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The Bean

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Everything posted by The Bean

  1. Peter if you need a copy of the dash 8 I'll be happy to send you my copy of the download along with my password and e-mail address. E-mail me at odieone@mts.net with where you want it sent. It don't work for me now anyway. :)
  2. Thank you for writing back so quickly. I have written them and have asked for help on this problem 4 times. I have written to their forum and also thier direct help line. Every time I just get my wheels spun. It's just like they won't admit there is a problem. I guess I'm just going to put this model in the hanger and use it as a learning tool. I'd rather be flying than fixing. Again I really apprciate the response and will keep using your product as I have done now since I started with fs98 :wink: .
  3. Sir, I have a copy of the PSS Dash 8, every time I try to use it with any version of FSUIPC greater that 2.8 it goes into a freeze thaw mode. This renders it useless in fs9. I have removed the FSUIPC mod from the fs9 flight sim and the aircraft works fine but I no longer have the benfit of using your critical mod. I would also like to thank you for all the years of work you have put into the FSUIPC, without it I don't believe that flightsimming would be as popular. If there is no fix for this problem, then out goes the dash 8 as I am frustrated with this problem. Maybe the best fix is just delete the aircraft and act as if I just spent the money in the bar. :D
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