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About etanin

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Just checked 2.123 that you sent me and it works GREAT, let it out. Thanks for all your help, you are the best!
  2. Pete, the more I think about it I think I only had the problem with one panel, so don't worry and let me look into that more. At this time there were the 2 or 3 changes in ver's and maybe I just got hung up on this one panel. Oh, win XP and English (USA) I'll let you know what I find and the more I think about I bet it's something with that panel, I'm so sorry if that is what it is.
  3. First thing I checked, yep it's ver 2.122. I have been doing this way to long not the read the notes first. I can try to reinstall it again but I did do that the other day after I saw your release notes and I checked to make sure it was ver 2.122 Would it help if I delete the cfg in the modules folder and run it again? I will try that after I reinstall it tonight.
  4. Thanks, and as for the last version I had was the on before this one, I think I have had them all :) OK, I will recheck everything. Now that you mention it I do remember not being able to lock or dock it like I use to in other versions. I will let you know.
  5. Peter, after I installed V2.122 my panels do not keep the settings for Advdisp. Everytime I load FS in the modules advdisp is unchecked so I have to setup the advdisp window everytime. I checked the panels.cfg and all the info for advdisp is there but I also found a cfg for advdisp in the modules folder and I do not remember ever seeing that in there. Thanks again,
  6. Thanks Pete, you are one of a kind! Without your GREAT support for us junkies there would be no FS on my computer. My best wishes to you and yours
  7. Thanks for the reply, I am talking about the scroll speed or the speed that the text runs from the right to the left. I fly on line with vatsim so I do not use it that much other than weather up dates from Fsmeteo and I guess it could be almost half the speed. If I was flying adventers or using FS ATC it would not be a problem because there would be voice but in multiplayer you loose the voice for atis so I have to read it real fast lol. Hey now theres an idea is there a way to get Adventure voice back in multiplayer, as in voice for atis? Hummmm!!!!! Oh well just thinking out loud.
  8. Peter, thanks for everything you have done! Is there a way to adjust the speed of the text in Advdisp? I find it a little to fast for some things and that could very well be the programs that send the data but I just thought I would ask. Thanks again,
  9. I looked and I can not find any Client and Server LOG files. Is there a way to turn them on and off? Also the client that has this problem has SB and RW running for vatsim, and all the disconnecting caused many problems, is there a way to set it to stay connected? I will try it in FS2002 tonight and see what happens. Thanks
  10. Fsuipc 3.04 wideclient 6.02 and FS9 disconnects every 60 seconds or so. I did not try it with FS2002 yet but just wondering if anyone else is having this problem. Thanks
  11. OK for all the people that say they do not need Fsuipc or will not pay I have just one request, REMOVE IT for a week, if you can handle it that long! Get my point? I think you have all just forgot what Fsuipc brings to FS. I paid a donation as soon as I saw that and I will pay again! You are the man Pete!!!!!
  12. Where can I find this option in XP. Thanks
  13. Where can I find this option in XP. Thanks
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