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Everything posted by Fly737NG

  1. Thank you very much for the swift answers! I found the offsets I needed in the SDK documentation and I guess I have an idea how to code what I need. Regards, Robert
  2. Hi Folks, I am thinking about to register the FSUIPC for upgrading my PMDG Licence to a full licence. My Question. I am running a virtual airline, but I want to cut down my fleet to the 737NG. I´d like to know if there is a possibility to read out the ACARS information and send it directly to my cgi based database for the pilots rooster. No filling of pilot reports anymore (this is obsolete these days I think). The pilot makes his flight and the off and on times are recorded directly from ACARS. Is this possibile with the FSUIPC ? If yes, how ? Thanks for answers, Robert
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