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Posts posted by steveellis

  1. Hi Peter,

    OK, your sentence mentioning Simconnect, I will try down this avenue then as I do not think its was working correctly after the initial install. I have never had display problems in FSX with the very limited time I have had it on my system.

    I keep my system in very good order as well as my 4 other systems that run different FS programs with multi-displays, as most issues I do sort out myself, sometimes spending hours rectifying an issue. I do not resort to posting on support forums lightly, without exploring obvious avenues beforehand.

    I do apologise if you think you are getting blamed for display issues, I just had a small issue, Ill go back and play now.

  2. Hi Peter,

    I thought I would say thank you for the many years of dedication to the FS community with FSUIPC, I don'y know where we would be without it, quite frankly, I never had a chance to say thanks as I do not have the need to post much but visit quite regularly to see the latest goings on.

    I write to you with a small problem with my unregistered FSUIPC4, I feel the need now to start to move over to the "dreaded" FSX, its been on and off my hard drive many times.

    OK, when I am in full screen mode with FSX, if I use the Windows key (between the ALT and CTRL) to go to the desktop, and switch back to FSX it returns to the screen without any problems, however when I install the FSUIPC and do the same, it will not bring FSX back into view, sometime I have to repeatedly hit it about 5 or 6 times to get it back into full screen mode.

    If I uninstall FSUIPC, I have no problem, I can happily switch to and fro.

    I did a search for this and remeber in one post that yousaid that FSUIPC does nothing with display settings, but obviously there is a problem here.

    I have again uninstalled FSX, as I cannot continue with this niggly problem and was wondered if you are able to shed some light on what the problem might be. I am using 1280x1024 and my destop is at 1024x768 resolution. I have tried to match the desktop res with the FSX res but to no avail.


  3. I followed Pete's advice and hardwired the FS PC to the WAG54G and left the other 2 PCS on wireless networking.

    Ran to Frankfurt and did not experience any problems whatsoever.

    It looks like ( in my case, anyway ) that the linksys hardware may be prone to overload, might be an interesting tip for anyone else that goes down this wireless route.

    For info, the "Instructor Station" as I call it was running :

    Active Sky 2004, Radar Contact and British Airways Virtual Software which basically is a flight monitor with moving map.

    Thanks again Pete for the suggestion, :D :D

  4. Hi Peter,

    Many thanks so far, here is my server log, but a strange thing happened whilst pulling this log from my PCs which are upstairs, the connection dropped, and the WAG54G needed a reboot, the PCs upstairs had also dropped out of the network. I am starting to think if an overload problem has caused this to happen. My connection downstairs is low and I know about this

    For a lilttle info the PC running the WAG54G is wired to the PC, and the other 4 PCs are wireless and about 3 feet away and the connection speed is 54MBPS

    ********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 6.414] *********

    Blocksize guide = 4096 (double allowed)

    Date (dmy): 04/12/04, Time 10:11:20.171: Server name is FLIGHTSIM

    111813 Initialising TCP/IP server

    111828 Initialising IPX/SPX server

    111844 ServerNode=21139.43674.0.0.256

    122891 Restarting service due to total lack of use

    127219 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=3408)

    127219 Connected to computer "SERVER" (skt=3408)

    156250 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=3288)

    156266 Connected to computer "FLIGHTSIM2" (skt=3288)

    222141 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=3436)

    222141 Connected to computer "FLIGHTSIM3" (skt=3436)

    5050485 Retried 20 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 558 sent), Error=10035 (skt=3288)

    5050657 Retried 20 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 547 sent), Error=10035 (skt=3408)

    5050750 Retried 20 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 422 sent), Error=10035 (skt=3436)

    5055500 Retried 19 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 548 sent), Error=10035 (skt=3288)

    5055719 Retried 19 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 557 sent), Error=10035 (skt=3408)

    5055766 Retried 19 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 427 sent), Error=10035 (skt=3436)

    5060532 Retried 19 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 579 sent), Error=10035 (skt=3288)

    5060532 Error 10035: sends blocked for too long! Removing client (skt=3288)

    5060750 Retried 19 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 570 sent), Error=10035 (skt=3408)

    5060750 Error 10035: sends blocked for too long! Removing client (skt=3408)

    5060797 Retried 19 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 442 sent), Error=10035 (skt=3436)

    5060797 Error 10035: sends blocked for too long! Removing client (skt=3436)

    5197891 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=2636)

    5197938 Connected to computer "SERVER" (skt=2636)

    5197938 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=4024)

    5197985 Connected to computer "FLIGHTSIM3" (skt=4024)

    5202141 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=3716)

    5202141 Connected to computer "FLIGHTSIM2" (skt=3716)

    5216203 Send ok but needed 6 attempts! (533 of 533 sent) (skt=3716)

    5221907 Send ok but needed 3 attempts! (341 of 341 sent) (skt=4024)

    5222469 Send ok but needed 3 attempts! (334 of 334 sent) (skt=4024)

    5227313 Send ok but needed 5 attempts! (505 of 505 sent) (skt=3716)

    5230828 Send ok but needed 4 attempts! (392 of 392 sent) (skt=4024)

    5232032 Send ok but needed 3 attempts! (348 of 348 sent) (skt=4024)

    5237438 Retried 20 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 426 sent), Error=10035 (skt=4024)

    5240235 Retried 20 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 550 sent), Error=10035 (skt=3716)

    5242532 Retried 19 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 451 sent), Error=10035 (skt=4024)

    5243610 Retried 20 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 205 sent), Error=10035 (skt=2636)

    5245360 Retried 19 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 552 sent), Error=10035 (skt=3716)

    5247610 Retried 19 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 451 sent), Error=10035 (skt=4024)

    5247610 Error 10035: sends blocked for too long! Removing client (skt=4024)

    5248672 Retried 19 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 215 sent), Error=10035 (skt=2636)

    5250391 Retried 19 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 565 sent), Error=10035 (skt=3716)

    5250391 Error 10035: sends blocked for too long! Removing client (skt=3716)

    5252922 Error 10054: client socket disconnected at Client: removing (skt=2636)

    5322907 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=3420)

    5322907 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=3452)

    5322907 Connected to computer "SERVER" (skt=3420)

    5322907 Connected to computer "FLIGHTSIM3" (skt=3452)

    5323094 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=4568)

    5323141 Connected to computer "FLIGHTSIM2" (skt=4568)

    5395266 Retried 20 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 655 sent), Error=10035 (skt=4568)

    5395485 Retried 20 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 394 sent), Error=10035 (skt=3452)

    5399157 Retried 20 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 102 sent), Error=10035 (skt=3420)

    5400500 Retried 20 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 731 sent), Error=10035 (skt=4568)

    5400719 Retried 20 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 427 sent), Error=10035 (skt=3452)

    5404375 Retried 20 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 112 sent), Error=10035 (skt=3420)

    5405469 Error 10035: sends blocked for too long! Removing client (skt=4568)

    5405672 Error 10035: sends blocked for too long! Removing client (skt=3452)

    5408047 Error 10054: client socket disconnected at Client: removing (skt=3420)

    5477907 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=4248)

    5477907 Connected to computer "FLIGHTSIM3" (skt=4248)

    5482250 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=3692)

    5482297 Connected to computer "FLIGHTSIM2" (skt=3692)

    5483813 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=3304)

    5483860 Connected to computer "SERVER" (skt=3304)

    7087282 Retried 20 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 784 sent), Error=10035 (skt=3692)

    7087578 Retried 20 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 492 sent), Error=10035 (skt=4248)

    7090391 Retried 20 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 1143 sent), Error=10035 (skt=3304)

    7092328 Retried 19 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 914 sent), Error=10035 (skt=3692)

    7092641 Retried 19 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 532 sent), Error=10035 (skt=4248)

    7095516 Retried 18 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 1706 sent), Error=10035 (skt=3304)

    7097313 Error 10035: sends blocked for too long! Removing client (skt=4248)

    7097313 Error 10035: sends blocked for too long! Removing client (skt=3692)

    7097922 Error 10054: client socket disconnected at Client: removing (skt=3304)

    7232860 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=5828)

    7232907 Connected to computer "FLIGHTSIM2" (skt=5828)

    7244782 Retried 20 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 193 sent), Error=10035 (skt=5828)

    7250047 Retried 20 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 248 sent), Error=10035 (skt=5828)

    7253000 Error 10054: client socket disconnected at Client: removing (skt=5828)

    7387891 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=5012)

    7387891 Connected to computer "FLIGHTSIM2" (skt=5012)

    7388907 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=5384)

    7388953 Connected to computer "FLIGHTSIM3" (skt=5384)

    7391797 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=5728)

    7391844 Connected to computer "SERVER" (skt=5728)

    7515547 Retried 20 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 874 sent), Error=10035 (skt=5728)

    7516766 Retried 20 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 152 sent), Error=10035 (skt=5012)

    7516813 Retried 20 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 152 sent), Error=10035 (skt=5384)

    7520766 Retried 20 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 880 sent), Error=10035 (skt=5728)

    7521985 Retried 20 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 153 sent), Error=10035 (skt=5012)

    7522032 Retried 20 times: sends blocked for over 5 secs! (0 of 152 sent), Error=10035 (skt=5384)

    7522828 Error 10054: client socket disconnected at Client: removing (skt=5384)

    7522875 Error 10054: client socket disconnected at Client: removing (skt=5728)

    7523063 Error 10054: client socket disconnected at Client: removing (skt=5012)

    7730891 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=4740)

    7730938 Connected to computer "FLIGHTSIM2" (skt=4740)

    7733641 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=4580)

    7733672 Connected to computer "FLIGHTSIM3" (skt=4580)

    7827672 Closing down now ...

    Memory managed: Offset records: 4214 alloc, 4214 free

    Internal LAN buffers, maximum used: 1, refused: 0

    Throughput maximum achieved: 120 frames/sec, 20619 bytes/sec

    Throughput average achieved for complete session: 28 frames/sec, 4683 bytes/sec

    ********* Log file closed *********

  5. Hello Peter,

    Thank you for your reply, this is the log for the PC that has the router on and is running AS, e.t.c. If you need some more info, I will be back on forums in 2 hrs..

    ********* WideClient Log [version 6.414] Class=FS98MAIN *********

    Date (dmy): 04/12/04, Time 10:14:08.671: Client name is SERVER

    187 Attempting to connect now

    203 Connection made okay!

    3140 New Client Application: "PMFileCheck" (Id=228)

    176328 New Client Application: "BAVSchedule" (Id=1080)

    200953 New Client Application: "AS2004" (Id=828)

    258515 New Client Application: "RCV31" (Id=476)

    4936437 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!

    4936484 Ready to try connection again

    4936500 Attempting to connect now

    4956515 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!

    4956515 Ready to try connection again

    4956515 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10038] Socket operation on nonsocket

    4956515 Attempting to connect now

    4977578 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10060] Connection timed out

    4977578 Ready to try connection again

    4977609 Attempting to connect now

    5008672 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10053] Software caused connection abort

    5008672 Ready to try connection again

    5008734 Attempting to connect now

    5008859 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10065] No route to host

    5008859 Ready to try connection again

    5008922 Attempting to connect now

    5059828 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10060] Connection timed out

    5059828 Ready to try connection again

    5059859 Attempting to connect now

    5071015 Connection made okay!

    5129890 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!

    5129890 Ready to try connection again

    5129922 Attempting to connect now

    5133656 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10053] Software caused connection abort

    5133656 Ready to try connection again

    5133672 Attempting to connect now

    5133672 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10065] No route to host

    5133687 Ready to try connection again

    5133734 Attempting to connect now

    5184734 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10060] Connection timed out

    5184734 Ready to try connection again

    5184797 Attempting to connect now

    5196000 Connection made okay!

    5280984 Error on client post-Connection Select() [Error=10053] Software caused connection abort

    5280984 Ready to try connection again

    5281015 Attempting to connect now

    5283656 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10053] Software caused connection abort

    5283656 Ready to try connection again

    5283703 Attempting to connect now

    5283703 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10065] No route to host

    5283703 Ready to try connection again

    5283765 Attempting to connect now

    5334797 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10060] Connection timed out

    5334797 Ready to try connection again

    5334828 Attempting to connect now

    5356953 Connection made okay!

    6971953 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!

    6971953 Ready to try connection again

    6971984 Attempting to connect now

    7018672 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10053] Software caused connection abort

    7018687 Ready to try connection again

    7018734 Attempting to connect now

    7018734 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10065] No route to host

    7018750 Ready to try connection again

    7018797 Attempting to connect now

    7069843 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10060] Connection timed out

    7069843 Ready to try connection again

    7069859 Attempting to connect now

    7213672 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10053] Software caused connection abort

    7213672 Ready to try connection again

    7213687 Attempting to connect now

    7213687 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10065] No route to host

    7213687 Ready to try connection again

    7213734 Attempting to connect now

    7264984 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10060] Connection timed out

    7264984 Ready to try connection again

    7265000 Attempting to connect now

    7265000 Connection made okay!

    7400000 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!

    7400000 Ready to try connection again

    7400062 Attempting to connect now

    7436312 Reception maximum achieved: 39 frames/sec, 5237 bytes/sec

    7436312 Reception average achieved whilst connected: 21 frames/sec, 500 bytes/sec

    7436312 Max receive buffer = 4165, Max send depth = 4

    7436312 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 5, Alloc 717392 Freed 717392 Refused 0) *********

  6. Hi everyone,

    I really do not know where to start on this one but here goes.

    I run 4 PCs running Wide Fs ( Peter - the test version on PM ) using TCPIP with each CPU with its own IP address

    I am running the PM CDU, GC on 1, GC on another 1 and on my admin cpu I am running Radar Contact, Activesky2004 and the BAV software.

    My network setup is Wireless using the Linksys WAG54G and occasionally this network is dropping out. I cannot pinpoint the frequency of these drop outs, sometimes I get no problems but this morning for example, it dropped out 5 times which was quite frustrating.

    Peter, are running the deafults on wideserver and client doing the job or can you tell me of any possible tweaks to any initializing log that may improve my situation.

    I have called linksys and they have given me the best possible settings for the ADSL Gateway/Router.

    Now it may be Active sky when it is updating and the amount of traffic that the network is passing through and it may be bottlenecking somewhere. Any help would be most grateful, even if a certain setting might do the trick.

    If you need any more info, please let me know.

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