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Posts posted by rana

  1. The most I think I could or should do is treat "sleeping" aircraft as further away than active ones -- so effectively the furthest among them would be replaced by further active ones (within the 3 or 6 nm) once the table becomes full. How would that be? I think, in general, that would pretty much meet both criteria.

    Hi Pete,

    when/if you implement this change, I hope it would be triggerable from the code itself, rather than the ini file. As you said, different program uses these datas differently - for my freeware movingmap, I am more interested in aircraft near the user (both ground and air)... and it would be a bit vexing for the user to not see an ground aircraft next to him/her on the map (as it is sleeping) because it was replaced by an active aircraft 6nm away.

  2. Hi Pete,

    I am begining to suspect I didn't understand the TrafficScanPerFrame factor properly.

    "The default scan is 10% of all AI aircraft (whether ground or airborne)" - I am interpreting this line as, if I have 100 AI Aircraft within X distance from my aircraft (where X is "aircraft within a certain range of the user aircraft are included"), FSUIPC would report/display data for only 10. My apologies if I understood it wrong.

    On the movingMap, I want to give the user option to see all AI traffics.. so apart from the user aircraft icon, there can be 96 X 2 = 192 AI aircraft icons on the map, all following its own path. If there is a demand, I can then expand it to a TCAS system. With a feature to control the scanning means, I can set it to full when the Map is loaded (and user has specified it), and reset it when its closed. Thus there is no overhead when the map is not running.

  3. Thanks Pete for your quick reply... just making sure I understood it right..

    one quick question: is there any programmable way to update "TrafficScanPerFrame" - on the SDK you mentioned:

    The default scan is 10% of all AI aircraft (whether ground or airborne) on each FS frame, but this can be adjusted using the TrafficScanPerFrame parameter in the FSUIPC.INI file. If you are providing a real-time airport movement display like that provided by TrafficBoard you may want your users to increase this to 100%.....

    I am hoping there would be an offset or a call to FSUIPC to read the current value, and an option to change it. I guess I can update the ini file, I am hoping for a runtime situation - so a program can change this value at runtime, and FSUIPC would reset back to default value at next restart.

    just a thought. I will check the SDK to see if this already exists.

  4. Hi again Pete,

    this is Rana - we have spoken couple of times before for Freeware access with FSUIPC for my freeware "FlightSim Manager" and "FSMMovingMap".. the map was released couple of days ago, and its working quite well.

    For a new feature, I am looking into AI traffic sections, and would like to run some points through you just to ensure I have understood it right.

    Bearing in mind that I don't want to use jackhammer/brute-force method to get the ai traffic, but use the flags available.

    1. When there are several aircrafts flying in formation (ie. each aircraft position is changed constantly), I understand fsuipc will update slotChanges [E008 or F008] array byte to indicate the change. I haven't looked at this data yet, but assuming it would increase from 0 to FF, and then reset back to 0. Is that correct?

    2. I have heard stories where AI aircraft might disappear during landing if afcad is wrong. If that is true, what happens to that slot - I guess fsuipc will set id to empty.

    Looking again at the SDK, it appears that "number of slots used so far (keeps increasing, never decreases)" I need to read this value, and this is the maximum number of slots to read starting from 0. But doesn't this also imply taht, if all 96 slots were filled at any one point, but currently there is only one ai aircraft, this number would still give 96?

    Sorry to bother you like this - but I would like to find the most optimized way to read this data. I will implement local caching when the flags are same - any ideas to speed up the process will be extremly helpful.

  5. HI Pete,

    sorry about the confusion: the key I wrote down is Freeware access key: not the end user personal key (this value can be seen by right-click program: properties)

    Please add the code to send the data to 8001 and send me another OCX. The KEY you need is:

    > Program name: FSMMovingMap.ocx

    > Company: RanaInside

    > Product Name: MovingMap

    above is from your email to me: I guess I code write Freeware key, but I didn't really think of anything when I wrote down a line with "FSUIPC Key".. I wrote it down as I copies it from Comments information of my OCX.

    I would quickly recap: it was an activeX, so you sent me a pre-beta 3.44 version to test it. It has the key in comments, and on the first connection I am writing AV7DLA8L8JGPFSMMovingMap.ocx and a null char at &H8001.. finally it would either be launched through Kneeboard (you tested it last time with your myIE), or a small exe container.

    does the following Log not have IPC Write logging??

    ********* FSUIPC, Version 3.45 by Pete Dowson *********

    Running inside FS2004 (FS9.1 CONTROLS.DLL, FS9.1 WEATHER.DLL)

    User Name=""

    User Addr=""

    FSUIPC not user registered

    WIDEFS not user registered, or expired

    Module base=61000000



    InitDelay: 0 seconds




    15890 System time = 09:31:50

    15906 E:\Flight\Flight Simulator 9\

    15906 System time = 09:31:50, FS2004 time = 12:00:00 (00:00Z)


    27343 AIRCRAFT\c172\Cessna172SP.air

    27640 Aircraft="Cessna Skyhawk 172SP"

    42937 D:\Documents\Flight Simulator Files\Mesh SF.flt

    43000 AIRCRAFT\C172Real\RealAirSimulationsC172SP.air

    43265 Aircraft="Cessna Skyhawk 172SP Kangan Batman TAFE by RealAir Simulations"

    44422 Clear All Weather requested: external weather discarded

    51922 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled

    96172 Traffic File #21 = "scenery\world\scenery\trafficranatraffic"

    107672 Client Application: "fs9" (Id=2408)

    107672 E:\Flight\Flight Simulator 9\fs9.exe

    107672 Product="Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 - A Century of Flight"

    107672 Company="Microsoft Corporation"

    107672 READ0 [P2408] 3304, 4 bytes: 00 00 50 34

    107672 READ0 [P2408] 3308, 4 bytes: 07 00 DE FA

    107672 WRITE0 [P2408] (failed, read-only!) 330A, 2 bytes: 00 00

    108812 WRITE0 [P2408] 8001, 29 bytes: 41 56 37 44 4C 41 38 4C 38 4A 47 50 46 53 4D 4D

    108812 6F 76 69 6E 67 4D 61 70 2E 6F 63 78 00

    108812 Client Application: "FSMMovingMap.ocx" (Id=2408)

    108812 D:\Documents\MyWork\FlightSimManager\_activeX_MovingMap\FSMMovingMap.ocx

    108812 Product="FSMMovingMap"

    108812 Company="RanaInside"

    108812 Program [2408] "FSMMovingMap.ocx" access registration is invalid

    108812 Illegal read attempt: offset 0560, size 8 [P2408]

    108812Program or module not accredited for use with this unregistered FSUIPC

    126703 Illegal read attempt: offset 0568, size 8 [P2408]

    126703 Illegal read attempt: offset 0580, size 4 [P2408]

    126703 Illegal read attempt: offset 02A0, size 2 [P2408]

    126703 ### IPC Message processed in 17891mSecs ###

    151031 Client Application: "fs9" (Id=2408)

    151047 E:\Flight\Flight Simulator 9\fs9.exe

    151109 Product="Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 - A Century of Flight"

    151109 Company="Microsoft Corporation"

    151156 Illegal read attempt: offset 0560, size 8 [P2408]

    151156 Illegal read attempt: offset 0568, size 8 [P2408]

    151156 Illegal read attempt: offset 0580, size 4 [P2408]

    151156 Illegal read attempt: offset 02A0, size 2 [P2408]

    231187 System time = 09:35:25, FS2004 time = 15:02:41 (22:02Z)

    231187 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

    Memory managed: 7 Allocs, 112 Freed

    ********* FSUIPC Log file closed ****

    thanks pete for the fast response.

  6. Hi Pete,

    thanks for your reply... I am writing this feature for both FS2002 and FS2004, so the code is reading different offset when required.

    From the topic I mentioned, seemed like you said Weather needs to be cleared for FS2002 - and as you pointed out "New Weather Interface" is for fs2004 only.. I didn't think I could use the clear weather from Advanced Weather Facilities in FS2002.

    However, after I started the topic - I did some test, and this is what I found so far:

    if I read 114 Bytes from H0F1C (server pc), and write it to the same location in client - it does update the cloud base in both FS2002 and FS2004 - as I couldn't find the clear weather setting, I just ignored it.

    I guess if I can get the same code to work in both version (and as I am not really tweaking the weather and just copying it), no harm done.

    The only part thats giving me trouble now is, the cloud is setting fine, but not the wind, temperature and pressure - I assume thats to do with the fact that I am writing all 114 Bytes and then processing. i guess I have to do some trail-n-error (unless you can advise me which order to set them)

    I completely missed UIPCAWI.zip :shock: aah, now I see the AW_CLRALL in the header - thanks pete.

  7. Hi Pete,

    sorry to bug you again, but I just need to clarify something... browsing through the forum to find some information on setting weather, I came accross a topic, where you mentioned

    In the case of FS2000 and FS2002 weather, you must clear it all first -- use the Clear Weather facilities in the FS weather dialogue, or the Hot Key provided by FSUIPC.

    All I am trying to do at present is to emulate the weather from a Server PC to the Client PC... my initial though was, all I need to do is to copy the Global Weather setting (&H0F1C [114 bytes]), and write it to the client. But after reading that topic, I am now trying to find how I can get FSUIPC to clear the weather from the code (the only reference I found so far is &H333E - but it says its a count only).

    Thanks in advance - please go easy on me just incase I missed something on the documentation. I also did a search on the forum, but to no avail.

    PS: I would also appreciate any comment you may have regarding this scenerio (ie. a better way of doing it perhaps)

  8. Hi pete,

    hope you are doing well... I was hoping you can give me on advice on the following scenerio, as it depends a lot on how FSUIPC handles request.

    I am not near my code, or your documentation, so I will use some fictional addresses.

    Assume, I need to do read the following 3 locations - &H1 (1 byte), &H3 (1 byte), and &H5 (4 byte)... normally I would do 3 read, and 1 process, however looking how close the locations are, would it be faster to:

    do 1 read (8 byte) and 1 process.

    I couldn't do an accurate timing, as FS does make my result flactuate a lot. But I assume as FSUIPC has to translate the address to real memory location, even reading unneccessary bytes for one read, may be faster than multiple reads.

    Thanks a lot in advance.

  9. hi JPReuland,

    I am currently adding a network view on my software... I had similar problem only twice during test, and in both cases restarting the server solved the problem.

    As WideFS is running through FS, it means you need to restart FS.

    Another problem I had (its in the forum somewhere), where WideFS would fail (but with an error number) due to security issue:


    but I guess you are launching FS with the default shortcut provided.

    To reinstall FS9, I would suggest copying the following folders to a safe location, then uninstall - install FS9... once installed, copy the folders/files over.





    Addon Scenery

    Scenery (only if you have installed anything in that folder)


    I don't think I have missed anything... but if you want to be really sure, just rename the FS folder to something else, and after reinstalling, move one folder at a time...

  10. Hi Pete,

    thanks for the tip... I will change the code to read from 088C.

    my personal guess is, after setting the throttle for these engines, FS tries to draw something that obviously doesn't exists, and directX fails - thus running the DXDiag.

    another possibility can also be that the Video ram on the laptop is only 64MB - so perhaps FS is doing a memory leak while drawing.

    I will confirm what happens after I changed the code, and tried to write to the 2nd engine...

  11. Hi Pete,

    yep, I can replicate the error. A breif info on the systems in question - Server is XP-pro with my joystick connected. My software os reading the values from this PC - the Client PC is on Win2000 (an old P2 laptop) without any joystick.

    As soon I write to the location and process the write, FS2004 screen goes black - checking the process I see dxdiag has started. I have to kill the FS process to end it.

    PS. I am using FSUIPC 3.3 on both PC, using the Key you issued me.

    here is a bit of the log:

    190104 WRITE0 0BBE, 2 bytes: 00 00

    190104 GetRealAddr(2200001C)=6106165C (orig 0BC0)

    190104 WRITE0 0BC0, 2 bytes: FF FF

    190104 WRITE0 0BC2, 6 bytes: FF FF 00 00 00 00

    190104 GetRealAddr(2200001E)=6106165E (orig 0BC8)

    190104 WRITE0 0BC8, 2 bytes: 00 00

    190104 WRITE0 0BCA, 2 bytes: 00 00

    190104 GetRealAddr(22000020)=61061660 (orig 0BCC)

    190104 WRITE0 0BCC, 8 bytes: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

    190104 WRITE0 0BD4, 8 bytes: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

    190104 GetRealAddr(22000028)=61061668 (orig 0BDC)

    190104 WRITE0 0BDC, 4 bytes: 00 00 00 00

    190104 WRITE0 0BE0, 8 bytes: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

    190104 GetRealAddr(2200002C)=6106166C (orig 0BE8)

    190104 WRITE0 0BE8, 4 bytes: FF 3F 00 00

    190104 WRITE0 0BEC, 10 bytes: FF 3F 00 00 FF 3F 00 00 FF 3F

    190104 WRITE0 0BBE, 2 bytes: 00 00

    190104 GetRealAddr(2200001C)=6106165C (orig 0BC0)

    190104 WRITE0 0BC0, 2 bytes: FF FF

    190104 WRITE0 0BC2, 6 bytes: FF FF 00 00 00 00

    190104 GetRealAddr(2200001E)=6106165E (orig 0BC8)

    190104 WRITE0 0BC8, 2 bytes: 00 00

    190104 WRITE0 0BCA, 2 bytes: 00 00

    190104 GetRealAddr(22000020)=61061660 (orig 0BCC)

    190104 WRITE0 0BCC, 8 bytes: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

    190104 WRITE0 0BD4, 8 bytes: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

    190104 GetRealAddr(22000028)=61061668 (orig 0BDC)

    190104 WRITE0 0BDC, 4 bytes: 00 00 00 00

    190104 WRITE0 0BE0, 8 bytes: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

    190104 GetRealAddr(2200002C)=6106166C (orig 0BE8)

    190104 WRITE0 0BE8, 4 bytes: FF 3F 00 00

    190104 WRITE0 0BEC, 10 bytes: FF 3F 00 00 FF 3F 00 00 FF 3F

    this is the end of the log...

    hope that helps.

  12. Hi Pete,

    I read the engine throttle lever position (I think I didn't mention that on the last reply) from &H3AE8, &H3A28, &H3968, &H38A8 - to simulate the throttle, I sent these four values back to the client.

    Both machines are running FS9 - I was testing with Cessna 172 when this crash occured. I rem'd out writing 2,3, and 4 engine - and then it worked fine. Then I added the line for the 2nd engine only, and the same crash at the same place.

    I should add that with the throttle, I am also sending the aircraft location and some other controls... I think the crash occured after writing the engines, and the location, but I am not too sure. If you want, I can test it out to see exactly when it crashes.

  13. Thanks Pete for your reply.

    I would also like to point something out I just came across. This is mainly for other programmers:

    If you try to set an engine throttle for any of the 4 engines, and the aircraft currently loaded does not have that engine, it will crash Flight Simulator. Check the number of engines (&HAEC) before setting any such values.

    Thanks CATIII..

    I guess a FLT file is the way to go... however, I was hoping I could get it a bit more elegant than that :(

    thanks again..

  14. Hi Pete,

    sorry to bug you regarding this - I am writing a new feature for my freeware software FlightSim Manager, where one can use a network PC for a different view (like WideView, but free)

    I have the structure done, and it seems to be working fine. The only problem I have is, initially the client receives some information such as location, time, aircraft etc. Now, I am reading the location from H3C00 (Path of the current Air File) - I assumed if I set the same value on the client (also assuming that the client FS also has the same aircraft in the same location), it would change the aircraft. I did the test with default mooney bravo, and that failed to work.

    I just wanted to know if I am missing something :?: I guess if all fails, I can load up a FLT file to confirm that the right aircraft is selected, but wouldn't be as elegant.

    thanks in advance.

  15. Hi Pete,

    hope you are doing ok.. this is a strange problem i have, and hope you can shed some light on it.

    I have a feature on my software (flightSim Manager) to launch FS with random splashscreen. I am using CreateProcess api to achieve this.

    Problem is, in this method if WideServer is installed, it comes up with

    Server socket() failed [Error=10106]

    I know that this error code is from WinSock, however in this case it is releated to WideFS and security, as if I launch FS using Shell - it works fine.

    For the SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES required for CreateProcess, I am passing NULL in which case it should the get the default security descriptor. Also, the file to execute (fs2002.exe for example) is passed as the commandline, where the applicationName is left as null.

    Any ideas?

  16. Thats Pete for taking it easy on me... after getting some sleep, suddenly I can speak latin, and understand signed.... :)

    reference for visual basic coders: Hi guys, you can use the following function to convert signed value to unsigned..


    ' Procedure : ConvertToUnsigned

    ' DateTime : 28/07/2004 21:49

    ' Author : Rana.Hossain@RanaInside.com

    ' Purpose :


    Public Function ConvertToUnsigned(unsigned As Long) As Currency

    Dim L As Long

    If unsigned > 65535 Then

    ' illegal


    L = unsigned And &H7FFF&

    ConvertToUnsigned = L Or -(unsigned And &H8000&)

    End If

    End Function

  17. Thanks pete for replying to me so quickly.

    I have looked through the document, and also did a search on the forum, before posting this thread, as I do understand you are very busy. I guess I somehow missed it.

    Thanks for the meter - knot.. I did think that was a possibility.

    If you can just bear with me with one more question.

    On query, if

    &H037C = FB 11111011

    &H037D = FF 11111111

    how do I calculate this turn rate.. sorry again, but hadn't had much sleep lately, and cant seem to focus.


  18. Hi Peter,

    this is Rana.. we have spoken once before for my freeware FlightSim Manager key. Implemented a host of new features since we last spoke, and I need to clarify something for one of the feature.

    1) Turn Rate &H037C (2 Byte) - the SDK reads this is from -512 to 512. How do I measure it? I thought it might be 1st Byte - 2nd Byte, but then it can only return -255 to 255 - can you please calirify it?

    2) Groundspeed &H02B4 (4 Byte) - the SDK reads /65536 to get value in meter/s. However, FSInterogator shows the following formula


    using FSInt. formula matches the value on the Airspeed panel. In which case, is it in knots?

    thanks - I am adding a warning system to my softwarethis would def. help me out.

  19. Hi Peter,

    this is Rana.. we have spoken once before for my freeware FlightSim Manager key, which is coming out very nicely - within the next couple of version I will add support for FS2004 (currently it works only with FS2002).

    Anyway, the reason for this thread - on my software (FSM), I have a fly now optionif FS is not running, then I can use the situation to load the flight.. when FS is running, I am using H3F04 and H3F00 to load the flight..

    now the flag at H3F00 only loads the flight, if the user is already in flight mode.. but not on the initial screen.

    So, I decided to read Ready to Fly indicator (well i am reading two bytes from H3364, and checking the 2nd byte (H3365) = 0 - when I implement fS2004, I will be using the first byte as well) - I assumed if this is 0, then I can continue loading the flight from H3F00, else inform the user that they need to load the flight file.

    Problem: H3365 is returning 0 in the initial screen... am I missing something??



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