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Posts posted by HoratioWondersocks

  1. The only way I have managed to control the wild wind changes you experience with the default real world weather download option in FS9 is to use Activesky,I don't have a registered copy of FSUIPC,but even so using the freeware version and ASKY I do not get those ridiculous wind shifts and consequent rapid drops/increases in air speed that the default weather engine seems to produce,however much as i like ASKY and use it most of the time I do like the speed and simplicity of the default fs9 weather when I wanted a quick hit for an equally quick flight.

    PS I also tried FSMetar(freeware) but using that program did not stop the wild wind changes(presumably as FSMetar seems to be a metar down loader only and still uses the default weather engine to process the weather info).At this moment ASKY seems to be the only option if you don't want your 747 landing on its back occasionally or your Cessna doing impromptu barrel rolls/loops etc from time to time :D


    PS I did manage to find a freeware download (AVSIM/FScom)of many more weather themes to add to the default FS9 themes which are a good substitute if a quick flt is on the boards.The themes don't seem to suffer from wild wind problems.

  2. How dare you call yourselves grumpy!?!?!

    Arthritic, gouty, prostatic, hepatitic, diabebetic, tenosinuvetic, lumbaritic, dental, mental and colonic problems are all needed simultaneously to qualify for grump!

    Do what?

    Cranky, pizzed but can't P, boozy, over-sugared, writer's cramped, bent over doubled, talks and thinks crap... that's me on a good day. And to make it really good, I am on wife number three and daughter number two's wedding. Don't even think of the fact that I am working for company who wants to welch out on a month's pay. And if you mention swine flu, that'll really set me off.

    And as for just wasting a glass of retsina on a "splurt" for laughing at this thread...

    Bloody wannabe grumps! Think you've got it all? Just wait until your next urologist's visit - and the proctologist's digit...

    I give up.Reading your post makes me realize that i am in the presence of a grandmaster grumper.

    It makes me look merely irritated and tetchy in comparison.

    Yours is grump on a monumental scale.

    I salute you sir!


  3. Hello

    These posts are becoming far to sensible.I am extremely grumpy,the weather is descending into cold grey grumptitude,Avsim library still aint one hundred percent,there's rubbish on the telly,rubbish in the streets and where have all our birds gone there's only parakeets.

    GRUMPY !

    Bl--DY Christmas fun fun fun is on its way.

    The day has become night.

    Soon there will be snow slush ,northerly winds COLD,easterly winds even COLDER!

    Whats it all about eh!

    Where are we going?



    aNDY :evil:

  4. Hello

    I am currently listening to good old BC radio whilst fiddling about nosing through forums etc and i have just heard this strange story an Air Canada co-pilot had to be restrained on a flight into Heathrow and on landing taken to a psychiatric hospital as he appeared to have had some sort of mental breakdown.A bit sad really hope he gets the help he (or she ?) needs.I suppose that will be the end of his flying career.

    A good job it wasn't the co-pilot who managed to land that 777 safely last week(at Heathrow) despite its undercarriage being ripped off in the process and just missing the outer perimeter fence.

    I always thought pilots of passenger aircraft where chosen for there mental stability etc and constantly given medical checks etc surly this poor chap(or woman)must have been exhibiting some sort of symptoms prior to this flight,i cant believe one minute your apparently normal and the next you suffer an instant breakdown?

    Anyway good job i am not pilot or co-pilot as i am totally bonkers.

    cheers ANDY

  5. Bushpounder

    I have applied(to Alaska Winds) but iam getting no replies to my e-mails.Meanwhile iam flying some BFU flights but not fileing pireps just to get the feel of it again.I had forgotten how good the scenery(fs global se)and changing cloud patterns(activesky)as i have for the last two years been mainly flying passenger jets and learning the ILS approaches etc(actually still like that)Iam not really pro or anti any simflying I LIKE IT ALL,but flying high you miss out a lot scenery wise.

    All the best


  6. I have just gone over to broadband from dial up and was wondering wether there are any improvements to on line flying particularly the jerky plane problem when other pilots planes dont move smoothly but seem to jump to position ruining the whole experience(actually with ultimate traffic installed i find i really dint need to bother with on line flying)But might try it again if improved by broadband.

    PS if anybody out there is toying with the idea of getting broadband then my advice would be MOST DEFINITELY i only have a 256kb service but the whole INTERNET experience is so much better now.I can download those large aircraft files in a fraction of the time :D As soon as the prices drop i will move up to full 512 service but this 256kb is absolutly spiffing Sir Joseph.

    Cheers Pilots


    cheers Andy

  7. Iam thinking of buying a flat screen monitor and was wondering if there are any hints tips or pitfalls(its bound not to be straight forward it is flight simulator after all)apart from relieving me of my personal weight lifting course and room heater which is my CRT,are they a good upgrade?i can only afford to go to seventeen inch(this is rip of Britain)

    Cheers All


    Looking forward to patch and am already in serious Holy Grail mode. :D

  8. Message


    Joined: 05 Aug 2004

    Posts: 4

    Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:14 pm Post subject: atc text size can you change it?


    Does any clever person no of a way to alter the text in the ATC window (fs2004)or perhaps the brightness. I find it very dim and hard to see.

    I reloded fs 2002 just to check and its very brifght and easy to see in the older version

    cheers Andy

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