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About tomcontr

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Thanks. I'll try doing that... By the way... Im also having some problems getting the G-Force with Offset: 11BA How can I calculate the G-force like FS shows it? Like 1.0 or 1.5 etc... ? Im getting numbers like 264.000 etc... Best Regards Tomás
  2. Hi Pete, Is there any way to calculate in FSUIPC 3 the actual fuel weight in pounds as it can be done in FSUIPC 4? Using offset 126C ? If not... what would be the normal way to do it? I mean Should I calculate every single tank separatly? Is there any offset that says how many tanks does the aircraft has ? Thanks Regards Tomás
  3. Thanks a lot Pete!! Tomás
  4. Is there any way to get the Aircraft.cfg path of the aircraft that is currently loaded with FSUIPC or any other method? Regards Tomás
  5. Yep I did said that. Sorry about it... its just I ´ve been very disconnected from FS world latetly. I will test the FSUIPC 4.332 today. Any idea when its going out as a Final versión? Best Regards Tomás
  6. Hi Pete, I´ve been disconnected a little while from the Flight Sim. Any news about these matter? Best regards Tomás
  7. Not a problem... I'll be checking the forum for test realease. Thanks again. Regards Tomas
  8. that would be greate... I just need to know if the user enables or disables the Crash Detection, so I can Puase the game. Because we dont allow Crash detection disabled on or Virtual Airlines. About the offset, it doesnt matter, as long as I can use it, I would be very thankful. Best Regards Tomas
  9. I was reading about some variables that simconnect has, and one of them allows to read the status of crash detection, can FSUIPC eventually read that value using Simconnect? I only need to read the value. Regards Tomás
  10. Is there any way to set the Crash action in FSX? Regards Tomas
  11. Hi, Has anyone been able to find any solution for this problem? Regards Tomas
  12. No, not without the usual DLL injection techniques used to invade any program. For those see books like "Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows" by Jeffrey Richter (Chapter 22 applies). Please see my previous reply. Regards Pete Ok, thanks a lot Pete, I will have a look at those dvds. Regards Tomas.
  13. But, I cant load my old FS2004 module, some how manually into FSX? Regards Tomas
  14. Hi Pete, I have a little question, not about FSUIPC, but about FS Modules. I developed a few years ago a little module that was able to run on FS2002 and FS2004. I tried to make it work on FSX, but I didn’t succeed. Do you know if FS2004 modules are compatible with FSX as FS2002 modules were compatible with FS2004? Best Regards Tomas
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