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  1. alright thanks for letting me know.
  2. Hi, I am trying to make the PMDG T7 more realistic; something wrong with the ground friction model at the moment( with an empty 77W you should be able to taxi without moving the thrust levers which is not the case). I have been trying to understand this issue but apprently PMDG can't edit that friction model without getting some serious sideeffects and destroying other parts of the model (I honestly wonder what that is..). I would just like to use the dynamic friction lua of FSUIPC instead but so far it has not been convincing ( it seems to be the same with or without the lua). Has anynone been able to use that with good results? Perhaps editing the lua file frictions values? thanks Chris
  3. Actually what I mean here is when I add the line 1= LUA dynamic friction , nothing happens in the ini file , Usually fsuipc is supposed to create the following line by itself [LuaFiles] 1 = DynamicFriction But I can't see this it when I reopen the ini file.
  4. Hi, I am experiencing a problem with this File for fsuipc , When I add the line 1= LUA dynamicFriction in the FSUIPC.ini nothing happens in FSX , I just reinstalled fsuipc, I do remember it used to add an automatic line [LuaFiles] 1 = DynamicFriction But It doesn't appear in my file, Thanks for your help!
  5. Hello, I downloaded the dynamicLua file for the FSX friction. In FSUIPC4.INI I insert the entry: [Auto] 1 = LUA DynamicFriction And I place the correct file in the module folder But actually it´s not working , nothing change with the ground friction in FSX. I just reinstalled FSX, so do you have and idea why it's not working because before it Use to work properly before this reinstallation. Thanks in advance for your answer Best regards cmdn
  6. Do you have any solutions?
  7. I tried it but it does not change the plane accelerate in the same way.
  8. Hello, . I just set the dynamic friction lua file for fsuipc. Everything works good but I would like to modify the ground friction default setting with the dynamic friction file (with text edit). How can I do that? which values I have to modify? I would like that the plane goes more slowly on the taxiway. I'm using the AXE A320/321; I show you what I see on the dynamic friction file, thanks in advance for your answer. -- This sets frictions according to recommendations by Johan Dees, early December 2012 -- Modded by Bob Scott to restrict wheel and brake reduced rolling friction effects to taxi speeds -- in order to preserve FDE-driven TOLD performance (on hard-surfaces only) ipc.RestoreFriction() -- The original FSX values are shown in the comment at the end of each code line ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, CONCRETE, ROLLING, DRY, 0.030) --0.050 ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, GRASS, ROLLING, DRY, 0.060) --0.080 ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, GRASS_BUMPY, ROLLING, DRY, 0.070) --0.090 ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, ASPHALT, ROLLING, DRY, 0.025) --0.050 ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, SHORT_GRASS, ROLLING, DRY, 0.050) --0.060 ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, LONG_GRASS, ROLLING, DRY, 0.060) --0.090 ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, DIRT, ROLLING, DRY, 0.050) --0.060 ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, GRAVEL, ROLLING, DRY, 0.060) --0.080 ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, BITUMINUS, ROLLING, DRY, 0.030) --0.050 ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, MACADAM, ROLLING, DRY, 0.030) --0.050 ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, TARMAC, ROLLING, DRY, 0.030) --0.050 ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, CONCRETE, SLIDING, DRY, 1.000) --0.640 ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, GRASS, SLIDING, DRY, 0.800) --0.640 ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, GRASS_BUMPY, SLIDING, DRY, 0.800) --0.640 ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, ASPHALT, SLIDING, DRY, 0.950) --0.640 ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, SHORT_GRASS, SLIDING, DRY, 0.800) --0.640 ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, LONG_GRASS, SLIDING, DRY, 0.800) --0.640 ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, DIRT, SLIDING, DRY, 0.800) --0.640 ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, GRAVEL, SLIDING, DRY, 0.800) --0.640 ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, BITUMINUS, SLIDING, DRY, 1.000) --0.640 ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, MACADAM, SLIDING, DRY, 0.950) --0.550 ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, TARMAC, SLIDING, DRY, 1.000) --0.640 ipc.SetFriction(BRAKE, CONCRETE, ROLLING, DRY, 0.900) --0.700 ipc.SetFriction(BRAKE, GRASS, ROLLING, DRY, 0.700) --0.500 ipc.SetFriction(BRAKE, GRASS_BUMPY, ROLLING, DRY, 0.650) --0.400 ipc.SetFriction(BRAKE, ASPHALT, ROLLING, DRY, 0.900) --0.700 ipc.SetFriction(BRAKE, SHORT_GRASS, ROLLING, DRY, 0.650) --0.500 ipc.SetFriction(BRAKE, LONG_GRASS, ROLLING, DRY, 0.650) --0.500 ipc.SetFriction(BRAKE, GRAVEL, ROLLING, DRY, 0.650) --0.500 ipc.SetFriction(BRAKE, BITUMINUS, ROLLING, DRY, 0.900) --0.700 ipc.SetFriction(BRAKE, MACADAM, ROLLING, DRY, 0.900) --0.700 ipc.SetFriction(BRAKE, TARMAC, ROLLING, DRY, 0.900) --0.700 --restore friction/braking to default when above taxi speed to preserve FDE performance fidelity taxi_spd = 30 --changeover threshold in knots groundspeed cur_status = 1 while 1 do GS_ipc = ipc.readSD(0x2B4) GS = GS_ipc / 65536.0 * 1.94384 --groundspeed in knots if GS < taxi_spd then slow = 1 else slow = 0 end if cur_status ~= slow -- threshold was crossed then cur_status = slow if slow then ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, CONCRETE, ROLLING, DRY, 0.025) ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, ASPHALT, ROLLING, DRY, 0.030) ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, BITUMINUS, ROLLING, DRY, 0.030) ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, MACADAM, ROLLING, DRY, 0.030) ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, TARMAC, ROLLING, DRY, 0.030) ipc.SetFriction(BRAKE, CONCRETE, ROLLING, DRY, 0.900) ipc.SetFriction(BRAKE, ASPHALT, ROLLING, DRY, 0.900) ipc.SetFriction(BRAKE, BITUMINUS, ROLLING, DRY, 0.900) ipc.SetFriction(BRAKE, MACADAM, ROLLING, DRY, 0.900) ipc.SetFriction(BRAKE, TARMAC, ROLLING, DRY, 0.900) else --restore to defaults when above taxi spd ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, CONCRETE, ROLLING, DRY, 0.050) ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, ASPHALT, ROLLING, DRY, 0.050) ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, BITUMINUS, ROLLING, DRY, 0.050) ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, MACADAM, ROLLING, DRY, 0.050) ipc.SetFriction(WHEEL, TARMAC, ROLLING, DRY, 0.050) ipc.SetFriction(BRAKE, CONCRETE, ROLLING, DRY, 0.700) ipc.SetFriction(BRAKE, ASPHALT, ROLLING, DRY, 0.700) ipc.SetFriction(BRAKE, BITUMINUS, ROLLING, DRY, 0.700) ipc.SetFriction(BRAKE, MACADAM, ROLLING, DRY, 0.700) ipc.SetFriction(BRAKE, TARMAC, ROLLING, DRY, 0.700) end end ipc.sleep(999) end --loop indefinitely regards christopher M
  9. Hello, I have some questions about this new ground friction module for fsx: Is that possible to change the groud friction intencity via FSUIPC? On wet runway it doesn ´ t work? Thnaks in advance. Regards Christopher M
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