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  1. Daar Pete, Is the way to register FSUIPC different from years ago. I have an email adres and a customernumber for the registration, have not found way to enter these in a newly installed version Kind regards
  2. Why I run multible FSX installation is that we have a cockpit (facebook:Starfighter demoteam) and the plane we use won't install at c: programma files, Microsoft games ect.. So I made a backup file on my harddrive to install it there. When we give demonstrations I use a dedicated FSX installation only with the minimum addon's to boost the performance. I Will get back to you to let you know whats in the Modules file, but I did also not find a log file on the C installation, and changes made there are saved... Douwe-Jan
  3. Hello Pete, I have a logging tab in the copy FSUIPC on my harddrive is that correct? It has a nummer of checkboxes but none are checked
  4. Hello Pete, I did not use the installer but simpley copied the Modules folder to the other two installations. How can I check if the LOG file allows me to write? And if not how to adjust. Thanks in advance
  5. I have multiple installs of FSX on my computer one on my C drive and two on my external harddisk. I have copied my MODULES folder from C to the other ones. If I want to make an adjustment on the harddisk FSUIPC, and change plane or reboot the adjustments are gone. Only the changes made on the C FSUIPC are remembered. Any sugestions?
  6. Thanks Andy for your info!
  7. I want to make macro's therefore I need to see FSX aswel to make the mouseclick.. If you see the youtube film, there you both at the time
  8. Sorry for de typos my IPad tries to make everything Dutch again.....
  9. I go to the top of FSX AT&T the toonbaar and select modules FSX Goes Black and in the middle the FSUIPC Window appears, when I make modificaties in FSUIPC I press "OK" and FSUIPC saves the changes I just made, this closes the FSUIPC window and FSX reactivates The Youtube below show the two activeren Windows FSX and FSUIPC, mine is BLACK with FSUIPC active http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=__of5EEZzvc Hope this wil make my situation more clearly
  10. When opening fsuipc, fsx Goes Black and pauses, after shutting down the fsuipc window fsx returns again. I cant run them both in sight, when making a macro this wont work. How can I have both Windows active at the same time?
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