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Posts posted by Olivier

  1. Hi Javier,

    With the PMDG737, you need to to map keys to the events using the PMDG menu. Then, you can map your goflight components to these keys.

    For instance, if you map (in the PMDG menu) ALT + H for "heading sel", then you need to map the MPC heading button to "ALT + H".

    There are two things to do at different levels.

    It will take you one hour or so to have everything working but it is time well invested.

    Let us know if you still have problems,

    Good luck


  2. Hi all,

    Peter asked me to spread the good news : the "TQ6 bug" is closed.

    When you use a TQ6 throttle, the MCP looses its fast rotary buttons mapping capablity. FSUIPC does not make any difference between a slow and fast rotation. It makes the MCP unusable with, for instance, the PMDG737. This also happens for the RP48 rotary buttons.

    Peter has made a new version of FSUIPC that fixes the bug (I tried it and it works like a charm). It should be released a bit later but those who have this problem can contact him directly to get a copy. A big thanks to him for fixing the issue quickly.

    Have all a nice day


  3. Hi Peter,

    Thanks a lot for the answers.

    I tried the TQ6 on a different USB port but it did not change anything.

    I will try some stuff on my side and let you know if anything happens ("park" the axes).

    You can, off course, send me some files for me to try. You might use my work email:


    I do not use wideFS and this happens on the fresh copy of FS9 I just re-installed.



  4. Hi,

    I made this statement a few weeks ago. Adding GD-TQ6 modules had the following effect on my GoFlight components mappings :

    --> the code of the GP-RF48 rotary buttons has changed (for instance, going from 174/10 to 174/11). No big deal, it is easy to modify

    --> More annoying, I lost the capability to have two codes for the rotary buttons of the MCP (slow/fast). It makes the MPC of the 737NG impossible to use because it is too slow.

    When I remove the TQ6, everything is fine.

    Did anyone experience this ?



  5. Hi,

    I have a problem :cry:

    I mapped my MCP and RP48 with a few planes and it worked fine. Yesterday, I installed a GF-TQ6 throttle and it had the following consquences on my key mappings :

    --> RP48 buttons do not work anymore (actually, the code of each button changed)

    --> MCP : the "slow rotation" and "fast rotation" are not differenciated anymore. It results in an unusable MCP with PMDG737

    When I unplug the throttle quadrant, everything is back to normal. I installed it like written in the manual (code copied to device.cfg). Does anyone have the same problem ??

    Thanks for your help,


  6. Hi James,

    I did not really understand what you meant by "loosing my keyboard".

    The mapping has to be done in two steps:

    1. Map the keys with the MPDG menu in FS

    2. Map the buttons according to the key mapping done in 1

    It is long and boring but the result is worth it :-)

    After you did that, everything should work fine. The keyboard shorcuts work fine, they are simply called by the GoFlight component (MCP, RP48...)

    Good luck


  7. Hi,

    I could map the PMDG737 (MCP/RP48) without any problems, it works like a charm.

    Now, I am working on mapping the Flight1 Meridian and I have a problem. Very often, when I try to map a key, for instance "CTRL+SHIFT+F", it gives me the following result 'CTRL+SHIFT+(null)" or "CTRL+SHIFT+Clr" even though I typed the right keys in the button section. It seems that it does not want to map certain keys, especially "CTRL+SHIFT+key". It looks to me like it remembers what has been mapped (even though I did specifiy "airplane specific" and does not want to map it again.

    This is annoying with the meridian because it has to be CTRL+SHIFT+key.

    I was wondering if someone here had the same problem.

    Thanks a lot for your help


  8. Hi Ben,

    Thanks for your answer. it does fix the thing but the MCP is blank. This means that, if you want to use a "regular" plane, you need to put the DLL back in.

    I discovered that, lowering the emergency stop button, fixed the thing and now it is working in both positions... Arrgghhh. Well, at least it is working....

    I also had a problem with the TOGA button (I should not have assigned it with the default GoFlight driver). Maybe it was the cause...



  9. HI,

    Peter is on holiday, but someone maybe could help.

    I mapped my MCP and a RP48 to use the PMDG 737.

    Everything works but something is strange. I mapped the "on/off" autopilot button and, when I switch it off in flight, I cannot switch it on again using that particular button.

    BUT, I also mapped in on my yoke and, with this button, it works fine, I can switch it on and off without any problems.

    Could someone try to repro this and tell me if it works for them ?

    --> Take off

    --> Turn on autopilot using MCP on/off button

    --> Turn off autopilot using MPP on/off button

    See if it works. Sometimes, I can do it twice but it will not work the third time. It make a sound like if the autopilot was disengaged.

    Very strange. Not a catastrophy since I can use the button on the yoke (great for emergency switch off), but I would like to know if it comes from my system.



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