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Peter I Nielsen

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Posts posted by Peter I Nielsen

  1. Pete,

    forget it!!! I was stupid!!

    the Firewall was still on. i had disabled everything but the darn firewall in win7 was still there...

    now at least the two win7 pc's talk to each other.. now ill continue to see if i can get the older win2000k to see FSX..


    And final on this and then you can lock or remove it..

    All other clients are also interacting perfectly now..


  2. that is indeed the IP address for the FSX PC. have tried as suggested no joy..

    here is the wide server log

    ********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 7.827] *********

    Blocksize guide = 8192 (double allowed)

    Date (dmy): 11/07/12, Time 13:12:01.559: Server name is FSX

    15537 Initialising TCP/IP server

    15537 Initialising UDP/IP server

    16115 Broadcasting service every 1000 mSecs

    284202 Closing down now ...

    Memory managed: Offset records: 127 alloc, 126 free

    Read buffer usage: 0 alloc, 0 free, max in session: 0

    Write buffer usage: 0 alloc, 0 free, max in session: 0

    Throughput maximum achieved: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

    Throughput average achieved for complete session: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

    ********* Log file closed *********

  3. I have renamed the home network, all pc's are now on the same network name, disabled all security settings in WIN7, shared it all. FSX still sits there waiting for connections..and the wide client log shows this.... but does nothing...(and this wide client is also on a WIN7 pc)

    i can see access both PC's remotely via either of them.

    im lost!



    ********* WideClient Log [version 6.86] Class=FS98MAIN *********

    Date (dmy): 11/07/12, Time 09:41:43.998: Client name is PETERWORKPCMCP

    110 LUA: "C:\Program Files\Wideclient\Initial.LUA": not found

    110 Attempting to connect now

    2715 Trying TCP/IP host "FSX" port 8002 ...

    2715 Error on client gethostbyname() [Error=11004] Valid name, no data record of requested type

    25241 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10060] Connection timed out

    25241 Ready to try connection again

    26271 Attempting to connect now

    70747 Trying TCP/IP host "FSX" port 8002 ...

    70747 ... Okay, IP Address =

    136985 Trying TCP/IP host "FSX" port 8002 ...

    136985 ... Okay, IP Address =

    203207 Trying TCP/IP host "FSX" port 8002 ...

    203207 ... Okay, IP Address =

    269788 Trying TCP/IP host "FSX" port 8002 ...

    269788 ... Okay, IP Address =

  4. Hi,

    I have been using Project Magenta for some 7 years, 7PC's networked and have been SOOOO happy with FS9... but 1st the old gtx8800 blew up recently and as the motherboard only accepted PCIE1 there was no way back, and to cap it the old CPU also died..

    so now after 7 years (800 addons) later I feel like a total newbie as FSX simply does not seem to do things the right way.

    default B737. throttle is jerking up and down constantly

    my PFC Yoke is not really working either

    I gave up after 3 hours of trying to get FS2Phidget to work setting up my TQ

    and then to cap it all FSX keeps saying waiting for clients ... and the clients are all on waiting as well..

    All in all very frustrating

    Firewall is disabled, server name is mentioned in FSUIPC, all PC's are on the same homegroup, most clients are running on WIN2000

    Does one need to enter anything in the FSUIPC ini file perhaps pointing to the clients?


    and yes I have read the manual

  5. Hi Peter,

    I have a problem since some 3 weeks which I have been unable to fix and believe me I have tried everything..

    I run FS2004 on a stand alone PC and have 6 clients, one of the clients run Project Magenta's MCP, PM sounds, CP flight MCP hardware and Squawk Box.

    Since a few weeks suddenly with no reason at all, the second I press the PTT (button 2 on my flight yoke, connected to the main FS2004 machine) it instantly triggers a Squawk box Error (I hear the "buzz" sound like we get when trying to press PTT on a non tuned com frequency) and then SB closes.. it states that an error log is being created but i have not been able to find this log file anywhere.

    I have tried to reinstall SB on both host and remote PC, reinstalled FSUIPC, reinstalled Wide Client/Server, reinstalled audio/video drivers on the client machine, tried to assign different commands than the PTT, tried to assign a different button on the yoke, etc. Regardless what I do the error is persistent 100% of the times.

    Everything else running on the client PC is unaffected.

    As the only link between the two is via wide client I assume this is linked to FSUIPC? What I cannot grasp is that a key press on one PC will actually result in a program error being generated on a client PC..

    Any help would be very welcome indeed, if you wish to get log files etc, then mail me at p.nielsen@terra.es and we can take it from there.



  6. Hi,

    I am going to cross post this around to get max feed back.

    Since a week or so, my FS2002 has become un-usable and I have no idea how or why this is occurring or how to solve it.

    It starts up as normal but after some time, could be 5 minutes, could be an hour the sim decides to reload textures, and just in the split second before it does that I notice that the time changes, if it is night is becomes day and vice versa.

    After the textures have been reloaded I am faced with an aircraft stuck in position, nothing works except strangely enough SLEW mode.

    The Date has been reset to the year "ZERO" ie 0000

    The GMT time has changed and states 240 !!!!!! hours 000 minutes

    I have tried it both on line and off line, both with and without active sky and it keeps happening in EACH flight.

    I have run the latest antivirus checks and there are none.

    I have cleaned up the scenery config file and it does not help either.

    Also noticed that the wide clients connected are not stable every so often I loose one connection for a split second, then it comes back.

    If I then switch to FS2004 everything works as normal, no problems at all and rock steady client connections. But I rarely use 2004 as my PC is quite simply not powerful enough to run it in all situations..

    using the latest FSUIPC and Wideserve versions.

    Any ideas at all as to what could be the 2002 problem?


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