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Posts posted by benweston

  1. Hi Pete

    I'm using a CH Yoke and pedals with the LDS 767. I recently meddled with my FSUPIC settings and now can deploy both my speedbrakes and reversers but can't stow them. The only way to stow them is by dribbling on a bit of forward thrust and let the 767's logic cancel reverse and bring the speedbrake in.

    I've gone into the settings and the values I get for the spoilers under the reset button are:

    IN: 7040

    OUT: 16394(deployed)

    IN: -7040

    OUT: -16384 (stowed)

    and for reversers:

    IN: 16193

    OUT: 11776 (deployed)

    IN: -16193

    OUT: 9030 (stowed)

    I'm a total newbie to fiddling with FSUIPC so if you could indulge me as a layman on how to fix this I'd be very grateful.


    Ben W

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