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Craig Phillips

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About Craig Phillips

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Ok thank you for your help anyway. I'll have to try a few more possiblities. And you were correct about 180 mod 90 = 0, sorry about that mistake, also 127.3125 is the number used. Thanks Craig
  2. I did notice a problem that I had with retreiving the traffic data, however that is now resolved. Here is a snipbit of the code, it is in Visual Basic, but it should be easy enough to understand: gcbearing = the bearing from current plane to one of the traffic nmm = is the distance between the two planes in Nautical Miles The Mod function cancels a number down, for example: 369 Mod 360 = 9 180 Mod 90 = 90 181 Mod 90 = 1 (180 / (4 * Atn(1))) = is the radians 127.5 = is the ratio to draw on the radar po = gcbearing Mod 90 po = gcbearing / (180 / (4 * Atn(1))) 'Find the height hi = (Sin(po) * nmm) * 127.3125 'Find the length lo = (Cos(po) * nmm) * 127.3125 'Plot the planes on the radar screen If gcbearing > 0 And gcbearing < 90 Then plane1(i).Top = (plane1(0).Top + hi + (plane1(i).Height / 2)) * 1 plane1(i).Left = (plane1(0).Left + lo + (plane1(i).Width / 2)) * 1 ElseIf gcbearing > 90 And gcbearing < 180 Then plane1(i).Top = (plane1(0).Top + hi + (plane1(i).Height / 2)) * 1 plane1(i).Left = (plane1(0).Left + lo + (plane1(i).Width / 2)) * 1 ElseIf gcbearing > 180 And gcbearing < 270 Then plane1(i).Top = (plane1(0).Top + hi + (plane1(i).Height / 2)) * 1 plane1(i).Left = (plane1(0).Left + lo + (plane1(i).Width / 2)) * 1 ElseIf gcbearing > 270 And gcbearing < 360 Then plane1(i).Top = (plane1(0).Top + hi - (plane1(i).Height / 2)) * 1 plane1(i).Left = (plane1(0).Left + lo - (plane1(i).Width / 2)) * 1 End If I hope this is understandable. Thanks Craig
  3. Yep done all that and it still is not working. Any other suggestions?
  4. I have already used the functions to find out each X and Y, however it does not seem to work.Are the X and Y formulas the same for each quadrant? For example: Bearing > 0 and <90 b=Bearing nm = Distance (nm) x=Cos(b / (180/PI)) * nm y=Sin(b/ (180/PI)) * nm I am stuck on finding the x and y lengths. What are the other X and Y formulas for each quadrant? Thanks Craig
  5. Pete I am making a Traffic radar program just like TrafficLook, however my radar screen is "plane is north". If you get what I mean. I have been using the Aviation Formulary at http://williams.best.vwh.net/avform.htm. I can work out the distance and the bearing from the current aircraft to the AI traffic, however I am unable to present it on the Radar screen. I have also been using trigonometry, however I am not familiar with it. I was wondering if you could show me an example of how you present the traffic in TrafficLook. It would be much appriated. Thanks CRaig
  6. I do have Active Camera installed. Should I remove it? Thanks Craig
  7. When I change a view from looking forward from to the right it will display a message that says 'Possibly cannot display the window'. Could you please help. Thanx in advance Craig
  8. Hi Just like to say in Fs2002 the Instructor flashes the gauge by programming in Adventure Basic Language (.abl files). Regards :D Craig
  9. I am looking to make a AI Traffic promgram which will read all of the aeroplanes positions, heading, altitude and speed in FS2002 to be written in Visual Basic 6. Thanx for your help Craig
  10. How would you write to FSUIPC in VB? Ive been trying to set the pause function for ages. Could you send me an example? Craig
  11. How do you write to FSUIPC using Visual Basic. I have been trying to set the pause control but it doesnt seem to work. Please help. Thanx
  12. How do you write to FSUIPC in Visual Basic?
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