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  1. Thomas I downloaded yesterday from Peter's/John's site yesterday after noticing mention of version above. Have just re downloaded it and this is what is shown again.
  2. I have been using MakeRwys .exe Version date modified in zip file 4/11/2020 7.48AM. Downloaded after reading this post (apologies to OP for hi-jacking his post) Version date modified in zip file 1/9/2019 2.11AM. Strange? noels7
  3. Read article that Luke Kolin referred you to. I assume you will be using P3D V5 as you didn't mention a Flight Sim in your original post. If you had you would have seen: For those users who have recently (i.e. on or after 1st February 2020) purchased FSUIPC5 but will be updating to P3Dv5, I will supply a free license if you PM (or email) me your registration details (order number and date). noels7
  4. Peter I just wish to thank you for your efforts and time spent on attempting to rectifying the problem I was experiencing. I now have the function working in RC and P3D V2.2. Your time and efforts were unnecessary as it turns out. I was going to fully vent my frustrations in my last post on RC forum but in the end toned it down somewhat. Had my first post been read as written and not what the first responder thought I had written we all might had achieved a resolution sooner. I have been using FS variants for 10+ years and RC for approx 6 years. I had been working on this problem for many hours before my first post and had tried many options. The responses(not yours ) certainly confuses not only me but others. The phrasing of the responses confuses me in some instances let alone non english speaking users. To put it mildly the assistance you and I received from RC was vague and frankly I found useless. Thanks again for your help. Very appreciated. Regards Noel Southam
  5. "Peter I would appreciate if you could consider my latest response from the topic I created in Radar Contact forum on Avsim which I post here for your information. Peter As Dan (post29 above) I don't profess to be a computer expert. In my original post I said the following: Bold selections are additional comments or for emphasis. I save file(flight) option from within P3D V2.2. Save path for .flt and.wx files in Radar Contact options is set correctly. (C:\Users\Noel\My Documents\Prepar3D v2 Files) Rebuilt scenery db (in Radar Contact) has been actioned, MakeRwys.exe is updated and has been run (prior to running P3D V2.2). Latest P3D V2.2 FSUIPC version is installed. (Version For some reason When I save a flight (Noel) the following files are created: Noel.fxml, Noel.rcd, and Noel.WX. No file named Noel.flt is created and when I attempt to resume a saved flight by selecting Noel.rcd (C:\Users\Noel\My Documents\Prepar3D v2 Files) file, ok a dialog box appears (within Radar Contact) saying that (Radar Contact - C:\Users\Noel\My Documents\Prepar3D v2 Files\Noel.flt not found).flt cannot be found and Radar Contact can be started from initial start point of flight plan in P3D V2.2. As a result saved flight cannot be installed/resumed using Radar Contact. I don't think I caused any initial confusion from my original post. Regards Noel Southam noels7" I am very appreciative of your efforts to date to assist me. noels7
  6. Hi Peter Version 4.931 works without any problems and Radar Contact is now back working. No crashes whatsoever. Many thanks for your continual efforts to provide solutions for all our problems. Regards Noel Southam noels7
  7. Thanks for the Info Dave Only problem is that after installing version 4.93 P3D v2.2 starts to install and then disappears (shut down). Previous version was running great on P3D V2.2 except when I attempted to connect Radar Contact to the sim it crashed P3D v2.2. I was hoping that V 4.93 would fix that seeing Peter had modified it to be compatible with P3D v2.2. Version 4.93 appears to install ok going by the dialog boxes that appear during installation. If I uninstall V4.93 (no FSUIPC in module folder) P3D v2.2 starts and operates perfectly. Hope Peter reads this post, he might have an idea of what is happening Regards Noel Southam noels7
  8. Hi Peter I noticed your post of today at 11.49 am with reference to FSUIPC V 4.93 for P3D v2.2. Can you tell me where to download that version as I cannot locate it or is your post an advice prior to release. Hopefully this new version will rectify Radar Contact now crashing P3D V2.2 on my computer after update from V2.1. Your advice would be appreciated. Regards Noel Southam noels7 Peter please disregard above. Downloaded current version from http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html and V4.93 is in the rar file.
  9. Hi Scoobflight Many thanks for your assistance. Appreciated. Regards noels7
  10. Hi I am considering the purchase of Embraer Phenom 100 by FeelThere LE but have a couple of questions. 1. Will the installer be an .exe or .msi file. For some reason I have difficulty installing programs such as Adobe and others using a .msi installer. I don't wish to reinstall Win7 64 bit at this stage as all my research has ascertained that reinstalling windows might cure the problem since all other options canvassed on various fora have not overcome the problem?. 2. Are navdata updates (navigraph or aerosoft) available for the Phenom 100?. Your advice/assistance would be appreciated. Noel Southam noels7 noels7@bigpond.net.au
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