A problem has arisen after immediately installing the latest (registered) FSUIPC 3.30 yesterday .
I followed my usual practice of removing the old FSUIPC module to a backup folder , and after unzipping placing the new module into FS9 /modules..
I am currently betatesting the Squawkbox 3 and I think the problem may be to do with the relationship between these two applications.
What happens is this........ After starting FS9( in an offline situation) the SB3 will sometimes try start automatically ( this is something the hopefully is going to be changed). On closing FS9 and restarting FS9 I get the " You have duplicate copies of FSUIPC etc" error message - which will not go away or allow me to restart FS9 without rebooting the PC. In addition , when rebooting the PC will not shut down - saying that FS9.exe is still open- giving the usual End it Now /wait fot it to end message.
Rebooting does appear to clear the situation.
Reverting to the previous FSUIPC hasn't cured the problem.
I haven't tried deleting the FS9.cfg so far, but I did try a system restore back to before I first installed the new module with no luck.
I realise that this may well be the fault of SB3 and am posting on the SB3 bug database also.