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Posts posted by MvT

  1. So to avoid any problems all folks should do is make up their minds whether to use CHM first, before assigning in FSUIPC. Then no problems would arise. Alternatively, simply delete the FSUIPC INI file and start again if you change to/from CHM?

    Yes, that will work fine.

    I just tried on my Vista installation with CHManager V4.3, and it looks like CHManager rearrange the controllers random in Windows.

    Before CHManager in joyview:

    joy1 --> Gofight throttle

    joy2 --> CH pedals

    joy3 --> CH yoke

    joy4 --> Saitek X45

    After configuring CHManager:

    joy1 --> Goflight throttle

    joy2 --> CH yoke

    joy3 --> CH pedals

    joy4 --> Saitek X45

    It swapped my CH yoke and CH pedals. This shouldn't give me problems when reassigning the controllers again because it overwrites the old assignments (although there will be some axis and buttons left because CH pedals don't have buttons), so it's highly recommended to delete the FSUIPC.ini file and start over again when you decided to use the CHManager. Then you won't have this problem.

    I don't think CH themselves would be interested is "fixing" anything here, as they wouldn't regard it as a problem, surely?

    Well, I have already send them an email yesterday, so maybe they can easily fix this in a new software release (although I now think it's a windows "problem"). They are always free to delete my email if they think ít's not something they can fix. After I send the email I found a link to the CH-hangar forum (wish I saw that earlier), so I'll see if I can find some more information about the way the CHManager software reassignment in Windows works.

    Thanks for your time Pete. Now I know what the problem is, I don't have to be affraid it will happens again.

    @Martin: Delete your FSUIPC.ini file and start assigning your controllers over again. I still think we had the same problem. Everything working fine with V4.262. This should solve your problems.



  2. Sorry, I don't understand. You had assignments to a joystick which doesn't exist? That should simply return an error to FSUIPC so it will desist. Can you verify that Joyview shows nothing for such a joystick?

    The reason why I had assigned a joystick that doesn't exist is because that's the way CHManager works. I had first configured my controllers in FSUIPC without the CHManager running. Later I decided to try the CHManager software. After configuring and downloading my configuration in CHManager, CHManager rearranged my yoke in Windows from joy0 to joy4. Ofcourse I had to reconfigure my yoke again in FSUIPC after that, but the old joy0 assignments were still in the FSUIPC.ini file.

    I'll have to found out now why CHManager is changing my controller number in Windows and whether or not this is normal. It could be this is caused by changing USB-ports. Strange is my pedals are still reported as Joy1 (joystick2 in Joyview) whether I load the CHManager or not, while I changed both USB-ports. I shall try this on my vista installation, see what happens then.

    Here are the reports in Joyview before and after loading CHManager. As you can see, there is no input reported on Joy0 after loading the CHManager software:

    Before CHManager joystick 1 (which is joy0 in FSUIPC) --> Yoke


    Before CHManager joystick 5(which is joy4 in FSUIPC) --> nothing


    After loading CHManager joystick 1 (which is joy0 in FSUIPC) --> nothing


    After loading CHManager joystick 5 (which is joy4 in FSUIPC) --> Yoke




  3. Assuming it is a 12 mSec delay on each call, you really want to either not use it, or set the FSUIPC PollInterval to something similar to FS's own (about 6 per sec U think, or PollInterval=166).

    Confirmed, that solved the problem.

    Before I tried that I had already done some more testing. I renamed my "bad" ini-file and begin to removed axis and buttons in the ini-file one by one. I finally nailed down the problem where it goes wrong. As soon as I removed all axis and buttons of joystick 0 (which was my yoke controller number without loading the CHManager) the problem was gone. Even changing to another non existing number solved the problem.

    Here's a movie where you can see the difference:


    Although it's hard to see due to compression this is what i did:

    - FSX loaded without joy0 assignment --> frame rates around 15FPS

    - Changed R6 (non existing controller) in R0 (doesn't exist either but is my joystick controller without CHManager running) --> frame rates around 8 FPS

    - Changed R0 in R6 again --> frame rates are back again.

    Movie is not edited except compressed and without the PollInterval trick. All other assignments of controller 0 already removed in FSUIPC.ini file.

    So far my experience with CHManager. I'll see if I can find an email adress on the CHproduct website and contact them. Maybe they will solve this in another CHManager release. Until then I'll forget the CHManager software.



  4. However, it does mean, I think, that every call to scan for button presses is taking close to or more than 5 milliseconds when that driver is in use. Don't you notice any reduction in FS frame rates or smoothness when using the CH Manager?

    I think the CHManager software can cause more problems. Yesterday it even halved my frame rates. Removed FSUIPC.dll, started FSX, selected a mission as I did before (soaring tutorial) and frame rates were ok again. Copied back FSUIPC, reboot PC, not loading CHManager, started FSX, same mission and frame rates were still ok. Loaded CHManager --> frame rates halved.

    I renamed ini-file and let FSUIPC build a new one. Started FSX (with CHManager running), selected the same mission and frame rate were ok. I'm now reassign my controllers again (have done 2 default planes) and I don't see a difference between frame rates yet whether I run CHManager or not.

    It could be my own fault because in my old ini file I had assigned 2 controllers (CH Yoke and Saitek X45 joystick) to the same axis at the same time and because there is a joystick configured that does not exist anymore (CHManager changed my CH yoke from joy0 to joy4).

    Because I'll like to know what causes the problem i'll tried to assign my controllers as "clean" as possible (Only assign 1 controller at the same time and no extra controllers) and see if or when it will lower the frame rates. But I think it's best not to use the CHManager when you assigning your controllers with FSUIPC. (Actually I don't think there is a function that CHManager can do that FSUIPC can't, although I like the "Shift"-button function. Controller are being correct detected by Windows XP (I think Vista too but have to check) without installing the software)

    PS: I also tried my old ini file with V4.26, but the frame rates were halved as well to be sure it's not related to V4.262. I haven't changed a function in FSUIPC other than axis assignments yet, while in my old ini file I had changed some settings. But I don't think that will be the problem.



  5. Hello Pete and Martin,

    This is what I did today:

    One question for Marcel:

    Do you have FScopilot and/or FSINN installed?

    No, I don't have this installed so I don't think that will be the problem.

    I'll have to sleep now, but tomorrow I'll try to startup my PC, load the CHManager software with controllers unplugged and see I have the same problem. If Martin autoload his configuration file on windows startup, that explains why he has still have this problem even after reboot.

    I tried this today, but when I unplug my Yoke and pedals, i have no problem and can't replicate the problem.

    I then plugged in my yoke and pedals again, without loading my configuration file, and tried Joyview. Everything report OK, on the "buttons" value I get a binair value between 1 and 2048 (zero when not pressed). I then loaded my configuration file, I'll get the same values, except when I press the "Shift" button and another button on my Yoke, the value is between -2147483648 and 536870912.

    After that started FSX, tried to assign the buttons and for some reason it was working. FSUIPC report it as joy4, and also showed the correct buttons. Hmm, that was unexpected, because I haven't changed a thing, except plug-in my yoke and pedals.

    Then I downloaded my configuration file again, started FSX and the problem was there again. Values in Joyview weren't changed.

    I then tried V4.262, started FSX, assigned buttons and everything was ok. Copied V4.26 back, problem was there. I did this a couple of time, everytime with V4.26 the problem was there and V4.262 solved the problem. So I think V4.262 is working fine, Pete. I'll have to do some more testing, but so far everything is ok. Although I still don't understand why it worked 1 time with V4.26 today. Maybe there is something strange with the CHManager software. I hope V4.262 will work for Martin too.

    Thanks again for solving this problem so fast.



  6. Hi Pete,

    The version I downloaded is 4.2. Is that the one you are using? I noticed other software on the CH download site too. Should I have any of that installed as well?

    Yes, that's the version I'm using. I don't have other software downloaded from the CH site.

    I found the CH Control Manager on the CH website, downloaded and installed it, but it isn't giving me the same problem. This might simply be because I've got no CH devices -- though Martin did say he still got the problem when he unplugged all of his.

    I just tried something, I haven't restart my computer yet. I unplugged my CH Yoke and CH Pedals, so they are not showing in the Windows game controller panel anymore. CHManager running. Started FSX, try to assign button, and OK and cancel button isn't working. It looks like running the CHManager software alone (and loading the configuration file) is enough to have this problem.

    I'll have to sleep now, but tomorrow I'll try to startup my PC, load the CHManager software with controllers unplugged and see I have the same problem. If Martin autoload his configuration file on windows startup, that explains why he has still have this problem even after reboot.

    I have upload my CHManager configuration file. Copy the 2 files in the ZIP file in your CH Manager Maps folder (normally C:\Program Files\CH Products\Control Manager\Maps) Open CHManager, load file (FSX.map) and click on the download button in CHManager (although I think there must be a CH device connected to the PC to activate the download button). Maybe you can replicate the problem. I'll post tomorrow evening when I have try to restart PC with unplugged devices and loaded configuration file.

    Here is the configuration file: http://www.fs-addict.com/downloads/Maps.zip



  7. Hello Martin and Pete,

    I had this problem a couple days ago too. I'll try to give as much information, maybe it will help.

    I wanted to use the "shift" function for my CH Yoke, so I would have double buttons. Installed the CHManager, and also changed USB-ports. I think I also installed FSX acceleration at that time. At some point I wanted to reassign some buttons, OK and cancel button wasn't working anymore. I too had to close FSX in Taskmanager.

    After try and error I finally found the solution for me: Not loading the CHManager (I'm using the lastest version from the site, V4.2 i think). Because this is ok for me, I haven't invest this problem further. I just thought FSUIPC had problem intercepting the buttons because the CHManager makes virtual devices (CH Control Manager Device 1 and CH Control Manager Device 2)

    I just checked, without loading CHManager: everything is working fine. As soon as I load the CHManager, Ok and cancel button is not working anymore. FSUIPC still showed my previous assignments when I press a button on the yoke, although there is no joystick number showing (empty). Strange thing is it has worked before, because my assignment are working in FSX, and also showing in FSUIPC. Problem is I can't tell when this problem started, because I did multiple things before I tried to reassign the buttons.

    Martin, maybe you can try to use your controllers without loading the CHManager, and see if this will solve your problem. (No need to deinstall the CHManager, just don't load it (remove CMStart.exe from startup if you're using it, so CHManager isn't loading on startup, reboot PC and startup FSX).

    I think this is related to CHManager (maybe some configuration in CHManager?) and maybe swapping USB-ports.

    I'm using FSUIPC V4.26 and FSX acceleration, Windows XP media center. I haven't used a previous version of FSUIPC V4 before, because I just started a week ago with FSX (although I bought it the first day of release) after a 1,5 year break from flight simulator.

    Pete, if you'll need more information, just ask. I can replicate and solve the problem on my PC.

    Hope this helps.

    With kind regards,


  8. Sad thing:

    This product works only with Windows XP. And I'm user of Windows 2000 Professional. My FS9 is so heavily loaded with extensions that I will not try to upgrade do XP. It's to risky...

    Making this product compatible with only one OS they lost some customers.

    Steku, are you sure?

    I asked the same question in the Dreamfleet forum, and the A36 will work on Win2000, but the weather radar and GPS will not install.


  9. Very strange. I just tried the default C172, and no problem here. I have many payware addons, and they're all working fine here.

    I don't think this will be the problem because other planes are working fine, but just to be sure you can check your tracking screen in the TrackIr configuration screen (View-->Tracking). It should look like this:


  10. You can use Active Camera's internal pilot view with TrackIR as long as you uncheck the latency boxes in Active Camera's setup file.

    Uncheck the latency boxes worked for me when I was using TrackIr without vector expansion. When I received my vector expansion and activated the roll feature, it wasn't working anymore. Only way to stop the jumping was to disable internal pilot view. Maybe it's my setup only.

  11. Hi Pete,

    Sorry for my late reply, but I've been very busy with tracing the problem. I'll write here what I did, maybe it's useful information for anyone else.

    Just so you can use "extreme" changes? Seems rather excessive. Ah -- because it always happens with your weather program, is that it?

    Yes, that right. I also have the problem when I use my weather program. This is the best way to reproduce the problem when I am not using my weather program.

    Only 49MB used!? For FS2004? Are you sure you don't mean GB? Megabytes are hardly anything these days. I think the default full install of FS9 is about 2.8Gb (i.e. 2800 Mb). My FS2004 installation is about 30 Gb (30000 MB) at present, and growing! :wink:

    Again you're right. Mb=Gb :oops:

    Win2000 is getting long in the tooth, and I'm wondering if there may be some inefficiencies creeping in with the new DirectX and drivers with these ultra-fast video cards.

    I agree with that. For some reason I couldn't install driver V4.7 on Win2000. Earlier and later versions are working fine. So this could be the problem. I'll send an email to the other person who is having the same problem to see if he is also using Win2000 or WinXP.

    This is what I did (did a lot more, this is the most important):

    First I've copied the original .CAB files from CD to harddisk. In the about-box in FS9 I saw I had FS9.0 again (without update). Tried several other things but the problem remains. Then I replaced my harddisk, and installed win2000 again and FS9. I could already reproduce the problem after I installed the patch, active sky 2004 and FSUIPC V3.4. Uninstalled the patch, activesky 2004 and FSUIPC V3.3, didn't solve the problem.

    So I think it's always been there, I have never noticed it. (I bought a TrackIr3 2 weeks ago, maybe that is the reason why I noticed it last week). I also had download another weather.dll when I was using FS9 without update, don't think I can use this anymore because the update also contains a new weather.dll. Maybe that's why I never noticed it.

    The only solution I found is to move the sight distance to 100mi/160km and the cloud draw distance to 40mi/64km. The problem remains, but it never drops under 10 frames/sec, so it's acceptable.

    I tried to restore my old installation, but I broke to much (couldn't use a lot add-ons anymore), so now I'm (almost) finished installing all add-ons on my new installation.

    I had my old installation, so I could do some tests (working fine with default planes). I removed my Ati 9800XT and replaced it with an Ati 9500 pro. Used the same setting (display setting in windows and FS9). On the ground, I had 15 frames, but with the weather theme "gray and rainy" it drops to 7-8 frames/sec. Sometimes I saw a framerate drop to 1-2 frames/sec, but it's hard to see because the fps were too low. Only way to have acceptable fps was to move almost all weather slider to the left, and then I can't reproduce this problem. Tried other whether themes, and I didn't have a problem. Only display setting that affact fps when you fly at +FL300 are the clouds. This means the weather theme "gray and rainy" has a big impact on fps. Can't see this when I'm using my 9800XT because I have 20-24 fps.

    So I think you can only see this "problem" when you are using a highend videocard, and you move the sliders Sight distance and Cloud draw distance in the weather setting at more than 50%. It looks like my PC can handle it (normally have 20-24 fps), but for some reason every weather change I have this problem.

    It looks like FS9 is sending too much data at ones (draws too many clouds?, wind change?) so now I'm going to change some settings in FSUIPC and/or Active Sky, maybe I can reduce the problem. If not, then I move the weather sliders to the left and live with it. Or maybe it's just my mainboard that's causing the problem (already replaced memory and disabled as much as possible in the bios (also updated the bios).

    I already tried to check "Set only one layer" option within FSUIPC, but the problem is still there (not even 1 fps better). Even after 5 minutes, when all other layers are gone.

    Thanks for all information and time, Pete. Very much appreciated.



  12. Hi Pete,

    Thanks for the information. Yesterday I've test the whole day, and I have good news. I removed FSUIPC.DLL from the modules folder again to be sure and I could reproduce the problem. It's not FSUIPC that's causing the problem. Sometimes there is no problem, mostly the problem is there. I had no problem the first time I removed FSUIPC.

    Bad news for me is I haven't solve the problem.

    Maybe you can do me one more favour, and look at the log-file, if you see something stange. Only strange thing I see is "Results: FS98 Cloud1: type=0, from 0ft to 0ft (+/- 0ft), cover 0, turb 0, ice 0", I'm not sure if this is normal.

    I still think it has something to do with the weather. When I choose a weather theme (Gray and Rainy) and I leave rate of change to none, I can't reproduce the problem. Doesn't matter how many clouds there are. It only happens when I move the slider to extreme.

    If you don't see something strange in the logfile, I'm affraid I'll have to deinstall the patch, and if that won't solve the problem, I'll have to do a complete reinstall.

    Here I have a problem after about 5 seconds after I clicked OK in the weatherbox:

    42874015 ClearWeather Button Pressed

    42876187 Results: FS98 AmbientWind at PlaneAlt=34898: dir 0T, vel 20

    42876672 Clearing All Weather

    42876750 Weather cleared by user action

    42876750 External weather discarded

    42876750 >Change: Pressure=1013.2 mb (Target is 0.0)

    42876750 >Change: surface wind: to alt=2000ft AGL, dir=0T, vel=0.0, gust=0.0, turb=0, shear=0, var=0.0, Flags=0, AMSL=2113

    42876750 >Change: No upper wind layers

    42876750 >Change: Visibility[0]: range=100.0sm (160934m), from=-4921ft, to=15000ft

    42876750 >Change: No cloud layers

    42876750 >Change: Temperature[0]: alt=0ft, Day=15.0 C, NightVar=3.0 C, DewPt=5.0 C

    42876750 Results: Visibility[0]: range=100.0sm (160934m), from=-4921ft, to=15000ft

    42876750 Results: FS98 Pressure=1013.2 mb

    42876750 Results: FS98 Wind0: ground (751ft) to 1361ft AGL, dir 0M, vel 0, gust 0, turb 0

    42876750 Results: FS98 Wind1: 2112ft to 215009ft AMSL, dir=0T, vel 0, gust 0, turb 0

    42876750 Results: FS98 Vis: range=100sm, (raw value=10000)

    42876750 Results: FS98 Cloud1: type=0, from 0ft to 0ft (+/- 0ft), cover 0, turb 0, ice 0

    42876750 Results: FS98 Cloud2: type=0, from 0ft to 0ft (+/- 0ft), cover 0, turb 0, ice 0

    42876750 Results: FS98 Temp0: to 751ft, Day 15.0C, NightVar 3.0C

    42876750 Results: FS98 Temp1: to 0ft, Day 0.0C

    42876875 Results: FS98 AmbientWind at PlaneAlt=34898: dir 1T, vel 20

    42877812 Results: FS98 AmbientWind at PlaneAlt=34898: dir 1T, vel 19

    42878984 Results: FS98 AmbientWind at PlaneAlt=34904: dir 1T, vel 18

    42879922 Results: FS98 AmbientWind at PlaneAlt=34914: dir 1T, vel 17

    42880859 Results: FS98 AmbientWind at PlaneAlt=34921: dir 1T, vel 16

    42882031 Results: FS98 AmbientWind at PlaneAlt=34931: dir 1T, vel 15

    42882968 Results: FS98 AmbientWind at PlaneAlt=34937: dir 1T, vel 14

    42883906 Results: FS98 AmbientWind at PlaneAlt=34940: dir 1T, vel 13

    42884953 Results: FS98 AmbientWind at PlaneAlt=34947: dir 1T, vel 12

    42885922 Results: FS98 AmbientWind at PlaneAlt=34954: dir 1T, vel 11

    42886953 Results: FS98 AmbientWind at PlaneAlt=34957: dir 1T, vel 10

    42888125 Results: FS98 AmbientWind at PlaneAlt=34960: dir 1T, vel 9

    42889062 Results: FS98 AmbientWind at PlaneAlt=34963: dir 1T, vel 8

    42890000 Results: FS98 AmbientWind at PlaneAlt=34967: dir 1T, vel 7

    42891172 Results: FS98 AmbientWind at PlaneAlt=34970: dir 1T, vel 6

    42892109 Results: FS98 AmbientWind at PlaneAlt=34973: dir 1T, vel 5

    42893047 Results: FS98 AmbientWind at PlaneAlt=34977: dir 1T, vel 4

    42894218 Results: FS98 AmbientWind at PlaneAlt=34980: dir 1T, vel 3

    42895156 Results: FS98 AmbientWind at PlaneAlt=34980: dir 1T, vel 2

    42896093 Results: FS98 AmbientWind at PlaneAlt=34983: dir 1T, vel 1

    42897265 Results: FS98 AmbientWind at PlaneAlt=34983: dir 1T, vel 0

    Here are the answers you asked for:

    Possibly Weather logging is enabled (FSUIPC Logging page)

    Weather logging is off normally. Only using this to trace the problem. Problem is there, even with logging off.

    either the disk is very full or fragmented

    Last time was 1 week ago, I've done it again yesterday. Didn't solve the problem. I'm using a seperate harddisk for flight sim. 49MB used, 100MB free.

    or you have Windows write caching turned off?

    Can't turn this on or off. The checkbox is gray. I've test the harddisk performace, and everything is according specifications.

    Do you have any Weather gauges which might be trying to read the weather during the changes? The other thing which can slow things down is when there's an unaccredited program attempting to access a non-registered copy of FSUIPC, but since you have access to the wind smoothing that can't really apply to you.

    I have Active Sky (with contains active radar) and Reality XP 500 (weather radar). Both deinstalled. Problem is still there.

    Can you check the log file of FSUIPC for me, please? Are there streams of errors reported?

    No, every thing is alright. No errors.

    If so it is likely that you have a partially-installed FS9.1 update. For this please check my announcement at the top of the Forum.

    Checked, every thing is alright.

    Well, certainly try temporarily removing any non-FS DLLs from the Modules folder, other than FSUIPC. Also test with a default aircraft, no add-on gauges, to see if it may be an add-on gauge killing the frame rates.

    Removed all non-FS DLL's for the modules folder. Yesterday I have done all tests with default Learjet 45, default panel, etc. Didn't solve the problem.

    There's no change in weather handling in 3.40. What was your previous version? Have you updated your FS9 to FS9.1?

    Previous version V3.30 (registered).

    Yes, I have updated FS9 to FS9.1.

    Thanks for your time,


  13. Hello Pete,

    I’m having a problem with FSUIPC (I think). Normally my framerates are between 20-24 frames/sec. Every time there is a weather change (About every minute when I fly mach .78 at FL360), my frame rates drops to 4-10 frames/sec, and it looks like a slide show. This is for about 10-15 seconds. After that, the frame rates go back to 20-24 frames/sec.

    I can reproduce this with realtime weather (Active Sky of FS9 default), or when I choose a FS9 weather theme and move the “rate of change” slider to extreme.

    If I remove FSUIPC.DLL from the /modules/ directory, the problem is solved.

    Also turned smooth wind change off, removed FSUIPC.INI, even installed original textures, installed another video driver, etc. It didn’t solve the problem.

    When I press Shift-Z in FS9, every time the frame rate drops, the wind is changing.

    I have many add-ons (maybe it’s an add-on which is using FSUIPC, I already de-installed FSNavigator and Flight keeper), if you want I can post the complete list.

    I can’t remember I had this problem with earlier versions. I’m using FSUIPC V3.4 registered.

    I’m not the only one. I know somebody else also has this problem. I hope you can help us.

    My specs:

    AMD 64 3200+


    2x512MB DDR400 PC3200

    Asus 9800XT

    Win. 2000




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