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Everything posted by ALEURCHATOIDES

  1. Dr. Ben I am working with ubs, and yes I have tried disconnecting the yoke and rudder. The problem still exists, obviously your system is working fine. I wish that I could say the same for mine...
  2. Dr. BEN, I deleted the controls as you suggested and reintalled them, same problem. I am using ch products yoke and rudder pedals, fs2004 which all works perfectly. I bought a jet throttle quad ( 2 engine version) from airstuff .com, the jet throttle uses a logitech 3d pro joystick this is the problem area. I am running xp-pro, intel pentimun 4 processor.
  3. Thanks Ben for the input but the problem still exists.
  4. Peter, I am having problems with the fsuipc, my throttles are not functioning together. They are registering in reverse order from settjngs, sometimes independly of each other even thought the both have same throttle setting. Sometimes I set the throttles in any position and they will increase and decrease on their own. Is there a solution to "Sybol" many issues? Thank you! aj
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