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Posts posted by mad_schatz

  1. Dear Mr. Dowson,

    While I was working on your VB sample code, I realised something.

    When I first start FS, it's local time is the same time that I see in task bar of XP. But When I Pause the flight for 10 mintues, FS Local time is beeing delay for the length of Pause ( in this situatin 10 min. delay occurs ). FS does not update its' local time after the pause.

    Is this a normal thing or a bug of FS ?


  2. Dear Mr. Pete,

    I apologize for the inconvenience :oops: .

    Everything is caused by confusion of terms. When Jamie sent the reply, I did try to solve the problem in that way. I had tought that "FLOATING POINT DOUBLE" is a different variable that can be use in C. Anyway by the help of Mr.Pete I realised where I did make the mistake. Now I solved my problem. Thank you for your help.

  3. Hi Jamie,

    According to your suggestion I corrected my code. Now it looks like :

    Dim lnData As Currency

    Dim lnMiles As Double

    Dim dwResult As Long

    If FSUIPC_Read(&H6048, 8, VarPtr(lnData), dwResult) Then

    If FSUIPC_Process(dwResult) Then

    lnMiles= lnData * 10000#

    lnMiles=lnMiles / (10001750# * 65536# * 65536#)


    I don't know if the calculation is true. I did it according to the example. But I think that this calculation is used to calculate LATITUDE.

    Also In the SDK it is mentioned that the value is in Meters, so I should have to make a convertion mtr -> nm.

    While converting Mtr to NM, which value I should use to divide, 1.6 or 1.8 ?

  4. Hi Everybody,

    I'm confused and can't find any solutions for my problem. I'm using VB6.0 for programming. I'm trying to read offset 6048 to get the distance to the GPS Active waypoint :

    Dim gpsData As Byte ( CORRECTED By MAD SCHATZ )

    ReDim gpsData(8)

    If FSUIPC_Read(&H6048, 8, VarPtr(gpsData(1)), dwResult) Then

    If FSUIPC_Process(dwResult) Then


    Now the value returned in gpsData array is like :

    gpsData(0)=0, gpsData(1)=48, gpsData(2)=177, gpsData(3)=161

    gpsData(4)=238, gpsData(5)=139, gpsData(6)=78, gpsData(7)=1


    So now I don't know what to do with these numbers ! What must I do with these numbers ?

    Does anyone have any suggestion ?

  5. Hi Mr.Dowson,

    I found a little bug on the FSUIPC.BAS file. I fix the problem. And I would like to inform you about this fix.

    Problem :

    When The first attemp to connect to FSUPIC the FSUIPC_OPEN function is used. Everything goes well. You can have version of actual FSUIPC.dll.

    But when you try to CHECK the connection by using FSUIPC_OPEN, because of the earlier established connection, the function returns with errorcode 1 (Attempt to Open when already Open) and exits form function. Before exiting from function, the vesion information is reseted.


    Change the place of initialize varibles in FSUIPC_OPEN function :

    ' abort if already started

    If (m_pView& <> 0) Then

    dwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_OPEN

    FSUIPC_Open = False

    Exit Function

    End If

    ' initialize vars

    nTry = 0

    fWideFS = False

    i = 0

    FSUIPC_Version = 0

    FSUIPC_FS_Version = 0


  6. Hi Everybody,

    I'm trying to implement an utility for my self. I need to know my distance to a DME. On the SDK I saw that 0C29 offset does this.

    When I try the offset, I get a value someting like 825110576. This value increases/decreases with the distance to DME.

    In the SDK " DME1 distance as character string " is written in the explanation of 0C29.

    When I examined the offset with FSINTEROGATE, I saw that the value returned is LONGWORD.But when I examine the offset with FSLOOK, The value is FLOAT64.

    I'm confused about this. Which one is true ? Or are they the same thing ?

    Also how must I handle this number ? How can I convert it into NM ?

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