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Posts posted by neil0311

  1. Do you have any (other) landclass product installed for the US?

    Something like Ultimate Terrain, FSGenesis US Landclass, etc. etc.?

    Can't tell what would happen when you have that, can't exclude the possibility of conflicts between 2 products both trying to make changes to the same thing at the same priority level.

    Yes. Ultimate Terrain and FSG, using the "sandwich" method with UT city landclass on top, FSG in the middle for rural landclass, and UT for the remaining coast and areas not previously covered by the higher layers.

    Everything worked perfectly before updating with the new textures and autogen in Oct., so why would the landclass be the problem?

    I will download the new autogen after work tonight (it's early morning here in the US) and let you know. :)

  2. Hi,

    this seems wrong, so please tell me what you did:

    file names,

    folder names

    Maybe i can help you out,



    Hi Ruud,

    All I did was copy the US-Canada texture patch from 14 Oct, and the recent autogen patches for US-Canada and Europe. It looks like others are reporting the exact same issue on Avsim. I hate to say it, but it looks like somethings is up with the autogen. Everything worked perfectly before, I copied the new files, and now it's messed up.



  3. Since you all seem so eager to get a response from me. Here it is. Only I wonder if you’ll all be so eager after you read it.

    Jeff whoever you are. My answer to you is without a shadow of a doubt I can get better performance from your machine than you anytime, anywhere.

    The level at which you know computers comes through in each and everything you post. It is in fact you who knows nothing and you who confuses everyone not Fs-Gs.

    You can think that when you say things like “Uber” Bios that you have said something special but you’re just blowing smoke. Found a way to bypass your front side bus have you Jeff. Found an “Uber” that just goes right through that did you.

    If you are so knowledgeable about computers why don’t you run dual ATA drives in a RAID 0 configuration. Why would you bottleneck an SATA drive by using it as a single? Do you have any idea at all of seek time and the purpose of SATA? The clue would be the word serial as in series rather than single. Get the clue Jeff?

    Than you go on to razzle dazzle us with even more hints. You prefer to fly at 2XQAA?? Is that meaningful? I fly at 6x AA and 16x anisotropic filtering myself and preference plays no part in it. That is where my sim performs best. So can we than assume that basically you can’t fly at higher AA because your card can’t handle it or really because you don’t have a clue how to set it up.

    So 30 FPS to you is fluid very interesting. So what do you do with Active Sky or FSMeteo turn off all the layers or reduce the 3D %. Or maybe you reduce your AI or turn off xml or do some other trick you’ve picked up because not you or anybody else gets 30 FPS constantly in every view. It’s just another smoke screen by you.

    To tell you he truth I’ll bet I’ve got clients with GeForce 4 cards that outperform yours.

    You may be able to scam everyone here with this but you are not scamming me.

    Now hear this and hear it clearly none and I repeat none of my clients has ever finished a session with me flying at a default airport with a default plane. None ever is that clear Jeff. Each of my clients finishes by flying their favorite plane at their favorite airport with their favorite weather turned up all the way that their machine can support.

    No client of mine ever wrote a thing to you about ending a session at a default airport. We test at Seattle Jeff whoever you are because I know what to expect at that scenery from each video card and set of drivers. TEST Jeff do you get it. TEST FLIGHT JEFF DO YOU GET IT.

    As to Black Viper who has ONLY ONE OF THE SITES about XP services try this one Jeff whoever you are. What services are absolutely essential to users in the UK? Which of the services have dependencies and which of the services are dependent on them. What software would be affected if you were to turn off a service in a global manner? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT I MEAN BY TURNING OFF A SERVICE GLOBALLY? You or whoever Tim is could look for the next millennium and never get any of that from BLACK VIPER.

    Now as I said I don’t know who Tim is but each of my clients gets full support from me Jeff whoever you are and if any client had something to say about what I did or did not do they know they can come and ask me anytime.

    So Jeff here’s what I’m saying if Tim was a client of mine and he came to you he must be really desperate. Somebody is perhaps stretching the truth here and it’s not Fs-GS. Got that Jeff whoever you are.

    And to all of you who are shocked at the strength of this response I will say:

    Beware of the Jeff’s of this world. They do not support this hobby. When Fs-Gs finishes our clients can feel safe that they can use their add-ons and their sims and they buy more products and download more freeware and support designers, programmers and sites like this one.

    Simmarket has benefited from the work of Fs-Gs in more ways than the small (but ever growing payments our clients make). My clients are avid simmers who go on to buy products that they can now use because of our service.

    And Jeff whoever you are that is the point.

    Michael Greenblatt

    Lead Technician Fs-Gs

    You know, for whoever decides to read this post, I was considering this service. I even sent an e-mail yesterday to FS-GS asking some of the same questions that "Jeff" asked in his initial post in this thread, but before I discovered the forum and this thread. My questions were not disrespectful and I don't believe Jeff's were either.

    My e-mail was answered with a generic response fom Michael Greenblatt mentioning that I needed MSN messenger, but nothing about the service and no answers to my questions. I, like Jeff, just want to have a little more information on some of the past improvements and what reasonable expectations should be, on average. No guarantees. No promises. Just some more information about what people in like circumstances have seen, and what is this seemingly mystical service that no one else seems to know about, but once performed demands the utmost secrecy. I don't think it's an unreasonable request to have more information before you buy. FS-GS can certainly choose not to respond, but the initial request is not unreasonable as Michael seems to believe.

    Well after reading this thread, I'm not looking any further. Michael, your posts to Jeff a few months ago were unprovoked and show something of your personality, if not your professionalism (or lack therof). Jeff never accused you of anything or called you a liar. In fact, all he did is what I did, is what we all should do before purchasing a product, he asked what the product is, how it works, and how does the provider stand behind it. For his trouble he was berated and made to feel like he had committed some grave offense.

    Michael, the service you provide may be a miracle to some. It may be revolutionary. The problem that you will have with me and people like Jeff, your rant not withstanding, is that we need more than a cult like set of testimonials. We need facts. I'm an engineer. I trust but verify. If you can't understand that, than you know very little about human nature or basic customer service.

    You can flame me if you want, but I think I've made my point in a civil way. Don't shoot the messenger. Sometimes the mirror is a very ugly place to look.

  4. I have no issues with paying you a fair price, but I think that 35% inflation due strictly to exchange rates is not fair.

    Is it any "fairer" for Peter to cut his prices by 35% based on depreciation in the US dollar? Welcome to the wonderful world of exchange rate risk - if you have a problem with the sagging dollar, there's an address on Pennsylvania Ave. you can send the letter to. ;)



    I understand macro economics, and I also understand the dynamics of the free market. I was making the point that from the perspective of a US customer, the price was inflated due to the current exchange rate, compared to a year ago, and I can choose not to pay what I consider to be an inflated price (~ $28US) for his product, regardless of the politics or global monetary policy.

  5. Mr. Dowson,

    While FSUIPC won't provide me with as much value as some other folks who fly heavies and use some of the advanced features, I have been considering it for the "Fix Acceleration Control" option with TrackIR2.

    The problem is that US customers are taxed with an approximately 35% exchange rate penalty that makes your product more expensive due to being priced in Euros. I have no issues with paying you a fair price, but I think that 35% inflation due strictly to exchange rates is not fair.

    Would you consider a site that sells in USD to distribute licenses for your products?


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