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Everything posted by Horst18519

  1. That works not on my PPC though. Thanks for the link anyway. :wink: It still doesn't work. I'll first have to look what protokoll-data the PPC requires.
  2. Yes, You were right. That guy in the other forum mistyped it. :? It's GGA. That qould mean it should work with VTG and GGA. Maybe I'll try it once more. I'll report if I'm succesful... :wink:
  3. Hi, I asked today in a PDA-Forum about the problem. I was told, that my MEDION Pocket-pc uses CGA and VTG. I didn't find CGA in the GPSOut.ini. Doesn't GPSOut support the CGA-Format?
  4. Thanks, that sounds good. I'll try it with all sentences and 4800 bps and maybe check the Output-Signals. I can't connect the GPS-unit to my PC for now, because I don't have the right cable (the serial cable I bought especially for the GPSOut-Gimmick costet me already 30Eur...), though someone told me that I could mak my own serial cable if I check the Pins on the GPS-cable. Well, difficult to describe... :? Anyway, I'll tell you about the process. :wink:
  5. First thanx for the reply. :) My PDA has a GPS-Unit which I can connect to the PDA via serial cable. That means the port on my PDA is a "usual" COM-Port. I also can assign the Navigation-Software a 9600-connection on the COM-Port. That works perfectly well with the real GPS-stuff. So I wonder why it's not working with GPSOut. MAybe it's that my PDA tells me always how many Satellites it's receiving. Can GPSOut provide / simulate this function?
  6. Hi, I tried to use my pocket-pc via serial cable on COM1 with GPSOut, but I couldn't get a signal on the ppc. :( Can GPSOut handle Pocket-PCs? bye, Thorsten
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