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About Thanos68

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Thanks a lot Peter, just the reply I was looking forward to. Kind Regards Thanos Anogiatis :D
  2. Peter good day, quoting from simmarket on widefs7 "The package is therefore in two parts. You will need to download FSUIPC4.zip and WideFS.zip. The latter contains WideServer.DLL version 6 (which you don’t use with FSX), and a version 6 of WideClient.EXE, which is 100% compatible with FSUIPC4 and the WideServer version 7 it incorporates." Does this mean that - apart from the fsuipc4 and widefs7 - I can also use the wideserver 6 and wideclient 6 version with my FS9 that co-exists in my pc with FSX? Could be any sort of trouble using the same duo of pcs as "fs_server" and "fs_clients" for both fs9 and fsX. I'm a registered user of fsuipc3 at the moment. Thanks for all your work and support over the years. Thanos Anogiatis Athens, Greece
  3. Henk hi, I have to agree with Peter that others are having the -8 running just fine with NAV so it must not be only this. I will just give you my general sequence of actions I took over the last months. Being sure that fsuipc was not the culprit I contacted PSS support and I was asked to do all the usual tricks of the trade. Latest mobo drivers Latest sound drivers Latest graphic drivers (ATI btw) Set default flight as per pss forum pinned mail Try with the nocdcrack and without. Rebuild fs9.cfg Rebuild fsuipc.ini All these actions came to no avail. The freeze was there. The last two actions I took were getting rid of nav products (was scheduled in any case ) and run a registry clean after all (found some mistakes, nothing on pss, but a couple on old display drivers). Then I fired up my fs and voila, no problem. Maybe the combination of actions did the trick. The problem is that they cannot reproduce it over at pss and I do not really know how much "personal" attention you can get. All their suggestions were towards things that an average simmer could try anyway. I am not blaming them but I think it is down to individual configurations. Another suggestion is to take a piece of paper and write down your pc config and your friend's that is working and compare every aspect. Tell me how can I be of further assistance. Good luck Thanos
  4. :D SOLVED :D Well I got rid of Norton Antivirus and personal firewall (AVG and Sygate personal Firewall now). Among other good effects of that action, I also have my dash 8 working fine !!!!!!!! I do not know why and how but if you are interested I could create a new log file with fsuipc to compare it with the old "problematic" one. Of course I had tried in the past to completely stop Norton with FSautostart with no results on the -8 freeze... Solution came completely out of the blue ! Thanks enormously for your efforts. Thanos Anogiatis Athens, Greece
  5. Hmmm.... :? wondering on who the culprit can be here.... Cannot even imagine....Some machines have it and others don't I am not very enthusiastic on formatting either... Too much data...too little time....still waiting on something from pss Oh well... Regards Thanos
  6. Pete, Jimmy Just to confirm that the log file together with the comments has been sent to John at pss support. Nothing so far but I will keep everybody posted on that. Peter, first class service Sir 8) , Thank you very much... Regards Thanos Anogiatis
  7. Well, if I had a copy of the Dash 8 and some better description of the problems I could have a look and maybe advise PSS what their problem is, if it is indeed anything related to things I understand. But if PSS have stopped support there's maybe not a lot of point. They were pretty good at one time, and even sent me aircraft to check out. Ah well, nothing good seems to last these days. :( Regards, Pete Pete, sorry I cannot help with the -8 copy :-). The overall answer from PSS was How can a problem exist if they do not have it or cannot replicate it. I deleted fsuipc and the freeze-unfreeze situation went away. Works fine apart from problems with the autopilot. I reinstalled fsuipc and i created a log file with one cycle of data during the problem (apart from weather). Would you be so kind to tell me if I can forward the zip file to you (94K)? Which address?Contact me privately if you would like so. May be you could find sth. For a detail description of the problem pls. see my thread over at PSS.. I pointed to it earlier in this thread too... Sorry but I am too tired to describe it again. Your support is greatly appreciated over here. TIA and best regards Thanos
  8. No, not at all. I really can't see what sort of conflict there could be, to be honest. Especially when the limiting version of FSUIPC was apparently 2.8 which is over two years old! You'd think someone would have mentioned something during those two years or more, whether PSS or a user? The only description of the 'problem' I've received is the one above: "goes into a freeze thaw mode", which I don't understand and cannot visualise. Regards, Pete Peter, thanks for the time to answer this... For me it is a problem of last month and not two years as I was waiting for pss to patch -8 for fs9... Actually here is the thread I initiated over at PSS http://forums.avsim.net/dcboard.php?az=ype=search Later, in another thread, other users reported that by going to older fsuipc versions their problem was solved. I did not bother testing it because all my other addons work fine with latest fsuipc... (PSS ones too) I regard it as a PSS problem of course but as I was browsing in this forum for help I came across this thread... Needless to say I followed all pss instructions for install and reinstall... Maybe I have to put pressure to pss again but there are other important things in life too :) Best Regards Thanos
  9. Peter hi, actually we are many PSS -8 users on the very same boat. We are talking about fs9 and their latest patched version. I understand that maybe it is not your problem but in one of the replies from their support they stated that they would contact you to further investigate... So the question is "has anyone from PSS contacted you on this issue"? It is always bad to have a payware addon permanently "parked". Regards Thanos Anogiatis
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