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About peterh

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. ah yes i forgo thr "&" sp i will try to conevert them all to deciaml..
  2. ehehe sorry .. this is the cntre 2: 124C 4 Fuel: centre 3 tank level, % * 128 * 65536 [FS2k/CFS2 only] Ok Ok for example if the fofset is 0432 we write in VB H432 and VB also doesnt accpet 124C and 1248 . What do we have to write for these in VB i meant this pete :? am i worng :?:
  3. Pete one more question it says in doceumantation centre 2 (FS2k/CFS2 only) is this right ? cant i use this offset 1244 with fs2k4 ? and also we right H for 0 what do we right for C ? ( in offset.)
  4. Yes You Are right Now going to check it thank you pete ,,
  5. Hi Pete this quesiton is for you .. I can get all thanks ( aux tip centre ) bat i couldnt see the offset for centre 2 ( centre 2 is in B747 for example ) Or did i miss it ? Thanks ..
  6. High Octane The Fuel Level is OK now .. But altitude is still worng at me .. beause although i climb thru high levels in fs the altitude goes down , suddenly up , suddenlyt down something crazy .. but fuel level is ok now thanks ..
  7. Thanks pete Again and thanks High octane I wilkl try now what you two says .. Will wirte the result here Thanks vermy much for the help
  8. Hi All , I am asking this question to VB programmers. Peter descrbide me someting in other forum but couldnt correct the problem My problem is while getting the Centre tank level and altitude value from fsuipc the value changes from + values to - valuse than to +values again , something like thid crazy thnigs these are the codes i am using for centtre fuel level and altitujde Altitude ocde : Dim fuel10 As Integer Dim dwResult10 As Long Call FSUIPC_Read(&H20, 4, VarPtr(fuel10), dwResult10) Call FSUIPC_Process(dwResult10) Label19.Caption = fuel10 Fuel centre: Dim fuel8 As Integer Dim dwResult8 As Long Call FSUIPC_Read(&HB7C, 4, VarPtr(fuel8), dwResult8) Call FSUIPC_Process(dwResult8) Text36.Text = fuel8 THIS CODES ARE without dividing or multipling with the values with 256 or 65536 or sometging like tihs .. because i got - values and wrong values from 1st steps..
  9. Yes I think thats becasue of not registiring with fsuipc.
  10. ah got it at program startup i can calculate the ful loaded = x and calculate it again when the flight done = y THAN x-y = fuel used So i only need help from other VB programmers about the levels of the tanks ..( my problem is described above with the code .. )
  11. So no other ways to get spent fuel ? Roger Pete Thanks . So lets wait until a vb programmer helps me out :wink:
  12. Ok pete You were correct. Now it is working . One more question for you .. can i find the spent fuel (used fuel) by the level of tanks : For example if the center tank capacity is 5000 and level of the current center tank is %10 so: %90 used divide 5000 with 100 = 50 THAN 50x90 = 4500 used Correct ? 2) but couldnt do the level again. it is negative someitmes.. tihs is the code for level Dim fuel8 As Integer Dim dwResult8 As Long Call FSUIPC_Read(&HB74, 4, VarPtr(fuel8), dwResult8) Call FSUIPC_Process(dwResult8) Text36.Text = fuel8 End Sub
  13. Thanks pete going to check it
  14. Hi Gentlemen , 1)Using Visual Basic i try to get the centre tank FUEL capacity info from FS At Aircraft Specifitaions in FS it says for Boeing 737-400 that is FUEL capacity is 5,311 US gal. Then i enter the read code for fuel Capacity offset 0B78 ( HB78) when i read it it show me that the capacity is 2313 ( Pete had write that the result is in US Gal mod) So why is the real capacity that writes in FS 5.311 is dşfferent from what i get 2313 2) Again using VB thy to get fuel level of centre tank using offset HB74 . When try the code in VB it shows sometimes - values or sometimes + values around 23000 and counts down very quickjly Any ideas for this 2 problems ?
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