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Ray Proctor

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About Ray Proctor

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. I have got everything working,,The problem was "Pilot Error" The doc that comes with TrafficX are really bad..I went to their Forum and got clear directions as to how to edit the DLL file. To late to fly today but I will give it a try tomorrow !! Again a BIG Thanks for pointing me in the right direction !!
  2. Sorry Pete, I have been around computer and FS for 20 years but still dont quite understand them Anyway I have done a complete reinstall of FSX and I have reinstalled FSUIPC4. I went and looked at the dLL file and can see now what I did, The doc's with Traffic X say to copy a file called DLL.XML to the FSX folder where the fs.conf is, I did just that and copied the original over and that's how things got messed up. The only infomation in the files was about traffic X, everything else was gone. It seems I need to edit the infomation in the DLL and add the info about Traffic X. Not sure if I want to try that?? nor do I know how to do it!! I might be trying some of these addon too quickly. Maybe I need to wait until they get some of the bugs out. I seems that the Traffic x program should have been able to modify the dll.xmi file on it own but not yet.. Sorry to bother you with this and thanks for helping.. Ray
  3. Pete, Thanks for answering.......... I have a registered 4.02 installed. It disappeared when I installed either goflight or Traffic X. I am now trying to put 4.026 back in but keep getting the "Access Denied error", I also noticed that when I go to the FSX.cfg folder I have a xml document for Goflight and Traffic X but none ( If there is one that needs to go there ) for FSUIPC4 Ray
  4. Richard Thank for the reply..The problem is that windows will not let me install FSUIPC? I have goflight and Traffic X installed. When I try to reinstall FSUIPC I get a access denied. I have turned the firewall off. I still has the logs and manual in the mod folder but no FSUIPC.DLL. I hope MS looks at this whole issue soon because somethings not right!! Ray
  5. Can I get help with this problem? FSUIPC was there, now its gone! I had FSUIPC (Registered) installed and working in FX. I just installed "My Traffic X". Now FSUIPC is gone and when I try to reinstall I get this message "Cannot place FSUIPC4.DLL into the FX/Modules folder. The error reported my windows is "Access Denied" On the FX menu bar I have "Tools" for my traffic but nothing else?? Thanks :?: Ray
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