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About Ravenblack

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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    is everything....
  • Interests
    Everything Aviation! - Mainly UK protoypes, experiments, early jets/late props and Air Safety/Wreckage analysis. I like the innovative side of flight.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Very odd....I ran a complete search on the PC....I found a few (I need to clean my zips out more). I deleted EVERYTHING FSUIPC....reloaded....still had the problem. Took out the old fs9.cfg.....reloaded....ok. put old cgf back in....still ok....!!! I think fs9 was having a funny 1 hour! Cheers!
  2. I took out the old module. Gone. Dead. No more. Put in the latest FSUIPC and started FS9. It said I had 2 FSUIPC installed and shut down. I checked modules.....nope, just the one....which I removed to try again....and it was okay. I reinstalled the module....and it said it was a dupe! Any help would be appreciated! (I have recently put in some Georender Scenery)
  3. Yeah....should disengage, but hey ho! If I nip to get a cup of tea, I don't want the cat knocking my stick and landing me in the sea.....after 4 hours! Yes - a mistake that's only made once!
  4. Painless! Cheers for that Mr D. Flight Sim Flight Keeper - problems even after uninstall! Not a good product for me! Did you see why my controls had caused so much grief a while ago? If not, please check out http://www.twa2lb.co.uk and look at the flight log / control prob. Now THAT was foolish!
  5. Probably a real bone question, but I used to have FSFK for a short while (until the designer informed me it wasn't fully supportive of FS9 standard weather - so much so you could be flying in a storm, yet be told it was a fine day!). Once Aerosoft acknowledged this, they were happy to refund me). A fine product no doubt, but not quite as good as a payware should be IF you don't want to buy other weather add ons to improve its accuracy. Aerosofts customer support though, I have found to be simply suberb, and would recommend them to anyone. Since I have uninstalled FSFK I get an FSUIPC error. How do I rectify this? FSUIPC coudn't run:"C:\Program Files\FS Flight Keeper\FLKeeper.exe/N"[Error=2]
  6. You know when your car won't start, but you're an engineer, no one asks if you actually tried turning the key in the ignition.... Well.....there are somethings in fs9 I never use, so don't know anything about. These things may be actual functions, and as such would not be considered as a problem for trouble shooting. Also, someone with a little knowledge (myself) would be expected to know what he was doing by some one with god like knowledge (Yourself). Due to this, the very simple 'take for granted' things can be over looked. Since my last post - no problems....until one fateful flight....where the solution appeared. I lost aileron and elevator on stick, game pad and keyboard. I saved to make sure I could get back to the field I carried out an emegency landing...tried EVERYTHING to get the controls working again....but this time they were totally dead....follow the link to find the result and solution. I admit to this as it may help other people who 'think' they have a problem. As for FSUIPC and Peter Dowson - well - so good I put a link to the home page on my site. Cheers Peter! http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ravenblack/flight_log.htm
  7. ...Shhhhush..... Don't say a word....but still okay....and didn't do a thing.... Now walk away and pretend this never happened..... (whisltes nonchalantly....) :roll:
  8. Well........a couple of hours around Gorkha in Nepal, in a Pilatus Porter.....no problems....and the Porter is pretty hard going on the processor and graphics, so I thought that would help bring the error on..... ....nothing......wait and see again! Cheers so far!
  9. In spot view this is what I get---- 1.When all is OKay- Surfaces neutral with zero input. Full surface movement on all surfaces. 2.When fsuipc is set up wrong on purpose - Control surfaces no in neutral positions. Limited movement determined by how much I had set it in fsuipc. 3. When a problem occurs and it gets 'sluggish'- Control surfaces move a very small amount - only really enough to actually see movement, but not really a great deal. maybe only a pixel or two movement - it is there - but only just. It can happen with any aircraft - not just add ons or default ones. I have loaded up my Gravis Exterminator game pad (Game port connection) to see if that works when the stick fails.
  10. Aileron SET/RESET Min set Max - 16383 - 16383 -512 +10000 + 16383 +512 I can get full range IF min is set at POSITIVE 16383 and max is set to NEGATIVE 16383. All the controls move okay...the stick is USB and I only use USB. and yet......it will randomly loose effectiveness (failures turned OFF). I check fsuipc and it's still set....I check calibration...it's okay....I go back and un-pause the game......no control......back into settings and all is still okay..... Want to see a grown man cry.... :(
  11. When I say sluggish, I mean to say that, for example: I fly the Tigermoth happly.....then suddenly find the controls are not responding fully.....infact there is only a very very slight response. Sometimes this just affects one control axis, sometimes all of them. The stick itself tests fine in calibration and outside of fsp. As for fsuipc - In the boxes under set/reset I get the full 16863 or whatever minus to positive movement, yet it will only record 10000 in the right hand aileron box. If I disable (reset) the controls still do not correct the problem. I'll keep trying though. Cheers.
  12. I use a Force feed back 2 Joystick, and I get failures and sluggishness from time to time on aileron, rudder and elevators. On external view I have noticed that the control surface that has become sluggish is hardly moving. I can be flying okay....constant speed and altitude....then I'll loose a control surface response...or all of them. It doesn't go completely...there is a very slight hint of movement and response. If I change aircraft I get it back....sometimes. It just happens when ever it feels like it. One time it failed I went direct to calibration (Flight sims one) and saw that my stick was operating ok....but back at the sim....no good. I tried to set up on fsuipc and get 16863 on max to one side...and 10000 on max to the other....although in the boxes under the reset icon it quite clearly shows I have 16863 in all axis. Also, when I try to click 'set' when holding my stick over, it just 'BINGS' and doesn't allow a change to be inputted. Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
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