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Posts posted by MaxRoodveldt

  1. Dear Pete,

    do you know by any chance if there's a way to read the coordinates of those dynamic cumulus clouds fs2004 is drawing?

    I would love to put some thermals underneath - I finally succeeded to add "sink" to my thermals - but I need to locate those clouds first...

    btw - I don't need the coordinates of all the clouds - the one closest to the plane will do fine...



  2. I'll be more than happy to supply a new thermals bgl for Emma Field - there's even a nice ridge to create some ridge soaring, but...

    It's the usual catch 22 - before we can add new thermals the old ones have to go...

    Perhaps a little petition to our favourite firm - Lago not the other one - with some support of other EFFC members ?

    As a last resort we could always "hack" the original EMMA.BGL but we really don't want to do it like that or...

    Max... :lol:

  3. Simon,

    glad to see you found it - happy reading...

    Better use the Twin to reach those high altitudes - there's a lot of room in the back for some oxygen bottles...

    There's a logger switch installed in the Twin so we could organize a small competition - "How high can you go..." - just post the log file to show you've reached the altitude (I know I might have to update the Viewer first)

    Max :lol:

  4. Simon,

    as you already found my website: it's on the download page named cai-set-manual.zip

    Here's a link http://www.xs4all.nl/~roodvmax/downloads/gauges/cai-set-manual.zip (hope I didn't make any typos...)

    The real manual is on the Cambridge website: http://www.cambridge-aero.com/manuals/gpsnav5.pdf and is a great addition - except for the number of tasks everything is like the real one...

    I'll prepare a thermal bgl, a waypoints dat file and a little "how to" sheet for the Emma Field area the next days. It will be much easier to explain if we all use the same airfield...

    There's one thing left to do though - let's ask Mathijs once again to remove the thermals from the "EMMA.BGL" - I still think those thermals are too big to be any fun...

    I know - big is beautiful - but we kinda agreed upon keeping it small at Emma Field... :lol:


  5. Max, we have reserved the Glider Operations for you

    Francois, why I'm not surprised ?

    All I need to do is to convince Mathijs to take those "large" thermals out - yes, I know, I've asked before - I think we can do better (big ain't best all of the time... :lol: )

  6. Indeed - the weather is lousy...

    All there's to do is some long overdue maintenance - overhaul some gauges, polish some ships, trying out some new foolish ideas...

    I'll claim the glider strip in 3 months time


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