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Posts posted by Robbybobby

  1. Hi,

    I have Win 7 64 Bit with FSX SP2 and had a very stable system for a long time now. The only CTDs that I had were related to the uiautomationcore issue which I solved long time ago with the replacement dll - the common solution for most of us.

    Since some days I started using my FSX installation again and had strange CTDs several minutes after starting a flight. Most of the time I did not even finish cockpit preparations but already got the crash.

    I tried a lot of things that did not help (like going back in graphics driver version, disabling scenery, trying several aircraft, etc.)

    At one point I did something that really made a difference - I deleted the FSUIPC.ini. And suddenly, I could just sit at the gate for hours and no crash (that was my test during all the disabling of add-ons: just start a flight at a gate and do nothing but wait some minutes for the crash).

    So, after that I did the setup of my Saitek Pro Flight Yoke and rudder pedals again via FSUIPC and enabled wind smoothing again. In the next two flights, I again got CTDs. So finally I decided to delete the FSUIPC.dll for a test, configured all controls in FSX directly, and for the first time I was able to finish a complete flight and sat at the destination gate for several hours more without any issue.

    So, I strongly get the feeling, that FSUIPC has a problem on my system that is causing crashes.

    I am using version 4.91 as registered user. I also downloaded Appcrashview and saw that the CTDs were Segfaults all the time, but in different modules. There were more crashes in DINPUT8.DLL than in all other mentioned dlls in the crash reports, however. Being a C++ developer myself for many years, I know that the crash doesn't always occur in the module that is initially responsible for the root of a crash, so maybe the faulting module names don't tell anything at all.

    Does anyone have similar experiences and can give me a hint how to solve that?

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