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About sacramento

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Hi Pete: Yes i respect your time, and i know, you must have a lot off thinks to do that answear questions, i know that, and if you see i have in this all forum 24 posts, that's because, before i post a post, i search for the subject i would like, and believe me it's very hard for me bother persons, but when i don't have more resources i need to post... Ok let's leave this subject and let me test again with the offset you had send me.... Thanks and accept my apologies
  2. HI: I do not know why people get upset by asking questions that have nothing to do with knowing more than the other or do not trust what the documents say, but doubts that are simply questions, and we try try but not we can't and we need help! Resuming will doubt, I think that still did not understand my question then to be jumping to conclusions, but is ready to again! Thanks anyway
  3. Hi Pete: Thanks for the information... Just yet the offset 0BC0, that's only that i would like to know it's the format to enter the values! Because you just teel in the offset the range -16383 and +16383, but the way to enter the values is: *360/65536? Thanks
  4. Hi Pete: Thanks for your reply... The potentiometer are connected to an electronic board, and he can not see as an AXIS, that's because i thought in use the 0BC0 offset... I could try your sugestion, that sounds more easy for me, via programming, but for user, required a little more knowledge to calibrate etc etc...already now, have you a offset that could i setup the trottle of PM, via axis assignement's on FSUIPC? Anyway, just for my knowlodge, can you tell me, in case of Offset 0BC0, the values that we must enter? Thanks
  5. Hi: I would like to use the Offset 0BC0 that is for use to elevator Trim Control....My potentiometer give me values from 0530 to 3ad0 Hexadecimal.... Question: I need to convert first the hexadecimal value for decimal and then multiply for 65532, and send? If possible, please, tell me the way to do this ok? THanks Manuel Sacramento
  6. Hi: I had see the list off FSUIPC offset and i'm not sure the best offset to work with squawk in mode charlie and STDY mode. If anyone could give a little help I appreciate. Thanks Manuel Sacramento
  7. Yes completely remove it! Windows XP profissional...version 2002 with SP2 Other things Added - a Module COM of go flight
  8. Hi Pete: I had made the tests you had required and: Download maked and the FSUIPC are used in Modules folder...Problem remain I always running FS in Windowed mode... . Addons - Project Magenta IVAP I have only the defaults aircrafts and more one to PM... The FS as been installed again to try this tips! I had try with others defaults flights and the problem remain Ok...before I send you the .DLLs I have in the modules folder i had try the FSUIPC 3.53 and the FS work very well...this mean something to you? If I change to version 3.715,the FS don't load...strange no? Thanks
  9. Hi Pete: Ok...thanks for the tips...This tonight I will make the tests you had recommend. Then I will report to you the results Manuel Sacramento
  10. Hi Pete: Thanks for your reply... When I say don't answear,the FS don't enter...the FS don't enter to the main menu...I make CTRL+ALT+DEL in my PC and the status of FS is No answear. The version is the last version 3.71 Thanks
  11. Hi Pete: A strange problem are hapen in my PC...If a remove the FSUIPC.dll from the modules folder,the FS2004 start correctly... If I put FSUIPC.dll in modules folder the FS2004 don't answear,and consequently can not enter! My firewall is disable in antivirus panda and Windows XP! Any resolution for this? Thanks Manuel Sacramento
  12. Sory Pete...I had Find...is installed in the modules folder of FSX.... The problems is resolved Thanks
  13. Hi Pete: I can not find: Advanced User's guide for FSUIPC4 I just have User guide for FSUIPC4 and I don't find any detail about: Programs: facilities to load and run additional programs Thanks
  14. Hi Pete: In FS2004 i use this: [user] run1=d:\iocards\sioc.exe run2=d:\pmsounds\pmsounds.exe close1=yes close2=yes I had try in FSX in section [Wideserver],but notthing happens! Can you tell me here I can put this in FSX? Thanks
  15. roger that sir thanks
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