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Posts posted by computerman1597

  1. The short int is one of the other data types that a tried, after using byte, and having it return FSUIPC.Offset`1[system.byte].


    The fix ended up being converting the byte to an integer using the bytes .value, then display that using tostring():

    // Failure
    // Write status of failures to failure box
    // failEngines is the value of the offset from FSUIPC
    int engineFailed = failEngines.Value;
    this.failuresBox.Text = engineFailed.ToString();

    instead of calling failEngines.ToString().

  2. I am working on a c# program using the .NET Client DLL that, among other things, allows failing engines and instruments. I have been able to read values of things like the light status, etc. I would like to have the fail engine button set to fail the engine if it is currently working, or un-fail the engines if they are currently failed. However, when i try to read the current value, instead of a value, i just get FSUIPC.Offset`1[system.Int16]. Is the failure offset write only?


    I set the variable like this:

    private Offset<short> failEngines = new Offset<short>(0x0B6B); //Offset to fail the engines 

    And try to read it:

    // Failure
    // Write status of failures to failure box
     this.failuresBox.Text = failEngines.ToString();

    Is the offset write only (if that's possible) or is there something else that i need to be doing?


    I am currently using FSX.

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