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About DRamsey

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  • Location
    nr. Aarhus, Denmark

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  1. Hi Pete This evening I started up FS9 for this first in many weeks, and it immediately crashed while loading "TERRAIN". I then spent more than an hour trying to figure out the problem, doing the usually things e.g. checking that the v9.1 modules hadn't been replaced by older versions, recreating FS9.cfg from scratch, and checking the integrity of the scenery.cfg. Then I suddenly got the idea to neutralize the Texture_ID=1 value in the Area.001 of the scenery.cfg like this: [Area.001] ;Texture_ID=1 Title=Default Terrain Active=TRUE Layer=1 Local=Scenery\World\ Required=TRUE I then executed FS9 and of course when it arrived at this entry the following message appeared: "Scenery read error. Attempting to open a nonexistent directory:. Click ok to continue" I clicked to continue and FS9 opened without further problems. My question is why? What has happened to my setup which makes it necessary to remove the value "Texture_ID=1" which is normally default? Adding the value again to [Area.001] caused FS9 to crash once more. I know this CTD is presumably unrelated to FSUIPC v3.48 but I have an idea that you might be able to help me solve this enigma. Can you suggest what might be the cause? Kind regards, David
  2. Hello again Pete I eventually solved the problem myself . I have the danish version of Win XP but roughly translated it goes like this: In the “Folder Preferences” and “View” choose “Search automatically for all networked folders and printers”. It is not enough to just select this and click “OK”. It has to be applied to “ALL FOLDERS” and this has to be done on both PC’s. :P This did the trick! Cordially, David
  3. Hello Pete Interesting..........And, I'm not doubting what you tell me. Indeed, what I've now established beyond doubt is that if the client PC is started first, and up and running when the Server is started, the Radar Tracking mode works properly, but not when the reverse is true. I know Mr. Clark is supposed to be giving me the answers. Even so, I'd appreciate your opinion. Cordially, David
  4. Hello again Pete This morning I was in the process of preparing material to send Mr. Damian Clark as prescribed, when it occured to me that I might as well install your lastest version of WideFS - v6.40 and a strange thing has happened............. The Weather Tracking mode of ActiveSky2004 now works consistently across WideFS. No problems or so it seems. Now that is really weird!! If it continues to work over the next couple of days, then I guess someone owes Mr. Clark an apology :roll: . Cordially, David Aarhus, Denmark
  5. Thanks Pete for your indulgence and exceptional patience in dealing with this matter. Hopefully, Damian Clark & I will now be able to work towards a viable solution. I will contact Mr. Clark with the additional information he requires towards the weekend when the demands of my professional career can once again wait until Monday morning :wink: . Best regards David Aarhus, Denmark.
  6. Hi Pete I originally discussed this issue with Damian Clark and thought at one point that we had solved it. But, alas it still recurrs. This is how I described the problem for Damian: Damian Clark replied: I followed all of Damians suggestions and many more but still haven't managed to get the Weather Tracking mode across WideFS working consistently. It is indeed still necessary to do a complete reinstall of ActiveRadar on my server PC every time I want it to work in FS9 when AS2004 is active on the client PC. I'm wondering whether, in working on the MR2 update for AS2004, you and Damian have gotten any closer to a solution Pete? Cordiallly, David Aarhus, Denmark
  7. Thanks for confirming the existence of this problem and clarifying the underlying cause. It's at least comforting to know that this problem wasn't 90 cm away the the front of my screen. :D Meanwhile, I've got another infuriating anomaly which probably has it's root in WideFS and/or FSUIPC but I'll start a new thread as it is rather complex. Thanks once again. Cordially, David Aarhus, denmark
  8. Hi Pete! I've got one of the most complex GoFlight setups that exists at present time. Even beyond Doyle's wildest expectations :lol: . Anyway I've been programming buttons regularly and now come up against a problem which cannot be solved. At least, not by yours truly. I have on numerous occasions attempted to designate a particular button on a GF-P8 module the function "GPS Power". Once done I close FSUIPC as normal by clicking "OK". However, the button does not provide this function, and when I open FSUIPC and go to the Button page, this button is not programmed with the "GPS Power" function, but on the contrary, with "Add Fuel Quantity" instead. No matter how many times I've attempted to correct this, the button always ends up being designated with the "Add Fuel Quantity" function instead. Can you help please? Cordially, David Ramsey Aarhus, Denmark
  9. Hello Pete I have all the GoFlight Control Modules, and have thanks to your great talent, succeeded in assign extra functions to many GF-P8 pushbuttons. Nevertheless, I have now found a problem, at least on my system, as despite many attempts, I cannot get the "Autocoord Toggle" or Autocoord ON/OFF/SET functions to do anything in FS2004. :cry: Is there a solution to this or am I missing something like a parameter or two? Regards, David Hornslet, Denmark
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