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Posts posted by bearcattom

  1. Pete,

    Thanks to your pointers, I have determined the problem.

    According to this MSDN Article...


    “The Windows Service classes supported by the .NET Framework do not support interaction with interactive stations, that is, the logged-on user. The .NET Framework also does not include classes that represent stations and desktops. If your Windows Service must interact with other stations, you will need to access the unmanaged Windows API.”

    Thus, I'll have to figure out how to access the interactive station (same one FSUIPC is accessing).


  2. Hello,

    I am trying to write a .NET Windows Service that consumes FSUIPC for messaging FS data.

    When I call FSUIPC_Open (included in SDK), I am unable to return the FSUIPC or FS versions.

    I turned on logging in FSUIPC and it yielded the following:

    345827 IPC ERROR: Cannot OpenFileMapping

    346027 IPC ERROR: Cannot OpenFileMapping

    346228 IPC ERROR: Cannot OpenFileMapping

    346428 IPC ERROR: Cannot OpenFileMapping

    346628 IPC ERROR: Cannot OpenFileMapping

    I assume this is a security issue with the shared file mapping created by CreateFileMapping().

    Any suggestions to fix this issue are much appreciated.


  3. I'm not sure how to get at the aircraft's TCAS table.

    According to the SDK, "There are four tables, two main ones at E000 to EFFF for ground aircraft and F000 to FFFF for airborne aircraft, plus two smaller additional ones for FS2004 only at D000 and D800 respectively."

    If I have a FlightSim instance running with just 1 aircraft sitting on the ground, how do I access it's TCAS table.

    Do I first call FSUIPC_Read and pass in F000? Then, if that is successful, how do I access the bState value?

    Thanks so much for your help.


  4. Pete,

    Thanks much for your reply. :D

    I am referring to the TCAS_DATA structure mentioned in the "FS2002/4 A.I. Traffic Data (for TCAS applications and similar)" section of the SDK.

    I am trying to figure out how to read whether the aircraft is in flight plan, pushback, taxi, etc. from C#. VB code would do as well.


    typedef struct _TCAS_DATA

    { DWORD id; // 0 = empty, otherwise this is an FS-generated ID.

    (Do not use this for anything other than checking if the slot is empty or used—it may be re-used for other things at a later date).

    float lat; // 32-bit float, in degrees, –ve = South

    float lon; // 32-bit float, in degrees, –ve = West

    float alt; // 32-bit float, in feet

    WORD hdg; // 16-bits. Heading. Usual 360 degrees == 65536 format.

    // Note that this is degrees TRUE, not MAG

    WORD gs; // 16-bits. Knots Ground Speed

    short vs; // 16-bits, signed feet per minute V/S

    char idATC[15]; // Zero terminated string identifying the aircraft. By default this is:

    // Airline & Flight Number, or Tail number

    // For Tail number, if more than 14 chars you get the *LAST* 14

    // Airline name is truncated to allow whole flight number to be included

    BYTE bState; // Zero in FS2002, a status indication in FS2004—see list below.

    WORD com1; // the COM1 frequency set in the AI aircraft’s radio. (0Xaabb as in 1aa.bb)

    } TCAS_DATA;

    The “bState” value is new for FS2004. When non-zero it gives the current status of the AI aircraft, as follows:

    0x80 128 Initialising

    0x81 129 Sleeping

    0x82 130 Filing flight plan


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