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About robvanleest

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. I understand your message.... Although I was expecting this issue to be something combined between various programs and not only IvAP. Anywaythere was something with AI traffic in PM which should have been solved right now thanks to Pete's input.
  2. Hello all, I do not know what I didbut all of a sudden it seems to work. Still figuring out what I changed (I tried a lot) I am very happen to see it working riht now. Thanks for all response. Rob
  3. Hello Pete, Thanks for the info. I have to straighten some things out right now: * The program I use is just being released; * It is the first public release; * Nobody refused me support; * I posted a message on their support forum as well and they encourage people to report problems; The reason I contacted you is because I am looking in all directions trying to figure out why I don't see any traffic. I am running all kind of PC's in networked environment through widefs and fsuipc so started looking in this direction. As I already mentioned I contacted Support@magenta as well. I will try to make a log. Thanks for the help! Rob
  4. OK .... But either FSUIPC or WideFS is normally responsible for getting the data from the server towards my client which is running the ABGC navigation display? My problem right now is that I do not have any idea who to contact for this problem. IvAP claims data is fed into FSUIPC. With this program it did not work. AIBridge does not do the trick either. Trying to catch the problem right now. Maybe you have some more ideas for troubleshooting? Thanx, Rob
  5. Another one .... I contacted PM suport for it as well and Katy send me this answer: That's out of our control, you would need an updated version of AIBridge... AFAIK FSUIPC gets its multiplayer info from AIBridge for online networks, there's no way the ND can get the information otherwise. The updated version of AIBridge did not solve the problem. Ans because I understand that everything has to go via FSUIPC, I am bothering you again. Thanx for the response. Rob
  6. Hi Pete, I might be in the wrong forum. I have FSUIPC registered and widefs. Everything works nice in the networked configuration. Main computer is running FS9 and one of the clients is running project magenta nav display (ABGC). Normal AI is displayed without problems. Online traffic is displayed as well with squawkbox, but with the new program no result. The newest version of AIBridge has no result as well unfortunately. The problem is that I don't understand the difference. Online traffic is something like the same as artificial traffic? Rob van Leest
  7. Yes, it is a complete other program than squawkbox. So I know it is due to that problem change. I see regular AI traffic as well. But this program is said be able to feed the online traffic into FSUIPC. That is why I contacted you. http://www.ivao.org/softdev/
  8. Hello, I used to see traffic during online flights in my Project Magenta glass cockpit through AI Bridge. The new client is able to feed AI data into FSUIPC but the PM software does not pick this up. I is due to FSUIPC or should I contact Enrico for it?
  9. Sorry Pete, i did overlook that part of the manual. You are right .... after a while the double connnection was closed again. It did not have any effect on the performance of any machine. Thanks for the reply
  10. Hello, I recently started using a new computer (client) and this client connects two times to wideserver for some reason. So when I start wideclient on this computer wideclient activates and after loading the PM ABGC I see that wideserver has two connections on the FS menu bar although only one client is connected. Anyone an idea?
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