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Posts posted by TheFlyingHobo

  1. Well, there's where CFS3 really falls short, no custom gauge writing like in FS. I may try running the files from the Hurricane in CFS3 with FSUIPC running at the same time and see if anything happens. Hopefully enough things are the same for something to work. If not there's always auto hot key, just won't be as good.

  2. Thank you for your quick response! Indeed, CFS3 is very much an oddity but there remain a number of things that are similar. Flight modeling code is essentially identical to the FS series, which makes me wonder if I might be able to get limited functionality with FSUIPC. So, to be more specific, does FSUIPC interface at all with the aircraft.cfg files, .air files or the main .exe or any of the .dll files in the sim root directory? If it does then I may stand a reasonable chance of getting something to work. Thanks.

  3. Hello all,

    I am a CFS3 user and just came across this product. I know it is for the FS series and CFS3 has some important differences, but I am curious to see if any of the features would still work. I am most interested in trying to add things like system failures and engine limitations as well as trying to replicate a two speed supercharger as I have seen done with FSUIPC for an FS9 Hurricane. What method does this program use to get information from the sim and how does it alter engine conditions in flight? I know the insides of CFS3 pretty well and have a basic understanding of the differences it has with FS, so if someone can explain how FSUIPC works in FS I should be able to get a pretty good idea of whether or not it will work for CFS3. Thanks for any help, I appreciate it.

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