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Posts posted by mgmjward

  1. Good morning again Volker,

    After sending the last message it occured to me that I should try building a new normal flight plan. When I did this, and clicked on the departure airfield, the blue AFIL map disappeared and I was back to the deault map view showing the new flight plan. However, when I try to Connect to FS I am still told that there is "No GPS-Data from Simulator available!"

    Kind regards,


  2. Good Morning Volker,

    Thank you for your advice but, unfortunately, it has not solved the problem for me. I installed the FSUIPC4 (version 4,853) as administrator and I had also installed FSCommander as administrator. I have now tried going back to basics and done the following:

    • Cleaned up my PC's Registry.
    • Reinstalled FSUIPC4 (version 4,853) as administrator.
    • Opened FSX and confirmed that it was showing the correct FSUIPC4 version.
    • Uninstalled and reinstalled FSC9.2.1 as administrator on my external E drive as E:\FSC9.
    • Ran the FSC Database Manager; opened FSC which showed the Map view.
    • Completed the Registration process.
    • Tried all the Menu buttons in FSC and these correctly showed all the dropdown sub-menus.
    • I then opened the GPS and clicked on "Connect to FS" which changed the map view to a full blue Window screen with the compass showing in white and the word AFIL in the centre and co-ordinates at the bottom of N00 00 00 and E000 00 00. Also a message: "No GPS-Data from Simulator available! Connection to Simulator terminated!"

    Please could you suggest any other changes that might solve the problem?

    Kind regards - and thanks for your continued help.


  3. Hello Volker,

    Please accept my apologies for not including all the required information. This is as follows:

    1. FSX

    2. FSUIPC version 4.827

    3. FS Commander & Database Manager version 9.2.1 Net (Build 28-July-2012)

    4. This download version from your website (Original download from the simMarket website - Order No. 677211)

    5. Operating System: Windows 7 64



  4. Please can anyone help?

    I have been using FSC for quite few years without any problems - until now.

    Having had to reinstall FSC 9.2.1, I am now finding that I cannot connect through GPS to FSX. Each time I try, I get a full blue Window screen with the compass showing in white and the word AFIL in the centre and co-ordinates at the bottom of N00 00 00 and E000 00 00. Also a message: "No GPS-Data from Simulator available! Connection to Simulator terminated!"

    How might I be able to clear this problem?

    Thanks in advance,


  5. A follow up for Daniel, Matthijs and David.

    I think that I owe you all an apology for complaining too quickly about Twin Otter freezing FS2002 - it looks as though I was expecting things to happen too fast!!

    I installed v1.11 but still had the same problem so tried Mathijs's suggestion of temporarily removing the file ViMaCore.dll. This also didn't work. However, after putting the file back and loading the Twin Otter in window rather than full screen mode, everything worked fine. Out of curiosity, I then tried again to load into full screen and FS2002 seemed once again to freeze each time I tried to bring down the Menu bar and change airfields. This time though, rather than close it down immediately, I sat back in frustration, and then - low and behold - things kicked in and everything now looks OK.

    Having again looked back at other mesages, I now realise that this delay in response to Menu commands when in full screen is something others are meeting but I misread it as a complete freeze.

    Once again my apologies for being too impatient, and I now look forward to the fix.

    Michael Ward

  6. Thank you Daniel, Matthijs and Davide for your quick replies and suggestions.

    In reply to Daniel, I have installed and uninstalled v1.10 three times and still get exactly the same problem. However, I will now try Mathijs's suggestion of temporarily removing the ViMaCore.dll file and, separately, the idea I read in some earlier messages I have now found, concerning a freezing of the Menu bar, of running in windowed rather than full screen mode. Having only recently fully reinstalled FS2002 I really do not want to go through the agony again!! Apart from a fair number of retail add-ons, I do have quite a few freeware additions and all of these work without any problems, and I have FSAssist controlling the FPS at 15.

    Apart from the freeware add-ons, I have the following retail aircraft and scenery installed:

    Dreamfleet's 737-400, C177 Cardinal (both versions) and the Archer II.

    Flight Deck II

    Battle of Britain Memorial Flight

    GB Airports

    Douglas R4D-6 (DC-3)

    Hong Kong Scenery

    All Lago's TerraMesh for Europe

    A320 Professional

    World Airliners (747-400 & 777-200)

    RealScene USA

    I will try the options over the next few days and let you know what happens.

    Thanks again for your support,

    Michael Ward

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