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Posts posted by gwillmot

  1. The database creation is the same as with 4.6, in fact 4.7 works the same as 4.6 so neither of you should have a problem with it.

    Not true! See previous threads. The handling of AFCADS are different between v4.7 and v4.6.

    If they WERE the same, then I would be able to compile with 4.7 (which I can't) and I CAN with v4.6. Same scenery, same scenery order, same AFCADS. What do YOU conclude?

    It's time to come to grips with this. Some have troubles with v4.7, some don't. Some can "fix" it with suggestions offered here, some can't.

    There IS a problem for many users. There is NO fix for all users.

    Let's tell it like it is, and stop being in denial. I don't mind there being a problem so much as I mind people stating that there isn't a problem.

    gwillmot :?

  2. FSNAV was working good until the fsnav4.7 came along. Now I get no world wide airport rwy or star/sid. In the fs9 modules I removed the scenery.000&001 and re-run the data base and came up with the same problem. Don't even get the 20 free tries.

    Does anybody know the answer??????


    I know I've been a thorn in the flesh to some about this matter. The only 100% reliable solution to this problem is to reload v4.6

    There are other suggestions in this forum, all of which did NOT work for me. I happened to have saved my version of v4.6 and I reloaded. I have never had a problem since.

    I can't even tell you what the differences are between v4.6 and v4.7.

    Can't be major, cause I really don't miss anything in FS9.

    Maybe we can connect and I'll be able to provide you a copy of v4.6. You can use your v4.7 key to register it without any problems.


  3. Firstly, I don't find it amusing. Secondly there is no way I can see from a look at the website for a user who downloaded v. 4.7 going back to 4.6. Thirdly it has been a while since this issue has been raised & there is no remedy in sight.

    I can create a database if I uncheck Tongass Fjords, Misty Fjords, & VancouverPlus_1 scenery files but repeatedly hang up if I go back & try to include them.

    Fortunately some users posted an attempted fix to create new Scenery files in FSNav. I had functioning older ones I saved & will be going back to using them.

    Dale H

    It's NOT amusing. I tried v4.7 several times, used all of the "suggestions", and never could get a compile. You're looking at someone who happened to keep v4.6 and reloaded it. I haven't had a single problem with v4.6 and it keeps on ticking.

    This is the ONLY remedy which worked for me after several attempts to get tech support from this site, and who bugged the forums for an answer which worked for everyone. There is none, and that's why I said that v4.6 is a reasonable answer to the problem. And now you know the rest of the story.

    Is this emoticon better for you? :twisted:


  4. Hi!

    Read immediately below for detailed problem, or second paragraph for short version.

    I am new here, and I have just begun using the full version of FSNav because I stopped using the demo a LONG time ago and just remembered how great it was. I am still learning to use the FMC, and I saw that you can export/import Flight info into an FMC, well when I start FSNav, it says to start up FSNavDBC and then go back in game. When I start it up, it goes through the first few sceneries, then it gets to KJFK (Simflyers) and it waits for over an hour, I would assume. I was only willing to wait an hour (went out to eat) before cancelling and begging for help!!

    Long story short, FSNavDBC seems to freeze (or takes forever to finish the job) when it gets to KJFK (Simflyers) and some other sceneries.

    Is this normal? Whether it is or not, how can I make it go faster?? I want to use FSNav, it is IMO the best navigation program ever made for a sim!!

    Please help out, and I appreciate your suggestions, thanks alot!!

    Heh...Heh....Heh.....It's a Version 4.7 Thing With MANY users. The only reliable workaround is to revert back to Version 4.6

    You'll never see the hangups and it works just fine. You'll never notice the difference to Version 4.7.

    g :P willmot

  5. gwillmot,

    There's a saying that I happen to believe in:

    "Change the things you can

    Accept the things you can't

    Be wise enough to know the difference"

    I may well be a "peacekeeper" but only because (a) there is clearly a problem on some systems, and (b) the ONLY real solution is going to come from Helge. Endless postings aren't going to change things. I wish I didn't have to do a full compile every time, but wishes aren't going to solve anything.

    In your situation you are lucky because there is a solution - use 4.6, which you admit compiles every time.

    I've said my piece and will now keep quiet on the subject. There ARE "fixes" for most users, but for the unfortunate few for whom nothing works, all I can offer is my sympathy.


    I understand what you're saying. Multiple posts are to try to engage Helge in a dialog.....which doesn't appear to be coming.

    Here's one of my favorite sayings:

    "It's the squeeking wheel that gets greased".


  6. I have installed FSNav 4.7 but everytime I run the database program it switches my PC off! No other programs cause this to happen. Have I not installed something extra or could something not be set right?


    Sorry no one is responding. This is a touchy subject for many.

    Version 4.7 database compiler can do many strange things for many users.

    There appears to be no clear cut solution other than to go back to v4.6 which was a stable product.


  7. Steve,

    Is the Version 4.7 DBC less than completely reliable ? Yes

    Are most of the problems solvable for most people ? Yes

    Is there a FSNavigator Team ? No, just Helge.

    Do the SimFlyers sceneries hang ? Mostly no, they just take a long time - up to 30 minutes per scenery layer on some systems. This was the same in V.4.6

    You've been offered one solution. Here's another. Delete the existing two database files and recompile. It is a bit of a pain having to do a fresh compile when you want to do an update after adding extra scenery, but most of the time this does work.

    We know there are problems, but this is in the hands of Helge, who has been very ill recently, and slagging off FSNavigator isn't going to solve anything.

    As for not getting any help, exactly which Forum are you reading at the moment ?


    In one corner we have Steve, who basically has told it like it is. I don't know if I'd use his "tone", but I've made plenty of comments on this issue before. He IS correct, and the tech support he received about a "faulty computer" is rubbish (at least he received a reply.....I never did over this matter).

    In the other corner is Alastair. Alastair is the peacekeeper. Unfotunately, his advise as to how to resolve this issue has not been of much help to those of us suffering the v4.7 compile issue. We do not need a defense of this problem, we need a solution. Again, v4.6 works just fine for me. It compiles every scenery that I"ve ever owned. Version 4.7 doesn't and never did. I don't care at this point what v4.7 is supposed to do opposed to v4.6. It has a major fault for quite a few of us, and it has NEVER been addressed or solved.

    I know, I know, I know about the misfortunes of Helge Schroeder. But the fact is, this problem has existed for a LONG time, and his solution is to state: "You have a instable computer. This is the problem. FSNavDBC is a stress application. Perhaps the memory timing? Or a harddisk problem? I think more a memory problem". Say what???????????

    If this is the future of FSNav.........I'm afraid the best of days are behind us.

    In conclusion....I can see all sides of the comments made on this issue (except for Helge's). Bottom line is (once again)........problem is not fixed and solutions offered have never worked for me. But I'm just a customer.....


  8. Right, and as far as I know his name is Helge Schroeder,from Germany.I was told he had a serious accident and is not in conditions to give any support for now. But... what about version 4.7 ???

    That's why I believe we can help each other , mainly in the case of SID/STAR updates. I continue updating lots of them- in some cases creating new ones- for my use. I can share this if somebody gives me support on HOW TO SEND THIS THRU THE WEB. I don't have computers experience.

    Best regards

    Marcos De Bonis.

    I gave up on v4.7 a long time ago whenever I could get no support from whomever. Running v4.6 just fine until I can find a replacement product that I like. Any recommendations?


  9. It seems like the problem has been solved. At least for this instance. Like the doctor says, "If it hurts when you do this, then don't do this!".

    The offending .bgl files have been located and the solution is to not use them during database creation. When the progam works with all of the other .bgl files and hangs up on these two, the problem is not with the program! Perhaps you could ask the creator of the afcad files if he/she can solve the problem with his/her files.

    Bob F.

    If it's not a problem, then why does the database compile using version 4.6 and doesn't with v4.7 (using the same files)?



  10. Hi again Paul,

    Well after several hours of trying and even going to the extreme of only leaving 1 AF2_**** file in my addon scenery/ scenery folder it still wont compile the database and locks up. IM not about to throw away all the afcad files I have so I guess I will just have to pass on this program and look elsewhere. From what I have read others who have had the program version 4.6 had no problems until they upgraded to 4.7. No doubt what ever the changes that were made between the 2 versions has created a problem that causes the program to freeze up while reading certain afcad files.


    Don :cry:


  11. Hi Sebastien,

    Before adding the numerous enhancements that you propose, might it not be worth addressing the "scenery compiling issue" that is affecting some users ?

    Given the extent of the changes you propose, FSNavigator would almost be a new product, with the pricetag that that would mean.

    One step at a time ........


    Thanks, Alastair!

    Some of us can use all the help we can get. Glad to see you see our plight.


  12. gwillmot

    Guys, there is no "TEAM" of FSNav developers. It is a "one man band" who's principal player (Helge) is still recuperating from a very, very bad motorcycle accident that nearly took his life.

    If and when he's able to function at all, he'll probably take a bit more interest in FS Nav again...

    A simple SEARCH of the forum messages would have at least informed you of these simple facts... :roll:

    I'm sincerely saddened to hear of Helge's unfortunate accident and resultant condition. I hope recovers fully and soon.

    Now....to the task at hand. I hope you have read this entire thread. Somehow, something was fundamentally changed from v4.6 to v4.7. How or what is still anyone's guess. I assume from this post that it was Helge's hand that provided the upgraded v4.7. If so, I can be patient until he recovers.

    To the comment that simply reading/searching the forum messages would have informed us of these "simple facts".........I don't search for accidents/Helge/one man band/etc. and to be hones, I really don't read ALL the threads that have been posted. Imagine that.

    I first searched for the requisite wording which described the problem that I and many others are having.

    As to continually posting over and over again. It wasn't untitl now (over 6 months since the original author posted) that you gave any sort of rationale as to why this issue was not being addressed. I thank you for that. BUT.....what if we had not continuously posted? Did you answer 5 months ago?.....4?.......3?......I think you see my point.

    Finally. Don't get so bent out of shape about multiple posts in the thread. If that upsets you, please just refuse to read that particular thread. Easy solution.

    OK....hope this is over until someone/anyone can fix the problem with v4.7

    gwillmot.....again, sorry.......and still the same

  13. Guys,

    I have read your problems and suggested methods for a fix, and, I'm sorry to say, that I also do not have any ideas that you have not already tried.

    As you will have gathered, the developers do not 'necessarily' read or take part in this forum.

    In these circumstances I would take either or both of the following actions:-

    Send an email to:- support@fsnavigator.com

    AND/OR if that doesn't work go here:-



    Rob W

    I tried the support@fsnavigator.com route a long time ago. Heard absolutely nothing.

    If FSNavigator wants to hold its supportors, then maybe the developers SHOULD, NECESSARILY read these forum topics.

    Where's the Beef?


  14. I have tried disabling all the add-on scenery in the DBC menu (and even some of the default also) - it did not fix the problem for me. If some other process is being suggested please describe.

    I guess those that take the money don't read this forum at all. As the one that started this thread almost 6 months ago I think that for a payware product like this the people that have paid for it and apparently can't use it (having to scour the net for an older version) at least deserve a "we are trying to fix the problem" or "we can't duplicate it" post. Just my opinion.

    Notice the concern to your passioned plea?


  15. As for "complaining"......it's often (unfortunatly) the only way to get things off center and moving towards a scenery.

    I'm very glad that you haven't thad this problem, but you have to understand that there are many faithful FSNavigator users who do....and those of us don't have any way our upgrading (for the first time since I've been using FSNavigator......FS98 days.....).

    Good luck to you in the future......and good luck to all of us with FSNavigatoritis..........

    gwillmot (still)

    "moving towards a scenery" = moving towards a solution

    "thad" = had

    "our" = of

    FSNavigatoritis = FSNavigatoritis

    gwillmot (still and once again)

  16. The new version adds a couple of new items to the database that the old version didn't have. The existance and location of fueling stations and the marker beacon locations are the ones that come to mind. My version builds the database just fine and includes these items. I'm saying that there must be some incompatability with some of your add-on scenery in reguards to these items that is causing the "choke".

    Or you could just ignore sensible advice and continue to bitch.

    Bob F.

    Out of the many posts on this subject, you are the only one who replied explaining the difference between the v4.6 and v4.7 compiler.

    I'm glad that someone at least acknowledges that there is a difference which could be causing the problem that many of us are having.

    As such, it appears that a large number of us will have to stay downrev and we won't be able to update our SID/STARS.

    Is there any way of modifying the v4.6 compiler to work with v4.7? I really don't need the apparent extra bells and whistle that v4.7 compiler does.

    As for "complaining"......it's often (unfortunatly) the only way to get things off center and moving towards a scenery.

    I'm very glad that you haven't thad this problem, but you have to understand that there are many faithful FSNavigator users who do....and those of us don't have any way our upgrading (for the first time since I've been using FSNavigator......FS98 days.....).

    Good luck to you in the future......and good luck to all of us with FSNavigatoritis..........

    gwillmot (still)

  17. Just to add to Bob's comments.

    As your initial post suggests that FS2004 can "see" the correct runways but FSNavigator cannot, it indicates that your FSNavigator database is incorrect, and may be corrected simply by running the Database Compiler again.


    .....Unless.......you can't compile anymore if you have FSNav v4.7.

    This is a problem that many are experiencing. As to date, there has been no "cure" except to revert back to version 4.6 which seems to work perfectly.

    Amos Otis

  18. Many of us have successful database files compiled. I've never had a problem. I attribute it to my using mostly stock scenery files. Some of the more complex files may be causing the problem. If you have some of them try disabling them one by one to see if it solves the problem. Its not a problem with the FSNavigator program!

    Bob F.

    But you see.....it IS a FSNavigator problem, as the data base is successfully compiled under Version 4.6, but it hangs up when using the Version 4.7 compiler (using the SAME sceneries)!

    If it was a scenery problem, it would have also choked v4.6!

    THAT's what's so frustrating.


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