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Throttle one wont work from cold and dark
CTVredvirus replied to CTVredvirus's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
HI Pete, I got this as a respons from PMDG.... We actually don't recommend the use of FSUIPC especially for Throttle Axis as outlined in the Introductory section of the manual for the product. Have you had a chance to read through that section of the manual to help familiarize you with the product set up? You can try deleting or renaming the FSUIPC.ini file to see if it gets rid of the issue to confirm that the issue originates there. So what i did I deleted the Fsuipc folder completley, and now the engines start is normal even from cold and dark and they work good, so it has to be something in FSUIPC, i did not even know or read that it is not recommended, anyways now you know :) -
Throttle one wont work from cold and dark
CTVredvirus replied to CTVredvirus's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Iv just sent a message to pmdg se what they say, next will be p3d, thanks. -
Throttle one wont work from cold and dark
CTVredvirus replied to CTVredvirus's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Pete! Both engines are running and starting normaly... both engines are started and running.... but first engine wont give any power. If you look at the pic both engines are running at idle. Nr 2 works perfekt when i move the throttle, nr 1 moves the leaver and even triggers the takeoff config warning but the engine remain at idle power. -
First I do not know if this is related to the PMDG, Fsuipc or P3D v3 Im asking if someone have encounterd this problem before or maybe have some ideas. If I leave the Pmdg 737 to start as default, meaning with its engine on, both throtles spikes just at the first touch and then work perfectly. I normaly want my 737Ngx to start cold and dark and me or fs2crew will power the plane up, Engines starts perfect so does the rest of the systems with only one problem. The engine 2 is given power, you can hear engine spool up, you can see it on the display, the 3dthrottle leaver moves, flaps config warning go off and the plane starts moving. The engine one is given power, you can´t hear the engine spool up, you can´t see it on the display, the 3dthrottle leaver moves, Flap config warning goes off, the plane dosen´t move. Works perfect with engines prestarted, any clues ?
I have calibrated the axis and everything works to a point. For ex when I move the throttles I can get the Spoilers Arm, when I move the Flaps, I can get the spoilers to arm, In P3d V3 there is no axes calibration whats so ever exept for a joystick and that involves the alerons and elevator. I have used the filterig option with no luck, this is not hapening in P3D v3. I set the flaps spoilers and engine reverse through fsui because I could assign them to axis. Rudder, alerons and elevator ar also through Fsui and there is no mix there between the axes. Advice ?
I did remove all the doubles i had in both Fsui and P3d, I have restarted p3d a couple of times and also restarted the computer, power down the computer, and then also completley shut of power from PSU, Everything still works. And P3d Have not reasigned back any axes, the controller axes, Nulzone and sensitivity are still greyed out. I do have one more question. The aircrafts are pulling to the right on takeoff roll, any ideea ? The controllers seems to be centered, wind calm, the throttles are giving even power.
So abviously we missunderstood eachother, anyways P3DV3 is not reassigning the axes, so I have everything else exept for alerons Elevator, rudder, brakes and engines, run By P3DV3 and they seem to go along just fine. To answer if it did not make sense I would have apreciated an, can you detail pls. Anyways thanks for replaying and now you also know it works in case somebody else asks :) Have a nice day!
Pete, I dont understand what happend here? I have many times asked for support in many diffrent forums and I was able to get support! I was not mad or reacting in anyway, I was just simply trying to se if I can get the Throttles work with your Fsuipc and the rest with P3D, instead you where repealing me with """Er ... why do you want to assign in FSUIPC in the first place? Why ask such an odd question? If you mix assignment places you have to accept that sometimes it will all go weird because FS and P3D make auto-assignments. If you don't need or want FSUIPC's joystick facilities, just do everything in P3D. I am now rather confused about what it is you are after? :sad:""" My truble was the Throttles, and I have seen this answer, very late """ Well you can try. But you risk things going wrong in strange ways, axes conflicting because of FS/P3D auto-assignment. Maybe P3Dv3 no longer does this I don't know. Try. But I cannot support you with any problems this may cause.""" That was all I needed. No worries, if we are unable to conversate here without you getting upset and mad for NO REASON, and writing """ust don't come here for support."""I will seek support by my self, YEY this was support DAY nr1 withfsuipc ;) Im very much in luck that I have never got such mad responses from another support site at entire flight sim and I use almost all addons thereare for both fsx and p3d. It would be nice to have my money back, If I buy something I want support, not a grumpy person that shuts me off support just like that for nor reason, please reconsider to start all over again and try to be more maleable, Im the guy that bought you product, you could ask for detail when needed, like nicely. Something like, Im not sure I understand your problem, could you develop thet problem more etc . Abviously you could be proffesional and nice, this is from another post you write: Can you explain a little more clearer please? waw, not what I got::: Er ... why do you want to assign in FSUIPC in the first place? Why ask such an odd question? The question would have never been odd if you would ask for the detail you needed! And when I develop my question , Dont come here for support, grate!, thanks!, Proffesional! Anyways thank you sir for your time and if you decide to reconsider pls do replay. BR MB
Some more questions: 1: The pan view on my hat works but its not as soft as within the sim ? 2: How can I set the pan view on the mouse and zoom through scroll wheel ? 3: is there anyways to assign only the throttle through Fsuipc and leave the rest through the sim ? Ty
I found them under Another name in FsuiPC with help from FS2crew, I was initialy looking for alternate static source on off and propeller sync on off, and they where not under A or P but under T, "Toggle" So that is why I had trouble finding them Thanks anyway.
Thre is one more thing, when i use FS2crew it requires to use buttons on kontroller to be able to use it, and if I disable all controllers in P3d, how will that work ?
I have assigned all the axes through Fsui PC, they are recognised, but I still wont get them to do what I set them to do in P3D V3 Do i need to remove all axes from P3D ? I do not find the manuals ?
Many thanks! I forgot to run it in FSX folder I did that and worked like a charm :) Thanks!