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Posts posted by Chappie

  1. Pete,

    Wind smoothing is awesome...brings back the old days when this was not a problem. I am seeing a temperature problem though. With ASX running I sit on the ground in my Cessna and the OAT shows exactly what the METAR depicts. As I climb out it rose 19 degrees F in the first 2000'. ASX showed it should have dropped (most of the time naturally) so it was indicating it had good temps in the ASX download.

    All of this assumes that the Cessna OAT guage works right. Great job on the winds.

    UPDATE: I ran FSX without ASX connected and temps dropped the standard 3 degrees per/1000' so me thinks this goes back on ASX (imagine that!)


  2. Ever since I installed FSUIPC4 and WIDEFS7 my seat height has changed. My default load up has me sitting at a eye point where I can't even see any taxiways or lights. It is totally unuseable to taxi with, about the same as a tail dragger but it is a 737. Any thoughts? Maybe zoom has changed?


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