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David Cox

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About David Cox

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. OK, sorry everyone - problem solved by downloading the latest FSUIPC version ............
  2. Hi there any one who can help ! ......... I cannot get FSUIPIC4 Axis Assignement/Joystick calibration working at all in FSX even though I am using the same procedure that works successfully for me in FS9 - sequence as follows : 1) Go to FSX Controls/Control Axes and delete the joystick assignment for the axis I want to control via FSUIPC4 2) Go to Axis assignment in FSUIPC and select the axis I want to assign. Select Action Required as "send direct to FSUIPC calibration" and then select the action from the drop down list (rudder, toe brake etc..). Click OK 3) Go to Joystick calibration and select the relevant function (rudder etc). Verify that the axis movement is being picked up (it is but the figures displayed are much more "jerky" than those shown in FS9). Click the SET button, make any additional adjustments and then click OK to close the FSUIPC panel. When I have done all this FSX completely ignores my axis inputs and won't give me any control unless I add the axis back into the FSX Controls area ... Does anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong ??? Many thanks David
  3. Many thanks - I'll give it a go
  4. Hi, Can anyone tell me if there are FSUIPC offsets for LANDING LIGHTS UP & LANDING LIGHTS DOWN (FSUIPC controls 65863 & 65862) ? Many thanks David
  5. Dooooh ........ thanks - easy when you know how !
  6. Hi, Has anyone else experienced this ? I have just loaded MS FSX and have noticed that the Menu bar function doesn't appear to work properly. ALT makes the bar visible but pressing ALT again doesn't hide it. Anyone now how to fix this ? Many thanks David
  7. Pete, A long shot this one ................. Can you think of a way to program a delay of (say) 3 seconds into a [bUTTONS] line entry so it will perform the relevant action 3 seconds after the button is pushed - I wondered if the Offset Cyclic increments can be used for this - if so, how ? Many thanks David
  8. Pete, I have just home-built an EPIC type interface board as per instructions on the following site : http://www.mindaugas.com It works well and provides a really cheap alternative to EPIC boards. However, I have noticed that FSUIPC only recognises 32 of the 64 available buttons, presumably because Windows itself only sees 32 buttons. Is there a way to get FSUIPC to see the "missing" buttons ? If not, do you intend to support the MJoy16 interface board in future versions of FSUIPC. Many thanks David
  9. Excellent, found it - many thanks
  10. Yes, I know that it can be done via the menu's (my default flight is saved with this set to OFF) but I use WideView on multiple PC's and fly with VATSIM and IVAO - whenever I start the relevant clients (Squawkbox or IvAP) Traffic labels gets reset to ON so I am looking for a less laborious way of swtching it off again !
  11. Pete, I've looked on this forum and in the programmers guide with no luck on this one. Do you happen to know if there is an offset to turn FS2004 Traffic Labels on/off ? Many thanks David
  12. Excellent, thanks for that
  13. Pete, Up until now I have been using ADvDisplay to send messages to Showtext on another PC to display the status of my joystick Shift keys (the text is generated using offsets in the [buttons] section of my FSUIPC.INI file and displays R for right shift, L for left shift and L+R for both). I have now removed AdvDisplay and ShowText no longer displays these characters - I notice the User Guide says "ShowText will now work with FSUIPC alone, for multiline messages only". Am I right in assuming that the text I am generating (R, L, L+R) is not classed as a multi-line message and that is why it does not appear. If this is the case then I presume I will still need to use AdvDisplay Thanks
  14. OK, many thanks
  15. Pete, One more question - I have connected a joystick to another PC that talks to FS via Wideclient/Wideserver (the PC runs PM software). I can see the joystick buttons in FSUIPC and can assign them functions but I cannot see the joystick axes - should I be able to or there something wrong with my set-up ? Many thanks David
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