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Everything posted by tomcontr

  1. I´m using this script to check if the connection to FSUIPC is alive, but I may be it´s not the best one, please if someone can make it better, I will appreciate very much, because I getting timeout very offten with this script, and onestly I think that is this particulary offset or many this login. any way here is the code: // fsuipc_error_msg() is a function that I create to display the error msg.// //I choose that offset randomly so may be that could be a problem too.// If FSUIPC_Read(&H264, 2, VarPtr(f), dwResult) Then If FSUIPC_Process(dwResult) Then Else fsuipc_error_msg(Str(dwResult) & "_1") End If Else fsuipc_error_msg(Str(dwResult) & "_2") End If I hope that some one can help. Regards Thomas
  2. Hi, I having some problems with FSUIPC and some of my users. The problem that they have is that when they are Flying with The software I developed, some times or most of the times the Lost conection with FSUIPC. This is one of the example code: FSUIPC_Read &h56C , 4, VarPtr(Result), (dwResult) If FSUIPC_Process(dwResult) then do this else show error "LOST CONNECTION WITH FSUIPC" end if This is so wierd, because this error should appear only when the FS crash, o the user close it. But it happend when they are fliying. Now I must say that this problem occurs only with 2 people, so it´s not a big problem, but want to fix it any way. So if some one happend to now something about this problem, o had have the same problem with other program that uses FSUIPC, I will apreciate very much if he could give me a hand. Best Regards Thomas.
  3. How can I detect that My program lost conection with FSUIPC? Is there any offset, or pice of code that some one could share? Best Regards Thomas
  4. I used the VB script on this POST to get the Aircraft name, it works. but it didnt worked on FS98 with FSUPC 2.974 Was that a problem of the FSUIPC version, or just that FS98 does not supper that offset? Regards Thomas.
  5. Is it possible to detect where FS is stoped? For example, when I´m flying, and I want to change the weather during the flight, the FS will stop, while I´m in the wether menu and settings? Can I detect that stop, with FSUIPC? Best Regards Thomas
  6. In Squawkbox, where you are on the ground your Mode or Status must be Standby. And when you are flying, the status must be C. or charlie Tom
  7. Is it posible to detect the Charlie or Stdby mode, with FSUIPC. Thats a parameter from FS, or SB? Regards Thomas.
  8. I´m tring to compil this gaugue, but I get many error: #include "GAUGES.H" char *temperature_string = "hello world"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MAKE_STRING ( temperature_string, NULL, temperature_fail, IMAGE_USE_ERASE | IMAGE_USE_BRIGHT | IMAGE_USE_TRANSPARENCY, 0, 28, 9, 60, 29, 3, TOTAL_AIR_TEMP, DISPLAY_UNITS, MODULE_VAR_NONE, RGB(255,0,0), RGB(0,0,0), RGB(92,92,92), GAUGE_FONT_DEFAULT, GAUGE_WEIGHT_DEFAULT, GAUGE_CHARSET, 0, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE, NULL, temperature_string_cb ) Errors: --------------------Configuration: miprimer gauge - Win32 Debug-------------------- Compiling... gauge.cpp c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(5335) : warning C4200: nonstandard extension used : zero-sized array in struct/union C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2040: 'temperature_string' : 'struct ELEMENT_STRING' differs in levels of indirection from 'char *' C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2065: 'GAUGEHDR_VAR_NAME' : undeclared identifier C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'int *' to 'struct GAUGEHDR *' Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'struct ELEMENT_HEADER ** ' to 'struct ELEMENT_HEADER *' Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2065: 'temperature_fail' : undeclared identifier C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'struct FAILURE_RECORD *' to 'struct ELEMENT_HEADER *' Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const int' to 'struct ELEMENT_HEADER *' Conversion from integral type to pointer type requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' to 'struct FAILURE_RECORD *' Conversion from integral type to pointer type requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' to 'struct FAILURE_RECORD *' Conversion from integral type to pointer type requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' to 'struct FAILURE_RECORD *' Conversion from integral type to pointer type requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2078: too many initializers C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'unsigned long' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'unsigned long' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'unsigned long' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2065: 'GAUGE_FONT_DEFAULT' : undeclared identifier C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2065: 'GAUGE_WEIGHT_DEFAULT' : undeclared identifier C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2065: 'GAUGE_CHARSET' : undeclared identifier C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2065: 'temperature_string_cb' : undeclared identifier C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) C:\proyectos VB\Proyectos C\miprimer gauge\gauge.cpp(41) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const int' to 'enum GAUGE_TOKEN' Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) SDK.c c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(267) : error C2011: 'SURFACE_TYPE' : 'enum' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(299) : error C2011: 'SURFACE_CONDITION' : 'enum' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(336) : error C2011: 'TOOLTIP_UNITS_TYPE' : 'enum' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2074) : error C2011: 'VAR64' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2080) : error C2011: 'UIF64' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2086) : error C2011: 'SVAR64' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2161) : error C2011: 'UIF48' : 'union' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2174) : error C2011: 'SIF48' : 'union' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2200) : error C2011: 'SUBSTRING' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2223) : error C2011: 'ANGL48' : 'union' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2258) : error C2011: 'APP_VERSION' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2269) : error C2371: 'LATLON' : redefinition; different basic types c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2269) : see declaration of 'LATLON' c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2269) : error C2371: 'PLATLON' : redefinition; different basic types c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2269) : see declaration of 'PLATLON' c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2269) : error C2371: 'PPLATLON' : redefinition; different basic types c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2269) : see declaration of 'PPLATLON' c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2276) : error C2371: 'LATLON32' : redefinition; different basic types c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2276) : see declaration of 'LATLON32' c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2276) : error C2371: 'PLATLON32' : redefinition; different basic types c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2276) : see declaration of 'PLATLON32' c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2276) : error C2371: 'PPLATLON32' : redefinition; different basic types c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2276) : see declaration of 'PPLATLON32' c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2280) : error C2011: 'LATLONALT' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2291) : error C2371: 'LATLONALT32' : redefinition; different basic types c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2291) : see declaration of 'LATLONALT32' c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2291) : error C2371: 'PLATLONALT32' : redefinition; different basic types c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2291) : see declaration of 'PLATLONALT32' c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2291) : error C2371: 'PPLATLONALT32' : redefinition; different basic types c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2291) : see declaration of 'PPLATLONALT32' c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2294) : error C2011: '_latlonalt_float32' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2301) : error C2011: '_llf64' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2307) : error C2011: '_llaf64' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2315) : error C2011: 'ZXY48' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2326) : error C2011: '_FLOAT64_VECTOR3' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2334) : error C2011: '_FLOAT64_VECTOR2' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2342) : error C2011: 'PBH32' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2349) : error C2011: 'PBH16' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2358) : error C2011: 'LATLONBOX' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2367) : error C2011: 'LATLONRECT32' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2376) : error C2011: 'LATLONRECTF64' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2384) : error C2011: 'LLAPBH' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2391) : error C2011: 'LATLONALTPBH' : 'union' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2411) : error C2011: 'LATLONALTTPO' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2438) : error C2011: 'LLA2416' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2443) : error C2011: 'LLA2424' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2449) : error C2011: 'XYZ16' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2456) : error C2011: 'XYZ32' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2463) : error C2011: '_xyz_float32' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2472) : error C2011: 'EAN32' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2481) : error C2011: 'XZF32' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2487) : error C2011: 'XZ32' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2495) : error C2011: 'EN32' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2502) : error C2011: 'ANGLSINCOS16' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2510) : error C2011: 'XYZPBH' : 'union' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2532) : error C2011: 'XYZTPO' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2563) : error C2011: 'XYZF64_' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2572) : error C2011: 'XYZF64' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2593) : error C2011: 'XYF64' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2601) : error C2011: 'XYZF32' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2621) : error C2011: 'PBHF64' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2629) : error C2011: 'MATRIXF32' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2668) : error C2011: 'RGB15' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2676) : error C2011: 'RGB16' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2684) : error C2011: 'RGB24' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2691) : error C2011: 'RGB32' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2699) : error C2011: 'RGBA' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2707) : error C2011: 'RGB' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2714) : error C2011: 'RGBAF' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2722) : error C2011: 'XY' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2728) : error C2011: 'UNIPOINT' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2734) : error C2011: 'UNIBOX' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2742) : error C2011: 'UNIRECT' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2750) : error C2011: 'PIXPOINT' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2758) : error C2011: 'PIXBOX' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2766) : error C2011: 'PIXRECT' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2775) : error C2011: 'BOUNDSRECT' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2791) : error C2371: 'BOUNDSRECT32' : redefinition; different basic types c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2791) : see declaration of 'BOUNDSRECT32' c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2791) : error C2371: 'PBOUNDSRECT32' : redefinition; different basic types c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2791) : see declaration of 'PBOUNDSRECT32' c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2791) : error C2371: 'PPBOUNDSRECT32' : redefinition; different basic types c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2791) : see declaration of 'PPBOUNDSRECT32' c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2797) : error C2011: 'LLA_INFO' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2814) : error C2011: 'IMG_FORMAT' : 'enum' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2832) : error C2011: 'IMAGE' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2849) : error C2011: 'VIEW_DIR' : 'enum' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2880) : error C2011: 'BOUNDBOX' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2888) : error C2011: '_engine_fuel_vars' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2898) : error C2011: 'ENG' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2957) : error C2011: 'SENSEBLOCK' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2977) : error C2371: 'LOOKUP_TABLE' : redefinition; different basic types c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2977) : see declaration of 'LOOKUP_TABLE' c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2977) : error C2371: 'PLOOKUP_TABLE' : redefinition; different basic types c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2977) : see declaration of 'PLOOKUP_TABLE' c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2977) : error C2371: 'PPLOOKUP_TABLE' : redefinition; different basic types c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2977) : see declaration of 'PPLOOKUP_TABLE' c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2980) : error C2011: '_xyz_minmax' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2987) : error C2011: '_min_max' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(2994) : error C2011: '_uv' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(3000) : error C2011: '_uv_info' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(3007) : error C2011: 'FUEL_SELECT' : 'enum' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(3032) : error C2011: 'CROSS_FEED_SELECT' : 'enum' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(3042) : error C2011: 'PROP_TYPE' : 'enum' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(3051) : error C2011: 'UNITS_OF_MEASURE' : 'enum' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(3065) : error C2011: 'GAUGE_TOKEN' : 'enum' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(4033) : error C2011: 'VAR_TYPE' : 'enum' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(4088) : error C2011: 'UNIVERSAL_VAR' : 'union' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(4098) : error C2011: 'MODULE_VAR' : 'struct' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(4182) : error C2011: 'GENERATE_PHASE' : 'enum' type redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(4199) : error C2371: 'PANEL_TYPE_PLAIN' : redefinition; different basic types c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(4199) : see declaration of 'PANEL_TYPE_PLAIN' c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(4199) : error C2086: 'PANEL_TYPE_PLAIN' : redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(4200) : error C2371: 'PANEL_TYPE_HUD' : redefinition; different basic types c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(4200) : see declaration of 'PANEL_TYPE_HUD' c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(4200) : error C2086: 'PANEL_TYPE_HUD' : redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(4201) : error C2371: 'PANEL_TYPE_SPECIAL' : redefinition; different basic types c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(4201) : see declaration of 'PANEL_TYPE_SPECIAL' c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(4201) : error C2086: 'PANEL_TYPE_SPECIAL' : redefinition c:\proyectos vb\proyectos c\miprimer gauge\gauges.h(4201) : fatal error C1003: error count exceeds 100; stopping compilation Error executing cl.exe. miprimer gauge.dll - 147 error(s), 1 warning(s) Does Any one now how to do it right? I ´ve try many ways and non of them work. What I´m trying to do is to show a piece of text, inside the FS. Hope someone can help Regards Thomas
  9. To have a menu entry o a gauge are options, I dont need them both. My only problem is that I cant get enoght information abot how to crear simple gagues, because the only things that I have fonund are big this, that are a little bin complicated for someone that has nerver program a gaugue before. Thats why I´m desperate trying to find a simple tutorial. I have already take a look at de MS Panel SDK, but it was nos very helpfuly. Regards Thomas.
  10. Ok, as soon as get home, I send yu le logs. The gauges, do I have to program them with directx, o if it´s a gauge, It will just show on the FS? About the external program, I writing a program for my virtual airline, and its almost completo, it does what is ment to do, but, I would like the pilot could see Information that the external program sends like metar, position, etc.. I thought about the green scroll bar on the top screen of the FS, but I would like to do something beter. My be some has figure it out a better way to show Strings in FS, o somthing like that. Any way, I will try the logs tonight at home, and if someone has done this before, I will aprecciate if he could give a hand with this. Thanks a lot pete., Regards Thomas.
  11. Hi, I trying to build a module for FS that loads a message box with information take ir from a txt file, or something like that. I haven´t succseed, because in the first place, I cant get the module to insert a new menu button. I search the hole forum for information about these, and the only things htat I found were this http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.php?t=11253&highlight=uipchellobymenu and the Module Source that Joel (SB3 developer) provide in his Web site. I could compile bouth of the sources separatly, and non of them work. No errors, but it did´t show anything in the FS menu. The I try to join them so the FSmodule (Joel´s) execute Pete´s code to add a submenu in the FSUIPC menu, but it didñt work. I was wondering if someone could just paste here, o a little piece of code, that shows how to add a menu, or a gague VC project that shows a little string sayin "hello world". About the gauge I also found this: http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.pht=modules But I couldnt compil it. I get errors. I hope someone can help me, please. Best Regards Thomas.
  12. Hi, may be this is Offtopic, but I just want to know if someone can tellme where can I get info, about how to comunicate with an FSD server, for example how does SB do it. If anyone has a tutorial or somthing, a pice of source code, anything that can help, I´ll appriciate that a lot. Best Regards Thomas.
  13. I have a problem geting the Ground Speed. This is my code: Public Property Get Int_FS_Ground_Speed() As Integer Dim Result(8) As Long FSUIPC_Read &H2B4, 4, VarPtr(Result(1)), (dwResult) FSUIPC_Process (dwResult) Int_FS_Ground_Speed = (((Result(1) / 65536) * 60) / 1000) * 60 It does work, but the number that it gives to me is wrong. I hope some one can help me Regards Thomas
  14. How can I get the aircraft name with FSuipc.? Nay be some one know the offset, and That is enough for me. I hope some one can help me, Best regards Thomas.
  15. Hi, I trayig to make a little programa that count the flight time. But the only problema I have, is that I need the FS date, so the program can know if the flight Started on Monday and ended on Tuesday, o thigs like that, Is there any offset that has de FS Date, or somethig similar? Thanks a lot Regars Thomas
  16. Thanks Lot for the help.:D regards Thomas.
  17. I´m having some problems with some versions of fuipc reading the aricraft heading. If I use FSUIPC 2.xx everithing is fine, but using fsuipc 3, for some reason it adds some number more, for example The aricraft heading is 324, and my VB program says that the heading is 336, Here is the source code: Dim x As Currency Dim X2 As Currency Dim c As Currency Dim c2 As Currency Dim ceros As String If FSUIPC_Read(&H580, 4, VarPtr(x), dwResult) Then If FSUIPC_Process(dwResult) Then X2 = x * 360# c = X2 / (65536# * 65536#) * 10000# c2 = CInt© + 1 If Len(CStr(c2)) = 1# Then ceros = "00" End If If Len(CStr(c2)) = 2# Then ceros = "0" End If If Len(CStr(c2)) = 3# Then ceros = "" End If frmMain.Label4.Caption = ceros + CStr(c2) Else ' Unable to "Process" frmMain.Label4.Caption = "Processing: " & ResultText(dwResult) End If Else ' Unable to "Read" frmMain.Label4.Caption = "Reading: " & ResultText(dwResult) End If I hope someone can help me. Regards Thomas.
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