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Posts posted by quantumleap

  1. Pete,

    Thanks for the information. Not sure what is happening then (maybe I'll snoop the packets and see what is being transmitted).

    In my tests I had disabled all other entries in the dll.xml apart from FSUIPC and removed all lines in the [Trusted] section of the FSX.cfg to make sure nothing else was running which used FSUIPC.

    This was with version 4.80. I noticed that a newer update was available and installed it. Interestingly the installer for 4.827 also made a similar network request to one of the previously listed sites (Cybertrust Ubizen in Belgium). I then updated the FSUIPC.dll further to 4.839b. With this newer version, I no longer get the network requests.



  2. I have a firewall on my system which alerts me to outgoing network requests.

    When FSUIPC is enabled in the FSX dll.xml, when I start FSX it flags that it is attempting to connect to four sites in Europe (Verizon Business in Belgium, Cybertrust Ubizen in Belgium, CloudFlare EU and Telecom Italia Mobile) and one in the US (CloudFlare Inc). Why is this?

    If FSUIPC is disabled in the FSX dll.xml these network requests do not happen. I do not get this notification for any other software on my system, just FSUIPC.



  3. Usually a "Stopped Responding" means that it is very busy processing (or stuck in a loop) or it is sat waiting to talk to the network or some driver and has had no response yet.

    Personally, if I was seeing a similar issue in code I had written, I would install the VB development environment on the Vista machine and run it under the debugger.

    My gut feeling is that it is still most likely an issue with your SimConnect installation on the Vista machine. Have you guaranteed that SimConnect is working on your Vista machine to remotely talk to your FSX machine?

    Another thing, when you compile the app on your Windows XP machine, are you setting the build configuration for the platform to be an "x86" app or leaving it at the default "Any CPU"? If left at "Any Cpu" when run on 64-bit Vista it will look for 64-bit versions of SimConnect libraries and there are not any available.


  4. There should be no differences in how you write the VB code for XP or Vista. I develop on my XP system, and run the same built app on it and my Vista machine all the time.

    I suspect a simple reason. Do you have SimConnect installed on the Vista machine? If it isn't, then the first time you try to actually use it you'll get a crash because the imported reference to SimConnect in your VB code cannot find it.

    Note that when you get the "your app has stopped working" dialog in Vista, there is a control at the bottom which allows you to view the problem details. In the case of SimConnect not being installed one of the problem signature lines will say something like System.IO.FileNotFoundException.


  5. A few things to start. Brake values are not normally just on/off but a range of braking from none through to 100% (as would be done if they were handled by rudder pedals and not switches). Buttons on the yoke can effectively send a signal just on activation or when held. The latter is normally done by having the signal sent at a repeat interval (set via the FSX Control Settings dialog buttons/keys section).

    From what you describe it sounds as if your assigned brake buttons are being seen just on activation with no repeat. You therefore need to look to set the buttons to repeat so check you buttons/keys section in the FSX Control Settings dialog. FSUIPC will not normally intercept buttons unless you have progam them to do so. You'll need to check that you have not done so via the 'Buttons + Switches' tab or you have changed the calibration of the left/right brakes under 'Joystick Calibration'.


  6. You say the value isn't what you want, but is it correct?

    While you do not say where the aircraft actually is, I would guess that you are trying your code with the default FSX starting flight near Friday Harbor which does in fact have a longitude near -123.029740092334 in decimal degrees notation which is what your code is written to return.

    If you want it to appear in another format like degrees minutes seconds (e.g. W123 1' 47'') or degrees and decimal minutes e.g. (W123 1.784') you are going to have to do the conversion yourself.


  7. WideView and FSUIPC/WideFS are completely different programs written by completely different people doing completely different things.

    I do not think that they are available on disk, but as you obviously have some access to the Internet, even if your flightsim PCs do not, they are such small packages that you could download them on the machine you do have on the Internet and then copy them via something like a USB thumb-drive or burn a CD yourself.

    To find out what FSUIPC and WideFS do, download them from http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html and read through the very complete manuals included in them.

    A full FAQ on what WideView does is available at http://www.wideview.it/faq.htm


  8. Teo,

    Try something like this:

    In the section where you define what FSUIPC offsets you are interested in

    Dim altitude As Offset(Of Long) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Long)(&H570)

    NOTE - This is the altitude of the aircraft and not the ground, you cannot get ground altitude.

    In your section of code after you have got this offset data via FSUIPC, you calculate the altitude with a number and a fractional part something like this

    Dim rawFakeAlt As Long

    Dim tmpAltDbl As Double

    rawFakeAlt = altitude.Value

    tmpAltDbl = CDbl(rawFakeAlt / (65536.0 * 65536.0))

    At this point, the value you have in tmpAltDbl is what you want e.g. 200.34 metres. You can of course obfuscate the code and shorten it, but I wanted to show you how the raw data from FSUIPC is taken (as the 8 bytes which Pete explained) and then easily handled by his calculation to get the answer you are looking for.

    Hope this helps.


  9. As you are running FSUIPC4 under FSX on Vista, have you made sure that you are running both the FSUIPC installer and FSX as an administrator level application? If not, Vista may not be allowing the installer or FSX to write the necessary information in the configuration files.

    See the FSUIPC4 User Guide under Installation for more details.


  10. ...is there any possibility to read out values from FS9 (for example winds, temperature and so on..) via FSUIPC directly onto an excel-sheet?

    As noted above, this is possible, and I did something similar to this myself. One thing I'd suggest is that unless you have some very specific reason why you want to directly create and write the data into a .xls file, it would be considerably easier to write the data out into a .csv file. Excel would be able to read that just as easily as a .xls file.


  11. First try the 4.104 version which is available by following the link in the "FSX Downloads and Updates [21st may 2007]" posting.

    Next, as your last log was just the FSUIPC4 install log, which tells you nothing about what happens when FSUIPC4 tries to run in FSX, you'll need to supply details from the FSUIPC4.log file if the issue is not resolved by the 4.104 install (found in the Modules folder alongside the FSUIPC4.DLL itself).


  12. I've not heard of NOD32

    It is an anti-virus solution developed by ESET (http://www.eset.com) and performance is far better and system overhead is considerably less than others like Norton.

    Note that it is not really a firewall solution and just does things like memory resident and on demand file scanning, in/out email from Outlook via MAPI, Microsoft Office document scanning, and Winsock scanning of HTTP and POP3 traffic.

    Now this last element may impact how FSCommander operates, but saying that ...

    it sounds like it is one of those whose hooks disagreee with the way SimConnect works.

    I use it with no issues on both my Vista 64-bit system running FSX with FSUIPC and WideFS enabled, and on my WideClient connected Win XP system running my own custom applications and things like ActiveSky (I do not run FSCommander though).


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