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Posts posted by andyschoenfeldt

  1. Hi all,

    i buyed today FScene 4 for FSX, install it, run it and install three patches (airpgrnd, airprwys, outskirt). Before and after the patches my scenery looks like the picture. The picture is Seattle in Winter. This in the most airports.

    Can anyone help me please.

    Thanks in advance.

    Andy, MRTM


  2. Hi all,

    well when i change to version 4.6 the nav database runs so quickly. (I didnt change nothing in add on folder, i only delete the 4.7 and install the 4.6 again) Everything is working fine now. I dont understand why there is so a problem with version 4.7 and i didnt believe that its a pc problem or so. But well, now everything is working exelent and my most important addon is back again.

    Greets, Andy

  3. Hi all, after i installed the freeware Norway Airports i fly to Norway. Two times, about 50 NM south of the border FS crashed. I fly the two times to different airports. After the crashed, i thought that perhaps the scenery has a mistake. After trying and trying i notice, that every time when AITrafficLook from FSUIPC is active and minimized, FS crashed. Without active it, i have no problem. For now, i am not 100% shure, if its because of AITrafficLook, but i think yes. The first time i use AITrafficLook and have it active all the flight, was the flight that i make to Norway.

    I write this to keep it in mind, perhaps its a problem, perhaps am i wrong.

    Cheers, Andy

  4. Hi all, i activate mytraffic.bgl and all the flights are shown perfectly in the trafficboard. But when i want to look a new generate flight for example a flight from EDDS (Stuttgart) to SVVA (Valencia, Venezuela) i see the flight departing Stuttgart and comunicate itself with ATC as normal and as all aircraft do. When i want to see the departure from Valencia, i only see the aircraft, parked at the gate, i see that the engines are switched on at the given departing time, but there is no ATC and the aircraft didnt move and no aircraft is moving or talking with ATC. In SVMI occurs the same. On other airports, all is normal.

    Who can help me ?

  5. hi all, i hope that you can help me, especially you Josef...

    i scan my myflight into traffic board and looked the flights at the flight board screen and everything was ok. Then i add a flight, and it was marked green. Everything should work good. Then i want to put that new flight with the others in FS, with the function build traffic.bgl and after a few second, the runtime error 6 come. I didnt understand that and iam near a breakdown.

    Thanks for your answers.

  6. Hi, after i change the .ini file i could start traffic board. Now i want to open the workspace getting startet. Before i can open it, the program ask me if i want to save the untitle workspace. I click no because i make no changes, just started the traffic board program. When i want to open the getting startet workspace, the runtime error 9 comes again.

    What should i do ? I never saw flights in the flight board window, even not when i open another workspace.


  7. hello everyone,

    when i fly over FL180, every 15 minutes come the report incorrect altimeter settings, but i switch always my altimeter to 29.92 over 180. In the black box, the transition level is set to 180 also. I tried to put it on 120, but it makes no chenges. Every 15 minutes comes the report incorrect altimeter settings. What do i wrong ? My flight level always is ok. Thank for your answers.

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