up. And is true, Barajas is a bit hard with fps. Even though it doesn't border me. I'm of the thought that this is a simulator, so we should try to get as closer to the real thing as we can, and ,.,., who thought that this wouldn't have a cost? :D

  8. Looking forward to see that path. I know he is getting closer. I can't use FS2002 in Barajas at all, minimun movement.,.,., crash, :( anyway, he is aware, I've been given him as much details as I could.

    Changing the matter, let me make a question. Watching to your screenshots I realize that you use add-on AI. My question is, when you (Sim-Wings) test a final version of i.e. barajas, do you have a computer system able to cope with your scenery, AI, FS9 set to the maximun, and still getting fps ALWAYS above 20-25? :?:

    Ok about the e-mail, really suprised me when I got it, because it had a virus. Fortunately, norton came up :wink:

  9. Manfred, more news.,.,., not very good.,.,

    i've changed my grafics, and I haven't had tha spected results. therefore, I've tryed things, and one of them have been to reinstall fs from scratch.

    Right, FS2k2, just from scratch, added b747 lord of the rings posky, UT with all the updates and voice package, malaga and barajas. That's it, nothing more. Start Fs with the cesna in barajas Rwy 36L, and just playing around with the views, brakes even released, and .,., fs crashed!!!!

    Tryed a wee fly, just taken off and quick 180 degrees turn to the west, and just facing the terminals (no the new one) crashed.

    Too weird.,.,.,.,., :shock:

    I haven't tryed in fs9.,.,., scared :wink:


  10. you will find fs9.cfg here (and you don't look stupid :wink: it's not easy at all to find it.

    C:\Documents and Settings\yo\Application Data\Microsoft\FS9

    Plase, note that the word "yo" in the path above is my user name; I mean you have to substitute it for your user name in orther to have the path that suits for your PC, the one where you have installed your fs9 if there are more users in your PC

    Hope this helps


    Remenber!! it's a hiden file, so you will need to select the option to see system and hide files!

  11. Superb as usual!!!! I'm not surprised at all !!!! :wink: Honestly, all your work is fantastic.

    Regarding statics. Definitively I wouldn't mind if you don't include them. Most of us are using our own AI. And you will be with me in that FS with AI add-on is a really different world. To have a reasonable AI, at least in your favourite airports, is becoming easier and easier and you can get it for free. It may be a good idea if you include a sugestion or recomendation in your packs for to encourage people to go to the web sites were they can get that AI, instead of include the statics, as a way to improve the realismun effect of your sceneries. It's a shame to run your sceneries with few statics or fs default AI. For me, you sceneries deserve something else.


  12. Hi, thank you very much. I'll keep trying to find more details flying again and again in different situations and I'll post here for you. I can't do nothing more. Regarding the Land Class, I'll try, but apart from Malaga's Landclass that give me problems (different kinda problems, never crash FS2k2), so far no landclass seams to give me problems like this. I'll try anyway.


  13. trayed again,.,., departure fron rwy18R and I've tryed to fly southwind in both ways left and right to reach the final approach to rwy 33 by both sides, sw and ew. Just before finishing the turn wilst intercepting the localizer, FS2k2 crashes. :(

    Could it be a problem with that, with something interfearing with navegation systems o something like that? I don't know, but what I cant do is land in Barajas using the rwy 33.

    Any help will be much appreciate.


  14. As I've read in some other posts (but the german one, I can't spaek german at all...), at less than than 20 miles fron rwy 33 turnning for final, FS2k2 crashed. I've been flying arround before, doing some not vreally "proper manouvers", just to have a look and make some checks, and I never have have a problem until today, during a "formal" fly. I was in rwy 33 approach, comming from the sw, and during the turn to head the rwy33, FS2k2 crashed. I was very disaponited that after a nice fly, I had lots of complaint from the passangers :D

    Please, can someone give me any help?

    By the way.,.,., stunning scenery !!!! congratulations sim-wnigs!!!!!


  15. Steve, if I'm not wrong, (Thorsen will say), that black squares are due to the textures for fs2004 are slightly different from fs2002. I had that problem with Malaga.

    I sorted it out using the fix that sim-wings have at their site for that scenery, but as far as I know, there isn't patch for Alicante yet.


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