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Steve Motion

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Posts posted by Steve Motion

  1. Pete,

    I wanted to thank you for the info. I am willing to learn C++ or whatever I may need to use, but I don't really even know where to start.

    Visual C++, C++, Qbasic (LOL)?

    I'd like to start by writting a simple program first, that would just display in a seperate window, the raw information that would be used to control my platform. ( ie. pitch, roll, yaw, heave ect.. vel. g-force ect..)

    I'd think this would be a great first step in understanding just what is going on behind the scenes and how the process may work.

    So, in short, any personal suggestions as to a resource(s) to began with? I figured if nothing else, "C++ for Dummies" ;) enough said in reference to my programming abilities......

    Thank in advance,

    Steve Motion

  2. Follow up to my own questions:

    I've searched simFlight forums and see that a few others have had the same questions I had for Peter. I also see that although FSUIPC can extract the flight model information, which is a great start. However, there isn't much else out there for motion platform control in a novice friendly capacity.

    Anyway, I'd still be interested if anyone has any updates on motion platform controller and the use of FSUIPC.


  3. This question is most likely directed to Peter....

    I am a total novice when it comes to the programming end of computers, so I am sure my question is pretty trivial, but here it goes;

    I want to make a motion platform for FS2004. I am looking for a simple way to extract the aircrafts flight atitude (pitch.yaw,roll) and maybe even a way to extract information that could trigger heave also. I am willing to learn the programming side of this project, but I don't even know where to start. Would your module extract the fundimental data I need?

    I have spent hours and even days researching existing systems. There just is not a single bit of software that will drive a home built motion platform. There is a program that comes with SIMCRAFT (Simkit) that sounds like it will output some basic information, but I am hoping to design a complete closed loop system.

    This is a big task, and one that may take even a year to get even a fundamental system designed, but I just want some help in finding a good place to start.

    Thanks so much to Peter, or anyone else who can help.

    Steve Motion

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