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Richard Selle

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Everything posted by Richard Selle

  1. Thank You for your prompt reply. I believe I am going to just purchase it. I will need it sooner or later I am sure. Thank You again.
  2. I am new at fs. I downloaded Dash8 (dh831004b) from Avesim. Stated that I needed the latest verison of FSUIPC for it to work in fs2004. I had an older verision in the modules folder and took it out. Installed the new version. I was going to use it as unregistered. When I try to open fs2004 I get an error-9 message. Said to check FSUIPC.log file. When i do that it says it is not regestered. I then put the old file in and fs2004 works fine. Opened the modules box in fs to regester it. I get to where it asks for a key number and that is as far as I can go. Where do I go from here? I have read all the materal and checked the forum.
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