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About edward

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Yes Peter you`r right,the widefs and fsuipc are good programs and have nothing to do with SB last version. I read on the forum of SB that you only can Fly with Vatsim and SB. IVAO has it`s own prog. Regards and thanks for taking your time.
  2. Hi,i stopped with the SB on my laptop,it`s connect and launched SB with the program SBrelay but when i try to open the menu in SB the menu not appears and i see no way to solved that. I use sb2.3 because it came with IVAO so i have try to install the last version off SB3.04 without a positive result.I don`t no IVAO support the last version of SB,they use IVAP. greetings,Edward.
  3. Peter,thanks for your answer. I have stopped the firewall and downloaded sb relay so now it opens SB and i can joined it. Edward.
  4. Hi Peter,i have the next problem,on my first computer i run fs2002 and have also the last registered versions of FSUIPC and WIDEFS on that comp. Squawkbox2.3 are also installed on that computer. On my second computer,"laptop" i have installed the WideClient an have made a copie of Squawkbox and set that on the laptop. Also i made the following line in the config of WideCleint ,Run1=C\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Fs2002\Squawkbox\Squawkbox.exe So when i start fs2002 on my first comp. and go to multiplayer i connected it,after that i go to my laptop en start WIDEFS,HostSB and SBexe. In the dialogscreen u push the button search,then in the next screen i wil give the IP adress and click on the button. Now the program is still searching but nothing happends. What i do wrong?maybe can you give me a solution?i hope so. Thanks that you take some time for me. Sincerly Edward.
  5. Thank`s Peter for your reply,i will buy a key for widefs and try it again. It`s was my intention how to see of Ted`s nav program will work`s on a second comp and of it`s satisfy for me. with regards,Edward.
  6. Hi Peter.i have downloaded Ted Wright`s NAV for my laptop. Also i have installed widefs vers.5.5 in my modules of fs2002[host] and on the laptop the [client] in the map of Nav. I have installed Nav on the comp .where is fs2002 and maked a database as described in the turtual of Nav ,after that i copied the complete map of Nav to the laptop and put the clientfiles of widefs in that map and maked a shortcut to the desktop. I use a registered version of fsuips vers.3.411. So when i launched fs and after that widefs on the laptop in the screen of widefs a message appaers "wide fs client couldn`t run ". Widefs say in the taskline that`s is connected. As i launched Nav on the laptop it`s say that it could`t find fs. Did i need a registered version of wide fs? I send you hereby the filelog. ********* WideClient.DLL Log [version 5.50] ********* Date (dmy): 19/09/05, Time 10:41:23.966: Client name is BOXY-1960 66344 Attempting to connect now 67937 Trying TCP/IP host "lodewijks" ... 67937Okay, IP Address = 67937 Connection made okay! 70219 Connection closed by server! 70219 Ready to try connection again 70250 Attempting to connect now 70250 Connection made okay! 81594 Connection closed by server! 81594 Ready to try connection again 81656 Attempting to connect now 81656 Connection made okay! 118234 New Client Application: "Nav" (Id=3480) 203906 Reception maximum achieved: 1 frames/sec, 20 bytes/sec 203906 Reception average achieved whilst connected: 0 frames/sec, 11 bytes/sec 203906 Max receive buffer = 29, Max send depth = 0 203906 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 1, Alloc 207 Freed 207 Refused 0) ********* Thank`s for taking your time,regards Edward.
  7. Hoi Pierre,go to the GoFlight Homepage and then go to the forum,in the tech hangar you will see an example for how to config your MCP for the MPDG .In this case the HDG hold button function fot the MCP. regards ,Edward.
  8. Hi Olivier,i use the MCP off Goflight when i programming it in the buttonpage it will work fine. But after that i shutdown fs2002 and restart it and select the PMDG737NG again i have to program it again it will not be saved. When i program in the buttonpage i select Aircraft specific. What i do wrong? Please maybe do you know what happen. Regards,Edward.
  9. Your right Pete. My ecxuus to you. Regards,Edward.
  10. Hi Pete,Yesterday i send you the logfile of the version3.203 i have recieved by email from you. When i program in the buttonpage for my MPC of PMDGpanel in combination of GoFlight MPC and pointed the "aircraft specific" evrything will be ok. But when l left fs2002 and start it aigain and start with the PMDG boeing every value is lost in FSUIPC buttonpage. If i go to the FSUIPC.INIpage i see the parameters and values correct standing. What is happing? I send hereby the inipage off my FSUIPC. Thank you for your time, regards ,Edward. [General] GenerateRain=No GenerateCirrus=No WindShearSharp=Yes AutoTaxiWind=No UpperWindGusts=No StormsAutomatic=No GraduatedVisibility=Yes LowerVisAltitude=6000 UpperVisAltitude=25000 ExtendMetarMaxVis=Yes PatchWeatherToADV=Yes PlanLoadNoPosition=No PatchSimApAlt=Yes AutoClearWeather=Yes ApplyVisFix=No WindTransitions=Yes ExtendTopWind=Yes WindSmoothness=1 CopyDewPtToDayNightVar=Yes SmoothPressure=Yes PressureSmoothness=10 SmoothVisibility=Yes VisibilitySmoothness=3 MaxSurfaceWind=0 WindVarFactor=7 WindLimitLevel=200 WindDiscardLevel=400 WindSetVariance=No SubterraneanWindFix=Yes MagWindsToFST=No WindAjustAltitude=No WindAjustAltitudeBy=2000 MinimumVisibility=0 MaximumVisibilityFewClouds=9000 MaximumVisibility=2000 MaximumVisibilityOvercast=2000 MaximumVisibilityRainy=1000 UpperVisibility=9000 OneCloudLayer=No ThinClouds=No ThinThunderClouds=No StormProbability=0 StormMinTemp=10 StormParameters=1030530 CloudThinness=1000 ThunderCloudThinness=10000 CloudTurbulence=Yes CloudIcing=Yes CloudForVSky=No WindTurbulence=No SuppressAllGusts=No ExternalOptionControl=Yes AutoTuneADF=No MagicBattery=Yes AxisCalibration=No TCASid=Type TCASrange=40 SendWeatherAlways=No SendWeatherInterval=60 RainStopper=75 RainStarter=75 KeepFS98CloudCover=No RudderSpikeRemoval=Yes ElevatorSpikeRemoval=Yes AileronSpikeRemoval=Yes ShowPMcontrols=No AdjustWeatherATIS=No CloudTurbulenceToWinds=No FixRainProblem=Yes TrapUserInterrupt=Yes NavFreq50KHz=No ClockSync=No SmoothIAS=Yes MinVSkyAltitude=40000 TrafficScanPerFrame=10 SuppressCloudTurbulence=No SuppressWindTurbulence=No FixWindows=No FixControlAccel=Yes MainMenu=&Modules SubMenu=&FSUIPC ... CloudForJetTrails=No History=YG9V861QAKSU8ONDNA2M0 WhiteMessages=No ThrottleSyncAll=No ReversedElevatorTrim=No SpoilerIncrement=512 [JoystickCalibration] FlapsSetControl=0 ReverserControl=66292 AileronTrimControl=0 RudderTrimControl=0 MaxThrottleForReverser=0 CowlFlaps1Control=0 CowlFlaps2Control=0 CowlFlaps3Control=0 CowlFlaps4Control=0 [buttons.KLM B737-700] 0=P149,8,K90,8 1=P149,7,K65,8 2=P149,2,K77,10 3=P149,1,K72,10 4=P149,0,K79,10 5=P149,4,K90,10 6=P149,5,K65,10 7=P149,24,K80,14 8=P149,27,K80,11 9=P149,31,K90,11 10=P149,28,K90,14 11=P149,23,K86,11 12=P149,20,K86,14 13=P149,19,K72,11 14=P149,16,K72,14 15=P149,15,K68,11 16=P149,12,K68,14 17=P109,1,K82,9 [buttons] 0=P149,8,C65580,0
  11. ********* FSUIPC, Version 3.203 by Pete Dowson ********* User Name="edward lodewijks" User Addr= FSUIPC Key is provided WIDEFS not user registered, or expired Module base=61000000 ClassOptions: UIPCMAIN=FF7F, FS98MAIN=FF7F, FS2KMAIN=FF5E WeatherOptions(Orig)=200C310B[200C310B] InitDelay: 3 seconds LogOptions=00000001 DebugStatus=15 9282 System time = 23:28:16 9283 C:\PROGRAM FILES\MICROSOFT GAMES\FS2002\ 17626 FLIGHTS\myflts\klm fokker 100 at gate d27 schiphol.flt 18041 AIRCRAFT\PF Fokker-100 Tay-620\fokker100-620.air 37266 System time = 23:28:44, FS2002 time = 23:28:34 (22:28Z) 60493 AIRCRAFT\PMDG737-700\B737-700.air 88330 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled 88330 ADVDRV.DLL has been patched for weather and other variables 88330 Everlasting rain/snow fix installed 112535 FLIGHTS\MYFLTS\UI Generated Temporary Flight.flt 113545 Clear All Weather requested: external weather discarded 294600 WeatherOptions set, now 200C310B (timer=0) 301655 FLIGHTS\MYFLTS\UI Generated Temporary Flight.flt 302964 Clear All Weather requested: external weather discarded Hi Pete,the latest version i used iwas 3.202 then i installed 3.203 regards,Edward.
  12. Hi Pete,i recieved your email and have placed de dll in the modulesmap off fs2002. The results was not good,after that i programmed again the rotaryknobs are slow. When i left fs2002 and restarted it ,the configuration of the buttons are not saved. This problem was also before i send you the topic. I had programmed the buttons and rotaryknobs in the buttonspgage with pointed "'include Project Magenta"'and "Aircraft Specific?". So i hoped that the setup was stored for the next time. The aircraft add on i used is the PMDG NG 737. With regards,Edward
  13. Hi Pete,by this way thank you for the fast reply and the following action you taken. regards,Edward.
  14. Hi, i have just purchased FSUIPC version 3.20.2 and i got a litlle problem with my GoFlight stuff. When i try to programming the rotaryknobs on my MCP there is no difference between fast and slowl rotation,for example speed will go slowly. I read in a topic on this site that there will be a problem in combination with the TQ-6 from Goflight. By this way il will thank youy for the time that you will take for me. Regards,Edward.
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