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Alejandro Lobo-Guerrero C

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About Alejandro Lobo-Guerrero C

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Now that thinks, may be the answer to all my problems is to learn how to program in C, I have attempted it, but it is confused. Parallel I believe that I will begin to investigate C May be in these days I will ask you again, things in C, we will already see that jejeje. Regards... :P
  2. Pete, about outputs and inputs, when I use any grade (360° = 0°, 010°, etc..) the result is 0, in all the cases, I reed al the SDK but I think that the problem is about the math formula, ok I don’t know with accuracy, but I try everything, and the result is the same 0. About the aircraft I use a FS aircraft not PSS, PMDG, Level D, etcetera. Use Bombardier Lear Jet 45. But the Idea is to use the software whit Dash 8 of PSS. If you have may be an idea, please tell me, I am creasy for the answer. Equal will repeat the process step by step… Thanks, :? Me..
  3. Ahhhh I forgot it.. xResult is defined as integer under the top of the function, like this Dim xResult as Integer, and yes 360 is 0 but that is not important because I use 360 as it was a mask... Regards me, 8)
  4. I try whit 360°, 010°, 045°, 090°, 100°, 150°, 180°, etc… all the grades, and don’t resolve the problem, I don’t know but some one called JD helps me, when I publish the last topic, something whit Headings. I’m making a cockpit whit 2 engineers but electrical engineers. I really need help. Thanks for all Pete, :wink:
  5. Pete, I write a script with Visual Basic 6, and I need to write a heading in the auto Pilot Heading Display the variable is 07CC (AP Heading Value), I use this code: Example: But I don’t now what happen and don’t work. The Display doesn’t show me the heading that I insert. I need to write a heading in the heading display of my auto pilot. Thanks :D
  6. Pete The error is that the variable gives me information that doesn't correspond to the current direction of the airplane, if in the simulator the airplane has heading 200, in the program the variable 580 send me a heading of 240 until with more differs among the FS and the variable obtained through FSUIPC. :? Thanks, :wink:
  7. Pete I write a question first for you, the topic title is “Error when write the coordinates (latitude and longitude)...”, but some one, thanks him (jd), answers my problem, but I have another for you, and is the error from the heading variable, I public a new post or topic with the problem, the title “Error of heading variable (&H580) VB6”, ones more excuse me form my English is bad. :( Thanks for all Pete. :D
  8. Another question I program with vb6, I need to obtain the heading of the aircraft, I am using the variable 580 but I have an error as for the grades. This is the way like I obtain the data and process, I show in a Label. A thousand thanks for all. :wink:
  9. Thank you for the help, I have used that function and I realized the errors that I made a thousand thank you jd for the help in neither time. :wink:
  10. Pete I program in visual basic 6, and when sending the location coordinates the fs doesn't interpret them in the correct way. Example: Text1 and Text2 are the text boxes where I introduce the data. And the location is in another different place. Ups… :oops: excuses for my English it is not the best. On the other hand if you can help me then do I need to know the code OACI of the aerodrome that I am or the but near, does it exist some variable or form?
  11. Pete I made a map of which obtain the coordinates in the following format yxx, xxxxx where y is the sign, and x the digits. And not yet I can. A thousand thanks for your help.
  12. Mr. Dowson: Hi, we are a sim creators group, and in this moment we make a project with the Colombian Air Force, and the T37 Aircraft. And have a big problem with the light indication in the cockpit, when we lower and upper the gear, because we need the result and when declare the variables have han error that describe the wrong type of them. (pDest *int to *void) Thankful
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