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About iwik

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Thanks Pete, That's how I did mine. Les
  2. P.S I run win 7 64bit
  3. Hi All, Im struggling to get this to work with either Eterlogics (reg version) or HDD free option. The only one that works is the Trial Eltima one. What I don't understand is what one expects to see when installing these ports. Out of the three ive installed, Eterlogics shows no Ports in Control Panel, Hdd shows two ports when Bridge mode selected. Eltima shows Com1--->Com2 and Com2--->com1 as entries. I am confused as to what to expect. As I have paid for the Eterlogics one naturally this is what I want to use. Can someone who successfully uses it tell me if there should be some entries in Control panel under ports. I am presuming all I have to do is select pair and then set the first com port in Wideclient ini and the second in my moving map software on my remote pc. Any suggestions would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks Les
  4. Hi pete, Thanks for the reply.The wee program helped me greatly.All 6 axes are now recognised by Fsuipc and i can calibrate ok.My problem was that i was not sure from my hardware docs which were the two axis that would not be seen by Fsuipc. The thrustmaster utility identified what each axis was. Thanks again for helping me so quickly. Take care Les
  5. Hi, Can someone help me with the following problem.Im using the latest Fsuipc for FS9 and it is a registered version. I have my yoke and pedals with toe brakes connected to a Plasma Lite(from Beta Innovations)USB I/F) and Fsim sees all these 5 axis and can be used alright. I want to use Fsuipc exclusively so i disabled the joystick. When i try the rescan option it cannot see my left toe brakes.Ive been able to find all the others.i tried to add a line similar to the Right brakes and usinga spare axis letter but it didnt see the other axis. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Les
  6. Also make sure you have show hidden files ticked under tools/folder options/ view Hope this helps Les
  7. Hi Pete, Just had to say Thanks for a great module.i use it with PocketFms (pocketfms.com) a great Donationware program and my Ipaq 3670. For anyone with similar PDA here are my parameters. Sentences=RMC,PGRMZ,GGA Interval=100 Speed=52600 It goes like the clappers and updates just about the same as FS9. Keep up the very good work it is really Appreciated. Rgds les
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